Toddler Sleep Book Suggestions

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by E's 3, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    My girls are not good sleepers. Never have been. However, they are better then my son was so I have kind of been counting my blessings there as I know it could be worse :). That being said I am getting so sick of them waking up both at night and during naps.

    I have just signed a contract to start working from home in the job that I had, and really enjoyed, before leaving to be a SAHM after the girls were born. I didn't think it would be possible to do this job at home and at my convenience while also taking care of my kids 24/7 but since they really wanted me back in any capacity I was able to manage they are helping make it work. That being said I need to get them napping well and sleeping better at night if I have any hope of finding the time, energy and brain power to start working again!

    I have re-read the sleep books that I have (Baby Whisperer, Health Sleep Habits, Happy Twins, The No Cry Sleep Solution) but none of them have suggestions for my problem. They go to sleep fine but then wake up and can't seem to get back to sleep so they cry, and cry, and cry. I have tried CIO and had some success but I feel like I need to do it weekly which just isn't very effective and it's hard on everyone.

    Any suggestions for books or techniques that have worked would be greatly's either this or I send them away to baby bootcamp, lol!!!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Elizabeth Pantley has a No Cry Sleep Solution specifically for toddlers & preschoolers - is that the one you re-read or the infant one?

    Also, have you thought about working with a sleep consultant? We used this gal when the girls were infants, but she works with toddlers as well. She was awesome!
  3. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I have thought almost every day of getting a sleep consultant but DH thinks it's a waste of $. I was ready to re-mortgage the house at some points when they were younger just to get some help (and some sleep)! I actually have a sleep doulas website that has been bookmarked since just after the girls were born. Maybe I should use my first paycheck to pay for her :D.

    I'll look into the No Cry one for toddlers...the one I have is the infants one but I did like it.

  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    [quote name='E's 3' date='21 July 2011 - 04:56 PM' timestamp='1311288992' post='1804978']
    I have thought almost every day of getting a sleep consultant but DH thinks it's a waste of $. I was ready to re-mortgage the house at some points when they were younger just to get some help (and some sleep)! I actually have a sleep doulas website that has been bookmarked since just after the girls were born. Maybe I should use my first paycheck to pay for her :D.

    I'll look into the No Cry one for toddlers...the one I have is the infants one but I did like it.


    Sleep is never a waste of money! ;) Is there any way you could sleep elsewhere in your house & leave your DH to deal with all of the sleep issues (or at least the night time ones) for a week so he can see just how frustrating it is? Or maybe you could make a deal - either hire the sleep consultant so you can get your work done OR a regular sitter for the daytimes so you can get your work done. Looked at that way, the sleep consultant's a much better deal! :D

    Anyway, I hope the toddler book is helpful - I also really like the No Cry series of books. :good:
  5. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I just emailed the sleep consultant you sent me Rachel (she's cheaper then the other link I had who charges extra for twins) said you used her when your girls were small but what did you feel she gave you that you weren't getting elsewhere? How long did it take? Did you just use the initial package or did you have to pay more/contact her more? Sorry to ask so many can PM me if it's easier :).

    Last night sucked and at 4am I told DH I was going to start looking into other places to get help...he said he's not opposed to spending the money he's just skeptical that it will actually help. He thinks we're going to pay her and she's just going to tell us we have to let them cry and then when that doesn't work we'll have to pay her more to get some other advice. He wants a guarantee that it will help (he's an engineer and thinks mainly in logical, black and white terms ;)). I told him there are never guarantees with kids and the reality is I'm exhausted and frustrated! If someone out there could guarantee that they could make kids sleep they would be a billionaire!!!
  6. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    There also is a nap book in the No Cry series which I liked. I cannot remember if it was also suitable for toddlers though.

    I work part-time in the office and part-time from home (same job) and I really need good naps on the days at home for conference calls etc. so I understand your pain when they wake up early and crying. We had the same problem a few months back and the only thing that worked for us was really listening for them and going in to soothe them back to sleep before they were really awake and crying. It took about two weeks and now they sleep through the sleep cycle change again.
  7. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

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