She's peeing everywhere!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JennyR, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. JennyR

    JennyR Well-Known Member

    Hi ladies!

    I am at my wit's end. My 4yo DD has started peeing everywhere. She has been fully potty trained (day and night) for over a year. Within the last few weeks she has started having accidents both at home and when we are out. She peed in the middle of the bread isle at Target last week. And, this week at AC Moore. She's started wetting her bed at night, and last night she wet MY bed! I took her to see the pediatrician and her urine culture came back negative. So, it's not a UTI or anything. Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on? How to solve it? And, most importantly, how to get urine out of my mattress (went thru my mattress pad. . .grrrrr. . .)?!?


  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When my kids go thru a grown spurt they end up having accidents. I have no idea why, but it even happened with my son up until he was about 7 yrs old. It's not all the time though, usually just at night.

    Has something changed recently? Did she start preschool? New baby? New babysitter? Sometimes when something rattles their little worlds, they'll start doing that kind of thing, sometimes by accident and sometimes on purpose for attention.

    As for your bed, a steam cleaner should get it out for you! :hug:
  3. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Similar situation happening here, but my mom and MIL convinced me she had a bladder infection. So I left work early to take her to the doctors where they told me the tests were clean and negative. The doctor told me little girls at this age can not go all the way because they are in a hurry so they end up having accidents. So we are working with her to make sure she has "gone all the way" when she goes potty. I hope this phase passes quickly.
  4. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I was wondering this too. I don't think you can deal with it until you figure out what's causing it. It could be something physical like not fully emptying her bladder or not wanting to stop what she's doing and waiting too late. On the other hand there could be something unsettling her which is causing the accidents. At least you have already ruled out anything medical.
  5. JennyR

    JennyR Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone! There have been no changes -- same school, same class, same house, same car, no new pets, no new siblings. I honestly have no clue what's causing it. My only thought is that maybe she is using it to try to control me in some way. It could be attention-seeking, but she gets much more attention than her brother. I don't know how I could focus on her any more than I already do. How do you determine whether she has emptied her bladder or not? I don't think that's what's happening, but it's certainly worth a try!

    I don't have a steam cleaner, but I may have to go out and rent one. Right now, I'm trying hydrogen peroxide. We'll see how that goes.

    Thanks again!
  6. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    Just a question, did the doctor check her sugar? I don't want to worry you, but a sign of diabetes is peeing all the time. Does it seem to be she's going more than usual? Is she more thirsty? Is she eating lots and losing weight? If it's just the accidents, it's may not be, but if the other answers are yes, get her back to the doctor ASAP.

    And I love Resolve fabric cleaner. It got urine out of my mattress that soaked through a mattress pad.

    ETA the stuff about Resolve
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  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    for us I think it's a control thing! My dd thankfully is doing well at school in the mornings, but at home, she seems to get busy and when you prompt her to go pee (like when she's crossing her legs!) she says no she doesn't have to go! UGH!

    last year, when she's been PTd for a few months she regressed when we started praising ds for doing better at having bms on the toilet she started peeing in her booster seat at the table... I, too, thought that it might be a UTI issue... went to the dr and it wasn't a medical issue. so basically last year I just upped the praise for her.

    So I think maybe I need to start finding ways to praise her more too... otherwise, not sure what I can do.
  8. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I would up the praise, as PP said. Maybe add some kind of reward for staying dry for an entire day.

    As for your bed, I would try Nature's Miracle. We have had our dog and kids pee on our couches (as in empty their entire bladder, so it was a lot of urine). Nature's Miracle (found at pet supply stores) will neutralize the odor. You have to douse the spot with it though. Use way more than you think you need. We buy the gallon size.
  9. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    as far as getting her to empty out completely, i had this issue when i was pg;). now i make myself cough if i'm not sure i'm completely "done," and it always works. i even tought my boys to do it (sorry if tmi!).

    i also agree that praise and affection might help. and have her help you cleanup the mess (while trying to stay positive). i've read this helps.......... best of luck!
  10. JennyR

    JennyR Well-Known Member

    I'm definitely going to try some of those cleaners. And, probably the coughing if I can convince her to do it (how did you explain it to your kiddos?). DH has been sleeping on the sofa because he doesn't want to sleep in the pee! I've put her back in diapers at night and that is really getting to her. I was about to stop when I found that her panties were damp when I removed them for her bath. When I said something to her, she told me that someone else must have peed in her undies. What on earth do I say to that?!? She is so stubborn! I don't think praise will matter to her. She gets tons of it already. And, lots of hugs and attention. She spends almost the whole day touching me in some fashion -- yep, even when I'm in the bathroom.

    As for her sugar, the doctor didn't do a blood test, but did check to see if sugar was being spilled into the urine. It was clear. So, I don't think it is diabetes. But, I REALLY appreciate the suggestion. It would never have crossed my mind. And, it does run in my family.
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