The whining, the crying, the screaming

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Rollergiraffe, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am not kidding when I say that there hasn't been an hour during the day for the last two weeks where someone hasn't had a total meltdown tantrum. The rest of the time is whining and groaning and pushing and hitting.

    1) They're getting the last of their molars; not much to be done about that.
    2) Their biggest tantrum is at around 4:30-5 when they get up from a nap. They're terrible about naps these days and will play in their cribs forever, then crash hard around 3 and wake up absolutely freaking miserable.
    3) They fight over everything; who is sitting in mommy's lap, who has the blue sippy cup, they even get mad at each other for crying.
    4) Eating. They went from being awesome eaters to picking and only eating maybe one good meal a day and freaking out the rest of the day for snacks. I am running out of snack ideas.

    It's a nightmare here lately.. what do I do? Ride it out? Tinker with naps? Get on a plane to Mexico and come home when they're 5? It's even driving the neighbors crazy... I have had 3 neighbors mention that my house sounds like a torture chamber most days.
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Are you getting out of the house daily?

    It sounds like they're two. Dose 'em up with tylenol for the teeth, get out of the house and let them run around like looniebirds, come home for food, then nap. Maybe you should get them tired in the morning, then an earlier nap time?

    I'm going to venture a guess and say that it's their teeth that is causing the majority of the issues. Those molars are a friggin b!tch.
  3. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We do get out most mornings and I recently got our yard all cleaned up so they can go and play out there. They are not so good at listening yet though and run away from me at the playground, so that adds a layer of frustration/exhaustion for me. They do really well at enclosed play areas though so I try to get them to the mall or the coffee'n'scream regularly.

    I need a helper monkey. Maybe I could train my good dog to herd them. Nah, he doesn't listen to me either.
  4. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Sorry, but they sound like twin 2-year-olds. :cry: ;)

    We had similar issues that started around 2, I found it to be best to get out of the house - that seems to break up the "same old, same old". Even if it is just a ride in the car or a trip to Target, it really helped a lot.

    1. Molars, yep, nothing to be done.

    2. Naps - have you tried putting them down earlier so maybe they'll crash hard earlier? I always found that when my guys woke up from a nap much past 4:00, they were total disasters until bedtime.

    3. Try the timer thing, they are young, but it will be a good intro to it. Or just get used to having 2 kids (who get bigger and bigger, LOL) sitting in your lap. It is rare for me (even now at 3.5) to just have 1 of them in my lap. Once one of them sees the other in my lap, he comes running up and wants in, too. They each have a side! :laughing: Seriously, the fighting/whining/tantrums thing came as such a shock to me when my guys turned 2. I will say, over the course of the past 1.5 years, it has gotten better and better. They are able to work out their own issues much of the time - and it seems like they (usually) have a sense of whose turn it is or who *really* wanted that toy and the other one will hand it over. Not always, but often. They fight less now and play together more. 3 has been a great age for us! Hang in there - they are just trying to work out the dynamics of being a toddler twin, what a giant pain in the butt for them, really! (And also for their MOMMIES!) :hug:

    4. The eating thing is totally normal. All 3 of my boys were awesome eaters until right around 2 and suddenly they didn't like anything and even things they did like, they didn't always eat. My pediatrician has told me numerous times that 1 good meal a day is perfectly acceptable. Look at the week to make sure they are getting what they need. Remember how small their stomachs are and how active they are at that age. They want to go, go, go and are mostly just eating for the nutrition of it - not the enjoyment of good food (unlike when they get older, wish I could still eat like that sometimes!).

    5. Buy a ticket and keep it - just in case - :rofl:

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  5. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Just wanted to say :youcandoit: Hang in there. It will get better.

    PPs have given great advice.

    But if you do decide on that place ticket, let me know - I'm coming too. ;)
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    What is THAT? It sounds awesome and terrifying all at once?!

    I agree with pp about trying get the nap a little earlier, by running them hard in the morning. Now that it is summer any teens in your neighborhood who could be a mommy's helper and go to the park with you? Hang in there. It gets better.
  7. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The coffee'n'scream is a coffee shop/let your kids run loose in a huge play area type place. There's a couple of them around. It's awesome in principle and I like taking the kids there when it's a bit quieter, but sometimes it's mayhem. Sometimes the moms are a little too relaxed about what their kids are up to and it turns into Lord of the Flies.

    Rachel; let's just go.. we'll just quietly slip away at playgroup on Monday. By the time they notice we're gone hopefully we'll be at the airport.
  8. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :good: Deal!
  9. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Totally agree. We see a big difference when we are stuck inside all day or for a few days in a row like when they were sick last week. Even if it is just going outside to play in the yard, just being out of the house makes a world of difference.

    When ours start complaining about teeth, allergies, etc. they get their dose of Tylenol, Motrin, or Benadryl. It can really help within 20 minutes you have a somewhat non-cranky child back.

    The whining and screaming drives me CRAZY :wacko: and thankfully DH can be calmer with them. Unfortunately in our case the closer we got to 3-years old the worse it got and is still crazy. For their birthday we had to remind family that gifts should be similar because if they don't have the same thing it is "murder, death, kill" in our house. They throw each other to the floor, pull hair, choke, smack, kick, and lay on each other over the smallest toy if we don't stop them in time and discipline. It is amazing how brutal they can be to each other.

    Remember to breathe and enjoy the ride. This is definitely an adventure and there are days I have to remind myself how hard I tried to get pregnant with one baby and got twins (a 2-for-1 deal as DH calls it :ibiggrin: ).
  10. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Ah, that is pretty much what I was envisioning. I'm kind of glad we don't have those around here.
  11. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    I label the boys toys that are similar/same. I started this at around 18 months. I use their initials. L and C. It truly cut back on the fighting. Took about 1 day for them to catch on. I started with their cozy coupes that they were having knock down drag out fights over. They loved the idea and even now come to me wanting me to add their letter to a toy. They still scream/hit/kick etc but it has definitely helped. I cannot imagine what our house would be like at this point ( 2 1/2) if I had not started labeling.

    Now they will look at a toy for their letter and if it isn't theirs they will either hand it to their brother or they drop it and look for theirs. It is heavenly.

    It also helped with sharing toys that we do not have two of. I think at least. They know there are toys that are just theirs and toys that they share. For the sharing toys I use a timer if necessary. It buzzes and I count to 10 then they have to hand over the toy. Now they usualy hand it over before I get to ten. If I don't have the timer I just fake it. Say two minutes. Wait a bit then count to ten. The one waiting will count with me.

    Mine don't nap at home anymore. Stopped around 2. We have quiet time. So no advice on naps.

    We spend a lot of time outside. My boys love going to the county botanical gardens which is maintained by volunteers. It is free and they have hiking paths, waterfalls, frogs, dirt, snakes, a stream to throw rocks, sticks, mud. I don't have to worry about them running off since there are no streets. We spend hours there. We also visit the nature center which is free as well.

    Being outside tires them out and makes everyone much more sane.
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