
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by christinam, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have any advice for a baby with constipation? This is gross sorry DD hasn't gone since saturday. I saw her grunting on Sunday. Trying to go but couldn't. Yesterday she did it again. I laud her down and peddled her little legs. She tried to go but couldn't and she just cried. I've peddled her little legs like when they have gas I've tried giving her juice. She won't drink it. A couple sips that's it. She won't sit in a bath. She hates getting a bath and refuses to sit. She stands and screams the whole time. Any other ideas???? I'm ready to put a call into the nurse line in the morning to get more advice.
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'd try babyfood- if she won't eat pieces of fruit (which would be better).

    Pears, apples, plums- avoid bananas until she's cleared everything out.
  3. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If she won't take juice, would she take a popsicle? If so, you could freeze some prune juice in a popsicle and try and get it in her that way. I also agree with putting pieces of fruit in her diet, any kind of stone fruit usually does the trick. If she won't eat it directly you could puree it and mix with a bit of oatmeal.
  4. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    My DD used to get so constipated all of the time. If it gets really bad and she won't drink prune juice or anything like that, my pediatrician told me to try an infant glycerin suppository that you can get at any pharmacy/grocery store. I would still cut them in half even though they are for small children/babies. This was always my last resort, but put that in and within 5-15 minutes they are going. If she is very compacted, it will be painful for her to go no matter what so be prepared for that. My pediatrician ended up having her take a very small amount of miralax once a day to keep her regular. Obviously discuss that with your pedi first, but it is an option if it were to become a habit.
  5. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I went ahead and called the pedi this morning to get the nurse's opinion. Poor Allie was trying so hard to push it out this morning and just can't. She suggested that since it's rock hard type poo that she can't get out to get Pedi Lax. I hate to do it but she's struggling so bad I feel horrible.
  6. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Did you do something different with her diet lately? Recently I started giving the twins breadcrust stripes - ciabatta bread - and I was so happy because they were chewing it and they looked so cute and I took pictures of them, and then of course, both of them were constipated. I stopped giving them the bread and I gave them some Gerber prune puree at mealtime and that helped them.

    I am always keeping the puree in the house, just in case I notice they are becoming irregular, I am giving them a small tub of prune puree and that usually helps them. We usually have to use it about once a week or even less often. They usually go twice a day, if one day they don't go at all, I am giving them prune puree the following day. It's easier for them and for us - they are not as fussy if they are able to go.

    Sorry if this has been too long, but I went through a lot of painful situations in the beginning because of constipation, so now I am trying to stay ahead of it :). I hope your baby feels better soon.
  7. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    They have ate a lot of bread lately. Plus they switched to whole milk. I'm sure that's what did it. I used the stuff the nurse told me about and within five minutes she pooed. I've never been so happy my kid has pooed.
  8. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    The pedialax liquid glycerin is AMAZING. My poor son has had issues for a while. Just that preemie belly I guess according to the ped he should grow out of it. He is now on miralax twice a day and is going nicely now.
  9. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How is dd doing now? Anthony was my grunter. Even to this day his are more hard and rock like. When Anthony had surgery recently, he became horribly constipated(scared to go to the bathroom), so I was told to try Plum Select juice. Worked like a charm! That could be something you could keep on hand, as well as prune/apple juice, or prune puree. I hope it's better! :)
  10. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    She's doing a lot better! Thanks for asking. She goes between having little ball poops to mush. I think thats normal since she's getting some baby food still. Like tomorrow will be mushy since MIL fed them carrot purée tonight. I got horribly constipated after my gallbladder surgery a few years ago. It was worse than child birth. I thought I was going to have to go to the ER. So I understand their pain. Yesterday she reached for me cause she thought it was going to hurt. She didn't have a hard time and she just smiled. It was cute.
  11. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Add yogurt Ito their diet. Guarantee no more constipation!
  12. Eribour

    Eribour Well-Known Member

    Must be the name. My Allie went through the same thing from about 2months-9months. She would just struggle to go, crying, straining, and all to just get one little tiny "ball"out. I remember crying with her in several occations. We did the suppositorys and the Pedi lax. She wouldn't drink juice so I mixed it in with her cereal each morning. Also, not sure of the age of your allie, but if she is eating cereal yet try the single grain oatmeal and not the rice cereal. The rice tends to constipate them. The oatmeal had better fiber. Like I said I did oatmeal cereal, mixed with warmed prune juice. This helped tremendously. She still had hard poop, but she didt struggle as much. Of course my Allie had cronic consptipation for almost 7 months.
  13. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I have some plain yogurt here. I can mix some baby food purée with it. I bet they'll live it. That's what they're going to have for breakfast.
  14. 1stbabies

    1stbabies Well-Known Member

    Our little get few spoon of baby cereal oatmeal mixed with baby prune puree for breakfast, and that has been working for ours.
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