It's sunk in now we're having twins!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mamita, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. mamita

    mamita Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone, I'm so glad to have found this site. We were trying to concieve for about 6 months before I went ahead and tried 50 mg. of Clomid. I know, we rushed into it. I'm only 28 and I know 6 months of trying really isn't that long. Well, I got preggo right away on it and with twins! We went for my first ultrasound right at 6 weeks (I had an ectopic last year, my doc wanted to moniter me closely) and right away we saw 2 sacs, 2 heartbeats. I was in shock, but really excited. Then it started to hit me, slowly. We are going to have TWO babies. Will I be able to work till I'm due???? I'm a hair stylist and work on my feet (part-time fortunately). I felt so guilty for not feeling super excited anymore. I just really started to get worried. I do remember when looking at the ultrasound, I had a bit of panic when I didn't see the 2nd heartbeat, then we saw it. So I kept reassuring myself, yes, I'm happy. I'm just freaked out. I feel kind of foolish for rushing into a fertility drug. We have a 3 year old daughter and didn't want a bigger difference in age between my children. When we tried for our daughter, I got preg. on our 1st try, so I kind of panicked when I wasn't getting pregnant with this current one. Today I had a second ultrasound (10 weeks) and I almost cried seeing my babies. They're tiny little bodies moving around, it was just awsome. I know it'll be tough having 2 newborns, but we'll do it.

    The other thing we were debating now is the testing for down syndrome and other genetic abnormalities. My doctor mentioned there is the nuchal translucency screening, which is basically a more detailed ultrasound I believe. I'm wondering if any other moms on here had the testing? I know I'm still young, but just because the option is there, it's weighing on me if we should get it done. I'm leaning more towards not doing it but not sure yet....Sorry for rambling...Anyway, I hope to become part of this community and learn more about preparing for twins!
  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your twins! As for the genetic testing I never had it done.
  3. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Welcome and congrats!!!

    Don't sweat HOW you got pregnant. You are pregnant, with twins, and that's AWESOME!

    As far as the testing, that's a personal decision so I can only tell you my thoughts. We chose not to test. I asked the doctor the benefits and risks and what ultimately came down to this for me: If I knew that something was wrong with one or both of my girls would it change my decision to carry them to term? In my case, no. So we didn't test. Some people like to be prepared and some would make other decisions (all of which I understand). For *me* it wouldn't change anything, so we didn't test. You just have to decide what's right for you. How's that for a non-answer? Sorry!

  4. Robynsegg

    Robynsegg Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your twins! I didn't get the testing done.
  5. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congrats on your babies!

    Will you be able to work? It depends- be prepared to stop, but as long as your body is doing well carrying the babies (ie, no cervical changes or not having too many contractions); you might make it to the end.

    We did not do the testing, either, as it didn't change our plans in regard to the babies had anything come back abnormal.

    :welcome: to TS.
  6. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    Add me to the list of folks who didn't get the screening done - for pretty much the reason Stephanie lists here. In addition, the nucal screening is only a screening - meaning that if an abnormal result is discovered, you would need to undergo additional testing (an amniocentesis usually) to get a diagnosis. And even then, the diagnosis isn't always 100% accurate. Not to mention that the amnio itself has a 1 in 200 chance of causing a miscarriage.

    I would chat with your doc about the pros & cons of getting the testing done, what happens based on the results & then decide what you're most comfortable with.
  7. Tobaira

    Tobaira Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your twins! I'm at 11 wks and I still don't think it has completely sunk in despite seeing them moving around on the u/s on Monday (and I have cried at both u/s so far lol). We ended up not being offered the NT scan and by the time I go back it will be too late, so I guess they kind of took the option away from me without me really deciding about it. A friend of mine told me it was more stress than it was worth for her (I guess the NT scan didn't come back good for her but then future testing showed she was fine but she was really stressed out between the two). But if it had been offered to me I probably would have had it done. We were planning on doing amnio when it was just one since I am 36 and we probably wouldn't continue on if there were issues, but now that there are two it's a whole different ball game. But DH and I haven't really talked about it since finding out about twins. I think I would still like to know to be prepared and reduce stress about it so we probably will do the amnio (at least today, I will probably go back and forth a zillion times before it's time to make the final decision). It really is a personal decision though, you need to do what you are the most comfortable with.
  8. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I didn't get the screening done either as twins have a habit of coming back abnormal when nothing is wrong - in fact my OB encouraged me NOT to have AFP/quad screen etc done...I didn't have to have the GD test done either since I'm already a diabetic...

    good luck and enjoy the rollercoaster that is TWINS!!!!
  9. ohd1974

    ohd1974 Well-Known Member

    Congrats!! I too did not get the testing, my doctor says with twins the tests aren't accurate.
  10. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :wavey: Welcome to TS!!! and Congrats on your twin pregnancy!! :babyflips: :babyflips:

    I too rushed a little and got pregnant with twins on clomid. We had tried for 6 months after a m/c and had no idea of my cycles because I never had a period after the D&C.
    AND I also had a 3yo daughter at the time. Funny.

    We are so glad you found us and look forward to supporting you during this pregnancy! :wub:
  11. ward

    ward Well-Known Member

    :welcome: to TS. I did not do the testing either. Saw no real point in doing it. Congrats on your twins. As for working i ended up getting put on bed rest around 24 weeks but there are SO many other moms on here that worked up until they had their little ones. Good luck on your journy and i looke forward to seeing your posts.
  12. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: to Twinstuff!

    As for the testing, we declined it all, it would not have made a difference to us. We declined it when I was pregnant with our oldest DD as well.
  13. mamita

    mamita Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!!! I can't imagine what it was like before the internet and not being able to connect with other people who are also having twins and get so much info. I actually just got off the phone with my doctor's office and told the receptionist we decided against the testing. I honestly don't know if we'd terminate if there was something wrong, but the test is not 100% accurate from what I understand. I think I'd probably be adding more stress on myself if I went with it and they wanted me to get further, more invasive testing done. I hope the anxiety doesn't creep up on me again on debating if I should get the other genetic tests done. I just want to enjoy my pregnancy and see how it'll be different from my pregnancy with my daughter. I've gained 3 pounds but I'm not showing yet. I feel kind of like I'm bloated, but my pants still fit just fine. I'm anxious to "look" pregnant and feel TWO babies moving! By the that more intense since it's two babies moving in there instead of just one? I remember times my daughter actually hurt me from certain ways she would move and position herself, I'm wondering if it'll be more with twins....
  14. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations! Finding out about twins sets off lots of emotions.. some good and some bad. It's kind of a roller coaster, but completely normal.

    As for the nuchal translucency test.. that's where we found out we were having twins! Doctors up here don't do early ultrasounds and we wanted to see, so we did the test at 13 weeks. Thank goodness we did because I don't think I would have been prepared for the shock at 20 weeks. We had decided beforehand that the results of the screening wouldn't have changed our decision to carry them to term, so we just mostly did it for the ultrasound. I wouldn't do it again except to get a head count ;)
  15. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had an anterior (in the front of my uterus) placenta with the girls - and it was big, because they shared it! So I never had a ton of issues with painful/uncomfortable movements since I essentially had a big pillow between them & my front. Also, I think because they have less room to move around from day 1 than a singleton that you don't have as many sudden/sharp jabs - although, on the flip side of that, if they wedge themselves in somewhere uncomfortable (like under your ribs) there's less chance of them being able to move out of there. With this pregnancy, a singleton, I'm actually finding the movement more uncomfortable than I did with the girls.
  16. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had one who would kick down into my vagina (he was breech) and another who was transverse who would hook his foot under my ribs and stretch himself out. It felt like I was going to be split in two, lol, but it wasn't a sharp movement. Just a really dull, painful ache that I'd push against with my hand to try to move him back.
  17. FormerNoCalGirl

    FormerNoCalGirl Well-Known Member

    Congratulation on your twins! I opted to have the NT testing done at 11 weeks which was the right choice for my husband and me. I am 35, and although just entering the high risk zone, it was important for me to know - especially after years of trying and finally doing IVF. They do tell you that testing on twins in less accurate, but my results came back completely normal. I went from having a 1/160 chance due to my age alone and the fact that I was having twins, to a 1/2400 chance. It definitely put my mind at ease.
  18. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your news! Like pp have said, it doesn't matter how you got your twins, you've got them now :)...

    I'm 33 weeks now and I found out at my 8-week scan and it was a HUGE surprise and one that took months to sink in and to be honest I wasn't too sure that I was happy about it to begin with, I was just worried about the financial side of it all as my hubby and I are just getting back on our feet.

    Because of my age, I turned 41 in May, I was encouraged to take the NT scan. DH and I talked about it and really didn't think that the scan was necessary (because if it came back with bad news we would still carry on with pg) but the ob was insistent that because of my age, I should have it done, so I bowed to pressure. It was all came back fine and my risk was really low.

    Personally I think if you don't have any percursers ie, age and genetic issues, I don't see the point.

    As to the babies moving, in general for me they move a lot, what's really funny is when they both go for it, it's like they're playing football in there... night time when I'm relaxing is when they're most active - I get teased by DD and DH saying that it's my Cadbury Milk time :)

    I wasn't working when I fell pregnant but I do know that for me, if I had been working, I would have had to stop because I have had terrible pelvic pains and I just can't stand or sit for too long.

    Anyway, just thought I'd give you a little about my experience so far... I'm new to the site too and love it! :)
  19. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Ditto.. no testing because it often comes back abnormal. Congratulations!
  20. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I did have the testing, not that it would have changed my or my DH's mind about having the babies, but more to prepare appropriately in case something did come up, but ours turned out just fine. I'm a teacher, so I was up on my feet constantly until 33 weeks (our Christmas break) and then had the girls 2 weeks later (2 days before I was supposed to go back to work which I would have done if it hadn't been for the babies coming early). However, my doctor monitored me very clsely and wanted me home at 27 weeks, but I was an intern and couldn't miss that much, so she said as long as everything remained stable I could work, but if one thing was off I was to be off work immediately.
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