What do your 3yo girls play with?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    So Cars 2 is out... meaning I've been getting a couple things for DS. Unfortunately I have no idea what to get DD! SHe likes dress up stuff but we have some, play food but we have a lot, princesses but she doesn't really play with the figurines we have... Any idea?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Does she like Cars too? My two have very similar interests, from My Little Ponies and Strawberry Shortcake to construction/tools, but Thomas and cars are their favorites.

    Other traditionally female toys:
    Barbie (I take away the small toys)
    Pots/pans/silverware for the play kitchen
    Baby dolls/accessories
    Baby animals (I buy these miniature animal finger puppets, Whimzy Pets is one brand, they love these.)
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    My girls got their first set of My Little Ponies at 3 and they were an absolute smash. They played with them daily until just a few months ago. They knew all of their names and even staked claim on certain ones. There were those that belonged to Sarah and those that belonged to Allison. I even found mine from where I was a little girl (my mom had packed them up), cleaned them up and added them to their stash. There were a huge hit.
  4. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    One of my girls has a sudden love of Hello Kitty. She got a build a bear card for her birthday and picked out a hello kitty doll. At that point she didn't know what Hello Kitty was but now she has another kitty toy and some socks and is in love, lol. They both love baby dolls, cooking, books, animals, coloring, princesses, etc. We have exposed them to lots of things but they really are girly girls lol. They also have some play blowdryers and stuff somebody bought them for their bday and love to pretend to fix their hair "like mommy".
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD is a big fan of Hello Kitty, just about anything featuring that little cat is a big hit for her. She also has a play doctor set and wooden tool set that she likes to play with. She's also a big fan of coloring and drawing, reading, playing with blocks.
  6. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Mine is also a fan of My Little Pony. She also plays alot with her dollhouse, barbie cars/jeep and her tea set.
  7. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    At 3 my duo loved to pull clothes from their dressers, they loved My Little Pony, they loved for me to make dough from flour and water and roll it out on a cookie sheet and let them use cookie cutters. They loved the easel with a magnetic side with magnetic alphabet letters and magnetic paper dolls. They loved the magna doodle, the crayola glow thing that lets you write with light. They still love their wooden blocks and the mega blocks. The thomas motorized train and track set was/ is a hit. The Plasma car and their power wheels 4 wheeler big hits. Ava loved Barbie dolls and it was no big deal that I took the tiny shoes and accessories away, she strips them naked anyway. Addison loved Buzz Lightyear, they loved the motorized bubble machine, Lincoln logs, Fur Real friends, and anything they could get into in their big brothers rooms, OH and if it would permanently write on my walls it was a huge hit. The big plastic playhouse that they can get in is/ was a favorite, the box the dishwater came in, and their army of plastic animals and dinosaurs. Their guinea pig has been their baby for a year now, they are really good about making sure she ( well, he but I have been informed HE wants to be a girl) has food and water, clip on ear rings and a Tierra.
    DH once brought moon sand home that was good for them but the stuff had to GO as far as I was concerned as it was just as entertaining as the Vaseline was. Right now they are obsessed with the new baby' s swing and ripping paper into a million pieces, the styrofoam that protected the dresser my dh put together today is also a fav, I keep finding it ALL over my house.
    2 people like this.
  8. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    LOL Heather.
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Mine love Cars so maybe you can get her some too :)

    Other things they play with (at 3 and now), My Little Pony, Magna doodle, Colorforms, Blocks (any kind), art supplies, Little People.
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