
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by monica77, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    My babies love yogurt, they eat a yogurt each after lunch and after dinner. We are only giving them YoBaby yogurt so far, because it is supposed to be good for babies... I was wondering, when can we give them regular yogurt? I was thinking to try giving them plain yogurt for a change, YoBaby is great but it's all sweet plus it's more expensive. I would rather get plain yogurt and put some fruit in it. Are we depriving them of something that they need if we try regular yogurt or is it just a hype with YoBaby? What do you think?

    Thank you,

  2. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I think YoBaby is mostly hype. And it sort of freaks me out that many of the baby yogurts don't require refrigeration- just seems unnatural.

    Our girls eat a ton of Greek yogurt. We've done Dannon and such, too.
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I've been buying the Stoneyfield Organic Toddler yogurt for about a year now. I read a lot of the ingredients, amount of sugar, etc. in the "kids" yogurts and about had a heart attack! And the thing is, when you break it down per ounce, the Stoneyfield isn't any more than the non-organic kids' yogurt (especially if I catch it on sale). So that's what I buy, but I don't know if they would have it where you live/shop.
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We never did YoBaby. I bought plain organic yogurt and mixed it with baby food or applesauce. YoBaby is nothing but regular sweetened yogurt in a fancy package that makes you think it's special for kids.
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  5. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    Yoplait has a good yougurt out for kids that has less sugar than the other kid yogurts. It is cheaper than yo baby...not organic tho. It has Disney princesses or Cars on the package. A package of 4 for $1.75. I also buy a big container of vanilla yogurt (not light, just original yoplait) and they love it. I myself son't care for plain yogurt...too bitter/sour. I tend not to give the babies things that I dont like, which is probably NOT a good thing! LOL!
  6. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    There's nothing special about YoBaby. It's just regular organic yogurt with extra sugar added. (really)

    So yeah - switch to plain yogurt whenever you want and add your own flavors/sweetener.
  7. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    I used whole milk yogurt for about 3 1/2 years with my guys, because they needed the extra fat. I didn't start offering the low cal variety until after that.
  8. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    our ped suggested yobaby because its full fat. Like whole milk. My kids loved it but I couldn't handle the smell or the price lol. I buy either gerber or yoplait.
  9. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    We use whole milk yogurt add queeze fruit mixed veggies. My boy loves it. You can buy whole milk yogurt. I think different brands have more or less fat. But it is way better than yobaby. My kids ate yobaby until last month. Now they love whole milk yogurt added fruit and veggies.
  10. Feydruss

    Feydruss Active Member

    Agreed. I do plain full fat yoghurt and add some homemade fruit puree (apricot, mango, applesauce, pear, etc).
  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think that you'd be fine using plain yogurt and adding your own fruit. My two also love Greek Yogurt as well.
  12. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    We never used baby/kids yogurt. I used whole milk plain yogurt and switched to low fat plain yogurt at age 2. My kids love it plain and I think it's good too. Sometimes I mix in granola and berries, making it a parfait.
  13. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    I have never given my twins "baby" yogurts. I have given them whole milk or greek yogurt. These I can buy in bigger tubs that are much cheaper.It is not so much trouble to put this in smaller tubs with lids if we go out and I need to give them a snack.
  14. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Thank you guys, I appreciate your opinion. I was thinking to try full fat plain yogurt and mix fruit in it also. I realized yesterday that 1 tub of YoBaby has 14g of sugar. I don't think that's good for them. I am sure it will be cheaper to do it with plain yogurt also.
  15. k2daho

    k2daho Well-Known Member

    We've always just given plain, full fat yogurt. No flavouring, no sugar added. We don't even add fruit or flavour at home, they are used to having it plain and love it!

    As a pp said, Yobaby is just about packaging and hype. Nothing special about it, and in fact since it has added sugar you'd be better giving your babies a healthier type of yogurt anyhow and stop spending the extra money on Yobaby :)
  16. talktomei

    talktomei Well-Known Member

    Agree with the multiple pps on yogurt with one exception - our pedi said that full fat isn't required for yogurt, only milk. that being said, i do buy plain whole milk organic yogurt when i can find it, and 2% greek when i can't.
  17. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    That's actually not too bad for sugar content, when compared to other yogurts like Yoplait for instance. That being said I only gave our boys YoBaby for a few months when they were infants and then realized it was just hype. And I couldn't stand how runny it was, and therefore extra messy. A while back I started getting Yoplait Thick N Creamy yogurt because it was pretty thick. But it had like 27g of sugar per 6 oz, which I think is fairly common for "standard American" yogurt. But recently I switched to Chobani (sp?) Greek yogurt and we love it! It is also thick (like most Greek yogurts) and it only has about 17g of sugar per 6 oz, which isn't too bad considering that our 2.5 year old boys usually just split one as a before-bed snack. I've tried the tubs of Greek yogurt, but it seems like after a few days in the fridge it gets a little runny. So I tend to buy the 6oz containers of Greek yogurt.
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