Bad first babysitting experience at the gym

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what to do... really upset about it because we just joined the gym on Saturday so I could get a break during the day and get some much needed exercise.

    I went today and DD refused to clean up, yelled 'no' at the babysitter, who didn't let her pick any other toy after that (which I totally approve). Then DD got upset, which got DS upset, and they called me after 35 minutes (while I was in the shower, which wasn't fun eithe0r. What I didn't really approve of is that they were telling them not to cry because it would wake the babies up. Which, of course, only made things worse.

    Sigh... what should I do? I'm in tears right now... I can NEVER get a break. Now of course they're still upset and crying over anything.
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That sounds super frustrating. But, it was also their first time there and I would probably try it again before giving up. Talk up your expectations, and maybe try doing a very short workout first leaving them only 1/2 hr at a time just to get them used to it and gradually make it longer? Maybe you can also talk to the babysitters ahead of time and explain that this is an adjustment for you all? I don't know.. hopefully you can make it work!
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I would try again, like pp said, it was their first time.

    We have daycare at the gym as well and they come get me when one of them is upset longer then 5 minutes or so. So when I have the kids I rarely shower. If I have a week that I know I'll be bringing them then I make sure to do it when the kids are in the best moods.

    I have to say I would be irritated by them not letting them play with something till they pick up their mess... I get it, but it's a gym daycare not a "pre-school" or daycare where they have them all day. I don't think it would kill them to do what they can to make the kids happy for the 2 hours they are in there! But that's just my 2cents :pardon:
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  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I bet it will get better. my first time leaving my ds he cried the entire time. the 2nd time we left him in the double stroller and just wheeled him in the main area... he sat there and I got him some books which he looked at - kinda moping the whole time. the 3rd day I went to wheel the stroller in and he say "no, I go play"!

    anyway, just to say that they get used to the situation... good luck. and yes, talking up your expectation to them ahead of time should help.
  5. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I have to disagree with this. If every kid was just allowed to do what they wanted when they wanted, it would be chaos. The babysitting at the gym is a great first place to learn how to be without mom and learn the rules, and the rule of picking up something before moving onto another thing is a good one for everyone's sake.

    I do agree with the others that it is probably a reaction to the adjustment, and once they get used to the rules, they will be fine.
  6. jendisney8

    jendisney8 Member

    I would definitely keep trying! the first time i went I only got to work out for 18 minutes before they called me. After a couple of more visits, I have never been called in again, except maybe to change a dirty diaper but then I continue my workout. Do not give up!! You need this break to take care of yourself and it's good for them too! Sending prayers your way!!
  7. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I agree--try again! Maybe just take them there and stay in the daycare with them for 30 minutes instead of working out--like a trial run. And next time you come back, you stay and play for only 5 minutes before you head off to workout.
  8. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with this. I would try again and make the workouts longer each time you go. Maybe start off with 30 minutes, then 40 and so on. I think once the kids have been there for a few times and get the lay of the land down, they'll adjust and be fine.
  9. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I didn't mean that they should be allowed to do "what they wanted when they wanted"... I think because it is such a short amount of time that they have them that the babysitter could have helped pick it up. But to not let them take anything else out, is a bit much for me. If they don't want the little ones woken up then you'd think they'd let them play with something else :pardon: Like I said before, just my 2cents.
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  10. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    By not making every child abide by the same rules, you will have inconsistency among the children and the caretakers. Many times the gyms I have been to have different people there on a rotating basis, and if they didn't all follow the same set of rules for every child, then it would make the job very difficult. Yes, it is easier to pick up the toy and let the child move on, but what happens the next time they come in? I have worked drop in child care, and consistency with rules is a HUGE key!

    Besides, the OP didn't have a problem with the rule.
  11. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Definitely no problem with the rule! I'll try and stay for a while next time. For the shower I really have to take it there, no matter how much I hate it though, because it's just impossible to shower when my kids are up and they don't nap anymore... and staying all icky all day is not an option, lol!
  12. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    as for the showering... do your kids still sit in buckled boosters?? I can usually get a few minutes to myself if I set them for coloring, a movie or finishing their sandwiches if I can buckle them in. Of course my shower is only about 3 minutes long!!
  13. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with the others - try again! It was only the first time, there is going to be an adjustment for everyone. My gym also has a 5 minute cry limit. But if I talk to them ahead of time and let them know that Cooper is teething or the girls are having a rough day they let them cry longer (or shorter) based on the info I give them. Usually I don't want mine to cry at all in there b/c it's so unlike my kids to cry in there, but lately Cooper has had some serious separation anxiety so I let them know that if he is crying in there I'm fine with it. I've been called out several times throughout the years we've been going and it is really annoying, but we always go back. For the most part my girls love it in there. They're very attached to one of the care givers.
  14. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I would go every single day LOL!!
  15. maryjfb

    maryjfb Member

    I agree, try again. But maybe talk with them about expectations first. Something that the ECFE teachers used to tell us to say things like, "Remember when we went to the gym last time? I know you can find stuff to play with and have a good time while I have to be away from you." The idea is to set them up for success.. and if they have a hard time again, "It seems like you're really having a hard time with the babysitter." and then maybe brainstorm of ways they can make it better for them when they are there. I don't know, just throwing ideas out there.
  16. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i feel you on the showering! many days a week my only shower is the one i get at the gym.

    i agree w/the pp's that you should give it a couple more tries. be clear to them about what you expect and be clear to the babysitters if there's anything you do or don't want them to do. i agree that the rule makes sense, but i also don't think it's your kids responsibility to 'stay quiet for the babies.' oh well. i bet your kids will get used to it. our gym child care room was the first place my lo's ever brought a packed lunch, walked in a line, played w/other kids, etc. they actually learned a lot there.

    best of luck and hang in there!
  17. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Today was better... although they absolutely didn't want to go in and once there DS wailed and only stopped after I left... I cut it short and it went ok... I'll try and increase the time little by little... but yeah, I guess I'll have to stay stinky all day (frankly I don't really enjoy showering there anyway).
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