
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bellawillawyatt, Oct 6, 2011.

  1. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    Willa Grace has a cold. No cough just congestion and TONS of snot. Is there anything I can give her to dry her up?
  2. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Do u have electric nasal aspirator? Suck her nose every hour will help. M & N just got cold like 2 weeks ago. It sucked. If they don't take vitamin daily, maybe u should ask their Pedi see if it's ok for them to take it. Good luck! And hope she will feel better soon. Poor baby!
  3. Cjoy

    Cjoy Well-Known Member

    I just took DS2 in to the dr yesterday...he had a 99.7 temp since Monday, and yesterday it got up to 101.2 and he lost his appetite Tuesday we went in. She said it was just an upper respiratory infection and it will work itself out. I did give him one dose of Tylenol for comfort before bed last night, and turned on the vaporizer. Otherwise, nothing. I did suck out his nose a few times since Monday...but he freaks out, so it was only a few times.

    Oh, and the dr said if anyone was taking a shower to have him in the bathroom at the same time as the steam would be good for him....I nearly responded "do you have kids?", but I just smiled and said "ok". Who can leave their 15month old running free in the bathroom? I sure can't. They will be swimming in the toilet or emptying the drawers in a matter of minutes, no matter how sick they are.

    Good luck!
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I can't leave mine unattended alone, but I've been known to give warmer baths everyday & let the steam build up before we go in to bathe them when they have a cold. I've also turned on the shower & sat in front of the cabinets (so they can't get into the QTips), bringing toys into the bathroom for them to play with. Even 5-10 min really helps. :)

    I agree with the PPs who said to use the humidifier & the nasal syringe. We kept ours from delivery & actually have had 1 quit on us this year as we use it so often (it's freakishly dry here in CO & we 'snork' them out after every bath to get the loosened snot out).
  5. traciwinkler

    traciwinkler Well-Known Member

    We were in the doc's office on Monday for the same thing. In addition to his major runny nose and a cough, my DS ended up having a double ear infection and DD was just starting one. I asked about the runny nose when we we were in there and our pediatrician said I could give DS children's Benadryl if I felt the need to dry him up- I confirmed the proper dosage with her since the bottle says you shouldn't give it to kiddos under two. I decided against giving it since we already had him on a course of meds for the ear stuff, but you might want to call your doctor and see what they say.

    I hope Willa Grace feels better soon!
  6. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    Childrens Benadryl!!! It will clear that snot right up! I would give it closer to bedtime though, makes them sleepy.
  7. murtygirl

    murtygirl Well-Known Member

    I have no problem giving Benadryl:) Dries them up and helps them rest which is sooo necessary when they are sick. The dose is the same amount you would give of the Children's Tylenol/ Motrin (NOT infant drops). SO if your baby takes 1 tsp of Tylenol, they would take 1 tsp of Childrens Benadryl. Don't take my word for it, of course, check with your ped:)
  8. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    Iliadin nose drops also works well, but you can only use it for 3 days and you will need a prescription. ( you get it in a spray as well, but my kinds don't like it when I use it) I also use just normal saline nose drops to in between to clear their noses. You can use this as often as you like.
  9. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    A warmer bath, maybe with a few drops of baby cold bath oil, helps to get things running and then clear them up for bed; it usually lasts a few hours into the night. I do this even if they are running a moderate fever. If they get too congested at night I use saline nose drops and raise the bed a little for the head. Again, this is more to keep things flowing which I prefer to drying them up.

    Get well soon!
  10. lauravic

    lauravic Member

    We also use saline, but in the spray form. My ped says to use it pretty often if they are congested. Works well for us. We use baby vapor rub, called snufflebabe on chest and back as well. Hope they feel better soon!
  11. JoannaD

    JoannaD Well-Known Member

    We use a vaporizer, vicks baby rub on the chest and feet, nasal aspirator, and warm baths. It helps some!
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