the superfecta of ear infections

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bellawillawyatt, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    Took the twins to the doctor today, well first made an appointment for Willa Grace because her cold had developed a nasty cough. The at the last minute called and had them add Wyatt because he was tugging on his ears last night and I figured with my luck we will be back tomorrow with him. Well thankfully lungs are clear no RSV just sinus and both twins have double ear infections. 1st for Willa Grace 4th for Wyatt sense June so we have an appointment with the ENT on the 25th. The thought of tubes scares me. I think its the thought of the meds to put him under more than anything but any reasurance will be taken! :)
  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Poor babies, ear infections are not fun.

    Both of my boys have tubes. They were put under, but I do know of some ENT, that don't put them under, so it depends on the doc. The sugery itself is SUPER fast. For my boys, they were taken back, I had time to go to the bathroom, and grab a coffee at the hospital caf, which is like a 1 min walk from the OR, and had 2-3 sips and the ENT was out to tell me how surgery went. Nathaniel had a harder recovery but that is because he had a wicked double ear infection the day of surgery. William was home 1 day from daycare, but he was eating and running around the same day as surgery like nothing ever happened. They'll do fine. It's def harder on us then them. I looked at it this way, the tubes will help with proper drainage, and therefore have them tubes put in will help with any hearing loss they may have suffered, but my guys had hearing loss and their hearing is almost normal again, and they wont be on antibiotics all the time.
  3. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    My niece had tubes about that age and it made a HUGE difference for her - no more ear infections, for one, and totally changed her personality. She went from crying and whining ALL the time, to being very happy and cheerful. My SIL was very, very nervous about putting her under, but so glad they did it once it was over.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: I hope the kiddos are feeling better soon. My BF, her two boys had tubes put in and the tubes made a world of difference for them.
  5. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Tubes will make your life so much easier. I do not recommend doing them without anesthesia! I had them done myself without anesthesia and that is beyond painful. 3 of my four kids have had tubes and it was so amazing to not have to go to dr for every infection. We kept the drops at home and anytime we saw an infection we just put the drops in! No more antibiotics and dr visits. I was able to go into the operating room with them until they were asleep. That made me feel so much better! Good luck!
  6. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We had jessys tubes done w/ a local in office. She cried for maybe a minute which was more the Papoose board than the tubes. She was cranky but not bad
  7. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    My DS had the operation for grommets yesterday. The worst to me was the crying afterwards. He was so confused. Besides an end to ear infections, I hope that he will also change from a whining, crying little boy to a happy one.

    I need to put drops in his ears, anyone will advice how to get it in as half runs out?
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