You have to love when they start noticing body differences

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ckreh, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    DH would probably not want me to share this story, but it was too funny and cute. We live in a small home with one bathroom and have been potty training for about 3-weeks now. Yesterday morning the twins were with me watching Sesame Street and drinking their milk, so DH went down to take his shower. We have been leaving the bathroom door open because of the potty training and they haven't mastered door knobs totally yet. So I don't realize DD has gone down to the bathroom to go potty while DH is in the shower. As he opens the shower curtain to grab a towel DD is sitting on her potty seat. She looks up at him and says "Daddy I like your penis. I am sure everyone likes your penis".

    I thought it was funny and cute, but I think DH was embarrassed. I told him it is natural and it is not a big deal unless we make it a big deal. I think as children we have all walked in on one or both of our parents naked. It is not like we parade around the house with no clothes on and this was an isolated incident due to circumstances which is why it was funny and cute. I had to share this with someone because he doesn't want me to tell anyone in our family and I thought my fellow TS's would appreciate this story.
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  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I do parade around the house naked. . .you say that like it's a bad thing! :p
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  3. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: . I remember in middle school having a friend who's dad was a somewhat of a nudist. She was always so embarrassed if any of her friends happened to come by to play and he was home walking around with no clothes on in front of us. Her mom was overweight and I think self conscious, so she was always covered up if I remember correctly.

    I just keep telling DH it is not a big deal because he was raised by two EXTREMELY conservative parents. He was actually worried about changing DD's diaper as a baby because he would have to wipe her "girl parts" and was concerned if that was appropriate. He has come a long way with a little coaching and explanation between parenting duties vs. abuse.
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hehehe, I was that girl, only it was my mom (I wonder why I parade around the house naked) and I would have to tell my friends to stay in the car until I went inside and made sure that she was dressed. Now when she comes over to my house, she has bad feet, so she'll be mostly naked with socks and shoes on.

    My husband is a bit of a prude though, he wears a shirt at all times, even when he's in the pool.
  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :laughing: Definitely a cute story & nothing for your DH to be embarrassed about. We had something similar happen because of the same circumstances you mentioned (potty training, door left open, etc) - as DH got out of the shower, Danika pipes up with "Daddy, your 'gina is on the outside!!" She sounded so amazed I almost peed my pants laughing.
  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Very cute! And so normal :)

    I love clothes and am almost always fully dressed, but dh could live naked and immediately strips when he gets home. He will usually hang out in boxers...
  7. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I agree. It has been just the 3 of us since my boys were 8 months old. I was concerned about how they would learn about peeing standing up or seeing a man's penis since none of the men on either side oour families would be open to showing them.I've been with my BF for a little over a year and he's always been very open about going to the bathroom without closing the door. The first time they saw him going pee, they were amazed and said "bubbles" and got so close I had to pull their heads back otherwise they might have gotten wet. :laughing: When they were PTing and even now, they tell me that "they are making bubbles like BF".

    Even at an early age, I always told them they have a penis. About 6 months ago I began explaining that they have a penis because they are boys. My one DS on a daily basis will tell me that he has a penis, his brother has a penis and so does my BF because they are boys. You should have seen the look on his face the day I told him I was a girl and did not have one. He did not believe me and began looking for it. :rotflmbo: I just recently told him what I have but I'm just not ready to hear him tell me on a daily basis.

    I am just waiting for the day when they tell other people. I'm pretty sure I will hear about it at school when they tell their teacher's that they are making bubbles like BF or that they have a penis like him. :rolleyes:
  8. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :laughing: That is a cute story and not at all embarrassing.

    The only thing that prevents nude parading around here is the fact that we don't have good window coverings in our house and we live in a very busy neighborhood. And it still doesn't stop my husband who still ran upstairs nude while the contractors were here :booty:

    *remember to call first before dropping in at Bex's house*
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  9. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I have never been shy about being naked in front of my kids. Dh is always fully dressed in front of them. All of my kids have always made comments about his body when they have caught a glimpse of him nude and none of them have eve said a word about mine.
  11. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    They are already doing that. Kiefer does not believe me when I tell him I don't have a penis. He'll see a picture of a girl and tell me she has a penis. Just recently, he's starting to get the idea that there are two different kinds of genitalia. He'll get that girls have "gina's" and boys have a penis, but he doesn't always remember. Today during swimming (first time together since their formal swimming lessons), he announced that some of the girls in the pool have "gina's" and the boys have a penis. I was actually happy to hear he's finally getting it, but I just didn't need the public announcement on it. I don't think anyone heard, though.
  12. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    a few months ago Abby decided to go to the bathroom and goes cruising in - Ian starts to follow her, so I stopped him and asked him where he was going - he promptly told me "mommy we're 5 now and Abby has to pee standing up and I'm going to teach her" [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG] I told him "Abby doesn't pee standing up" and he said more emphatically "but mommy we're FIVE and she has to learn" so meanwhile I'm biting my lip trying not to laugh and I explained to him that being 5 had nothing to do with it that Abby couldn't pee standing up because she didn't have a winky like he could still see the wheels turning in his head as to how he was going to teach her to pee standing up :rofl:
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  13. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Well, just the other day I reminded DS that I do not have a penis but a vagina. He then responds with "a vagina??...vagina's are yucky". :rotflmbo: I told him that's his opinion but I don't agree. :laughing:
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