Diaper Change Hell

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fmcquinn, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    DD1 has never been excited about getting her diaper changed, but now she's fighting it by crossing her legs or locking her knees together. Trying to wipe her is like prying open the jaws of life. There's no redness or rash, so I don't think she has any kind of infection. But I feel like wiping might be hurting her. Has anyone had this experience?
  2. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

  3. mom2gc

    mom2gc Well-Known Member

    Have not had the same experience, but know if you think it is the wipes, try using only a face cloth with water to wipe her. My DD is very sensitive to wipes. Hope it gets better.
  4. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    My one daughter refused to lie down anymore around 1 1/2 year, so for months I changed her standing up. Poop and all. I noticed my girls became more aware of what is down there. Maybe the feeling of it just being touched is a weird sensation, not neccessarily painful but uncomfortable. They lock their knees together and get difficult at times. Letting them change their babies diapers and letting them use the wipes on their dolls helped a bit. Immitating what mommy does. Now we are almost 2 years and at the point where they want to change each others diapers, quite a sight to see. And mommy wants them to use the potty!!
  5. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    This is off-topic but I just had to laugh so much reading this - are you describing my house?

    To the original poster:
    I second trying to use a very soft flannel or muslin cloth with (preferably warm) water instead of wipes. You also do not have to wipe as hard with a wet soft cloth.
    You could also begin teaching her to wipe herself, beginning with pee diapers of course. My LOs much prefer that to me washing them - they wipe themselves and then mommy "does the bits you can't reach". It takes longer than doing it yourself but they like feeling involved and in control rather than just "being handled".
  6. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    My daughter does that too. She acts like I am hurting her when I clean her. I've been muscling through. Oh, and mine are starting to try to wipe each other too! so cute and gross at the same time!
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