Tips for keeping their clothes separate?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MarchI, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Jacob is now 36 inches and probably 28 lbs. Henry is 35 inches and maybe 23lbs. There is now quite a difference between the two and I think this fall/winter they won't be able to wear the same size clothing. Any tips for keeping two sizes separate? DH is good but often not careful about looking at tags. He is the one who does drop off so he is the one who picks out clothes. Anything I can do to help would be a good idea.
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Keep them in different drawers, and/or get the clothes ready in the evening so he doesn't have to pick (even though he'll still have to look at the tags). Men, eh?
  3. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    If you don't have the space/inclination to give them their own draws/wardrobe each then I would just assign each a side. So all Henry's clothes go on the left hand side and all Jacob's go on the right (alphabetical order the way you read to make it easy to remember). Then you can sort the clothes by labels after washing and put them in the correct side. That way when your husband picks out an outfit all he will need to do is take a shirt and pants from each side, no need to check labels.
    For things that are not kept in their room (eg coats) you might be better off getting them different colours so you can tell at a glance whose is whose.
  4. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I think having different colors as much as possible would help. You may also be able to get away with the same size pants on both boys (roll up Henry's) and then you only have to worry about shirts.
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I like Zoe's idea - but I also wanted to point out that it's not the end of the world if DH mixes up their clothes. My kids have been slightly different sizes for a couple of years now, but they still share most of their clothes because it's just not worth the trouble (mine, DH's, or theirs) to keep things straight. So what if Amy sometimes wears T-shirts that barely cover her tummy or Sarah wears capris that come down to her ankles -- I don't care if they don't.
  6. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    Mine have been 2 different sizes since they were under a year. However, I MAKE them wear the same size for MY sanity :)! That being said, as they're getting bigger, some things just have to be different sizes. Shoes, for example, just cannot be forced to be worn if they don't fit correctly. If the shoe is the exact same, I label it with electrical tape on the tag (blue for Conner & green for Aiden...those have been their colors since birth). Now I try to buy them different colors or styles so we at least know who's shoe belongs to who...well, until Aiden outgrows his & Conner gets them :)!

    But for clothes, I'm forcing them into the same size shirts. Conner should be in a 4T & Aiden in a 5T to size 4-5 kids. Too bad...they're both in 5T or 4/5 kids. I roll up Conner's sleeves if need be, but for the most part, they're ok. Shirts are a lot more convenient to share when sizes are close. Pants, on the other hand, I finally had to cave on. Conner is almost 3 inches shorter than Aiden & weighs 5 lbs less. It's nearly impossible to find pants/shorts to fit BOTH of them in the waist. I *only* buy adjustable waist & try to buy a lot of elastic waist pants. Last winter, Conner was wearing 3T while Aiden was in 4T. We just watched the tags. It's not too horrible when it's only bottoms. Plus, it was obvious if we put the wrong pants on the wrong kid :)! This year, I have been lucky to find brands that they both fit into 4T for now (with waist bands pulled tight for Conner & some cuffs rolled up for him, as well). We'll see how winter progresses.

    I have 2 dressers but just never wanted the hassle of separating clothes. Until it's just not an option, our system seems to be working for now. Try to find things that fit them both...even if your smaller twin drowns a little in them. Luckily yours are close in height, so it's likely only waists that should be your problem. Go for the adjustable ones!!! Good luck! I wished mine would stay the same size forever, but that didn't happen!!!
  7. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Different color hangers? Or just make sure all of the pants are adjustable waists and buy a size that fits one and is a bit too big for the other. :)
  8. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    So far right now they both "fit" into a 24 month/2T as long as I pull the waists in for Henry. This should solve some of the problem butI fear that by the end of winter, Jacob will be busting out of the clothes and Henry will be just fitting into them. Thanks for the tips, when we add the 36 months in there, I will definitely use them.
  9. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad to see this comment. I was sort of feeling like "mean mommy" because I'm planning to do the same thing. I think the girls are really ready for different sizes, but I just don't want to deal with it. I think Karina will just have to wear clothes that are too big for her.
  10. sulik110202

    sulik110202 Well-Known Member

    This doesn't help with keeping the different sizes straight, but I bought a hanging organizer for each of the kids closets. On Sunday, I put 5 different outfits in the organizer and then they can pick out what outfit they want during the week. My DH drops off and his idea of matching is pastel pink plaid with hot pink polka dots. It has been a timesaver in the morning for them. More for you to do, but that way you are sure each one has the right sized clothes.
  11. mnellson

    mnellson Well-Known Member

    I have three girls and they are all in different sizes. It's a challenge because the twins wear the same size shirt, but different size pants. My youngest can fit into some of their shirts, so it can get confusing. Plus, my twins are 7 years old, and they don't want to share clothes with each other anymore. Sometimes they like to match and sometimes little sister wants to match, too! I can't keep up! :crazy:
    So, this is what I'm trying. Each kid has their own laundry basket (different colors). When their basket is full, I wash, dry, fold and put away in their own drawers. Even if I don't have a chance to put it away, it's in their own basket. We pick out clothes the night before. This works well if everyone is good about putting their clothes in their own basket. But, if they throw something down the laundry shoot or we go away and the laundry is all mixed up, my "system" goes right out the window. Good luck!
  12. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    I love that idea! Thank you.
  13. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    My boys should probably be in different sizes too. I just made Lincoln wear everything a little big. I felt kinda bad but, I knew if they were in different sizes I would come home and poor Lucas would be in something way too small because it was his brother's. Now they are pretty close in height not weight. I just do adjustable waist.
  14. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    All I know is that if my dh had to pick out clothes it would be a disaster no matter how I organized them lol!!!
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