can you share your activities/daily routines?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    now that i am home for the summer i would like to do some neat things with my kids. they just turned 2.

    we usually have the following schedule but maybe bedtime/wake-up will change now that they dont have to get up at 6am!! :)

    6-wake up
    11 - lunch
    12 - 2ish - nap
    snack upon waking
    530 - dinner
    bedtime around 7ish

    i have swings, water table, cozy cars...a bunch of stuff outside.
    looking for almost like an itinerary of what you ladies do at this age. i would really like to begin teaching them colors, numbers, letters, etc but cant get them to sit still to do so
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our schedule looks roughly like this:

    7:00am Wake
    8:00am Breakfast
    This is when we usually have different activities (playgroups/dates, story time at the library, park, grocery shopping, etc). They usually get a snack on the go.
    12:00pm Lunch
    1:00pm Nap
    3:00pm - 4:00pm Wake & Snack
    This is when they usually do a quieter home activity (painting, colouring, reading books, playing with their rice table, etc) while I get dinner ready, tidy up.
    6:00pm Dinner
    In the evenings we spend time with DH (sometimes we do movie nights or go window shopping at the mall - depends on everyone's energy levels)
    7:00pm Bath (every 3rd night or so)
    8:00pm Bedtime

    As for teaching colours & numbers & shapes, I just incorporate that throughout the day - for example, if they show me a toy, I'll ask them what colour it is, or can you find two more? That sort of thing. When they colour, I'll show them how to draw circles & triangles. There's no way they'd sit still for an official lesson right now. :pardon:
  3. MichB

    MichB Well-Known Member

    Hi - I'm interested too in what other people's activities are - see if I can get some new ideas for my kids.
    for us the schedule is almost exactly same as others:
    Wake 7:00 or later (i let them play in their room until 7:30 before I get them up& moving)
    8am-9 breakfast
    9-12 this is different by day. I try to have a few things scheduled throughout the week. On the days where I have nothing then we usually play outside: water the plants, play with ride on toys, go for a walk or to the park -which they love. Or go feed the ducks (we have pond near us.) It also takes us a lot of time while I get them dressed and shower and get ready myself so they have some play time together too.
    12-12:30 lunch
    12:30-2 nap
    snack when they wake up
    2:30-5:30 - this is the hardest time for me. I try to get the kids out for at least a small trip somewhere - the store, library, even just the grocery store. Then we usually play outside, color, read books, and they have some alone play time while I make dinner (they usually play in the backyard and I go and check on them.
    6:00-7pm dinner
    7:00-7:45 play with family time, books, brush teeth, more books....

    Their favourite activities: ride on toys, books, any type of outdoor play (usually collecting rocks or looking at bugs or playing in sandbox), my son will play with cars for a while, my daughter will play with her doll. They will chase each other around a lot and my daughter spends a LOT of time taking her clothes on & off. LOL. They have tons and tons of toys that they barely look at.

  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This is what I do. Even at 3, my two's attention span would not handle a lesson longer 5-10 minutes. Incorporating throughout our daily routine worked much better.
    Another thing I would do is when it was time to clean up, I would say, "Okay, let's pick up all the yellow blocks, then blue, etc."
    Our routine is probably going to be similar this summer to last summer:
    7:30-8-wake up
    9-11 or 12-play, activities, reading, running errands, playdates
    12:30 reading before nap
    1-4-nap or quiet time (mine still have not fully given up their nap yet)
    4:30 dinner
    5-7--same as what we do between 9-12
    7-8 get ready for bed, more reading
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    This is exactly our schedule and I do most of our structured learning right before lunch. I still use the booster seats so I'll sit them in those and have them do a project or two.
    After naps we go outside and play... we have a bounce house, water table, sand box, and baby pool.

    I love summer!!

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