getting mentally prepared for bf'ing twins..

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by christiedawntoews, Aug 6, 2011.

  1. christiedawntoews

    christiedawntoews Active Member

    31 weeks with twin boys here.. have a set of girls (they will be 3 the end of this month). I had them at 35 weeks and they didn't have a good suck reflex so I pumped the first week and then practiced nursing the next. The third week, I got to try tandem and then they got to go home.
    So questions are.. My milk coming in was the most terrible, unbearable painful part of the whole pregnancy birth expeirence. It came in the 6th day, the day after I came home. Was this due in part to just pumping and not having the natural stimulation I should have?
    I nursed for almost 2 months and would have loved to go longer but one day my milk just dried up. I know I wasn't drinking and eating enuf (you know how it is those first months!) and I was stressed cuz family was coming from Canada to visit and I didn't know how I woould be able to do things with them and still nurse. Swithching to formula was very hard on me but looking back it probably was the best thing at that point in my life. So any tips you can give me on how to manage nursing twins and having my 3 yr. old girls entertained. They are fairly relaxed, love to look at books, and play very well (most of the time!) together.
    Just getting prepared for the party!! :rolleyes:
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Your milk can definitely take a bit longer to come in when you're pumping exclusively. It can also take a bit longer if you have a c-birth rather than a vag birth. A few things that can help bring your milk in faster are:
    - pump frequently & around the clock (at least every 2 - 3 hours during the day & no longer than 4 hours at night)
    - spend lots & lots & lots of time skin to skin with your babies
    - try to remove as much colostrum/milk from your breasts each time you pump (here are some links from Kellymom on pumping exclusively). This will also help to reduce engorgement when your milk does come in (here are some more tips on coping with engorgement).

    If this set of monkeys is early as well, know that it's well worth having them at the breast as often as they want from day one, even if they don't "nurse". Having time skin to skin & practicing suckling, nuzzling & latching on all set the stage for moving over to full time nursing at the breast when you/they are ready. Here's a great article from Dr. Jack Newman on some myths surrounding breastfeeding premature babies.

    As for managing twin 3 year olds along with twin newborns I would really encourage you to look into hiring a postpartum doula - they are an invaluable resource & can tailor their support to your family's needs. Some common things that postpartum doulas can help with include preparing meals/snacks, taking care of older children, light house cleaning, breastfeeding support (and referrals to local breastfeeding resources if needed), informational & emotional support (a shoulder to cry on during those baby blues days, someone to remind you what's "normal", someone who can refer you to newborn/postpartum resources in your area as needed, etc), basically whatever you need, they can help with. If cost is a concern, most doulas do offer some volunteer hours and many doulas who are still working towards their certification will volunteer their hours, or charge a lower rate than a more experienced doula. Anyway, you can check out DONA for more information.
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I don't have anything to add, especially since I haven't nursed with 3 year olds around! Just wanted to encourage you!

    as for your family being there... you need to make sure that if they come again, that your focus is your babies... and they should be there to assist, not for you to entertain or to worry about.

    if you don't have the "EZ 2 Nurse" pillow or other one, I definitely advise that for trying to tandem. And for me, I advise tandem nursing so that you can maximize time and let down... but of course if they both need special attn then that's a different story.

    good luck!
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  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I completely agree with maybell- if your family makes it so you can't nurse around them, send them away (maybe have them take your 3 year olds out for some special time together???!)

    I didn't have pain with my milk coming in. Not even engorgement as I was constantly nursing. :D I wonder if the pump did make you uncomfortable.

    Are your boys di/di, mondo/di or mo/mo? & what were your girls? If it's a different type of twining I wouldn't expect the same outcome (born at 35 weeks). Just a few extra days in can make a difference in weights and maturity. Hopefully this set will be born a bit later. :hug:
  5. christiedawntoews

    christiedawntoews Active Member

    Thx for the replies! Miss Bossy.. I was born in Grande Prairie! Moved down south when I was 19 and have lived here since. Missing the cooler weather! It is so HOT in Georgia this summer and then being pregnant on top of that! Now am married to an American and soon to be mama of four! Am an Alberta girl at heart tho! :)
    Yes, I know I shouldn't have stressed when my Grandma and Uncle and Aunt came to visit! They were here to help! This time one of my cousins is coming for the first two weeks, then another one the next two. Both of our parents live within 5 minutes of us so we have lots of help! Couldn't do it without them..
    These boys are di/di, girls were also. Both very spontaneous.. and shocking!! Did kangaroo care alot last time but will def do that again and maybe let them try nursing even sooner if I can. The girls were under warmers the first bit, then isolettes and finally after about a week were moved to an open crib together!
    I loved my EZ to nurse pillow! The only prob was I had girls and never dreamt I would have a set of boys alos so i got PINK! O well they won't notice :)
  6. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It sounds like this experience is already going to be different- you're more confident in your ability to use the help that's coming. :)

    Don't sell yourself short- carry those boys to 37, 38 weeks and they won't need isolettes & such. I nursed mine in the recovery room. It can be done! :youcandoit:
  7. christiedawntoews

    christiedawntoews Active Member

    Ya, I desperately want to carry these boys longer!! But I have polyhydramnios (excess fluid)which we dealt with in the 25-26 week area and got it down. Now I am 31 weeks and last week at my appt. I was measuring 45 weeks pregnant!! And I am short, 5' 3", started at 115 lbs. And a cerclage, irratable uterus, on meds for that, progestone shots every week. So just hoping and praying I can go another 5 weeks!!
  8. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your second set!

    My girls were 5 when my son was born, I know those two years in age and the fact I had only one baby made a difference, but I suggest you do as much as possible to get your daughters envolved in the baby care. Start refering to them as "our" babies when ever you are talking to them, if you don't already (as opposed to just the babies or my babies). And find things they can help you with in terms of baby care-passing you things like diapers and clothes. At bath time they can help by handing you the soap and testing water temp. (try it yourself then say, what you do think honey? is it warm enough for your brother?). Bringing you a glass of water while you feed them. And encourage them to copy what you do with their own baby dolls as well.
  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    wow, you are measuring big! hopefully you can carry these boys for a long time! and sure enough they won't know that their nursing pillow is pink!! haha!! you can always drape a blue blanket over it for pictures!

    I think you got great ideas on how to involve the girls! I don't have any expertise as I said before, but I do know that my twins are really getting so helpful and enjoy to be involved in whatever I am doing! I love the idea to get them involved with "our babies"! and their own baby dolls! you can do it!
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