Which trike for two year olds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kumphort, May 21, 2011.

  1. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    I want to get my girls bikes (trikes) for their second birthday. I am looking for something metal, with pedals, something that will last them for a few years. I found this one http://www.target.com/Radio-Flyer-Girls-Fold-Trike/dp/B001ULKVMU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&searchView=grid5&keywords=fold%202%20go&fromGsearch=true&sr=1-1&qid=1306032158&rh=&searchRank=target104545&id=Radio%20Flyer%20Girls%20Fold%20Trike&node=1038576|1287991011&searchSize=30&searchPage=1&searchNodeID=1038576|1287991011&searchBinNameList=subjectbin%2Cprice%2Ctarget_com_primary_color-bin%2Ctarget_com_size-bin%2Ctarget_com_brand-bin&frombrowse=0

    but I can't tell what the size is for this, does anyone have this model, would this last them for a couple of years? A couple of the reviews mentioned about easily tipping over.

    Any other recommendations?
  2. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    We got these trikes for our girls at 2. Mine are tiny though - they will easily use them past 3 and then we will probably be onto little bikes - because they make them that tiny now. :) Anyway, they can pedal them well but are still learning the concept of steering...heh heh. They did topple them a couple times while they were getting used to them, but always while they were getting on and off - not in motion. I really love the compartment on the back - they love to put their stuffed animals or toys in there. It is really cute.

    I believe these are either for 2-4 or 1.5 - 3 yrs...again, with tiny kids that doesn't apply to us but if your kids are large you may want to think about some that are more adjustable over time. We really wanted them to have trikes, but realistically, if we last even a couple years we are definitely on to bikes anyway...I would guess we will be done with these in a year to a year and a half though. Good luck. :)
  3. marchtwins

    marchtwins Well-Known Member


    I've seen this trike at target. It's on the small size - would be perfect for a two year old. Kettler makes Fold n' Go trikes too - similar size. Kettler sells a handle to push the kids until they learn to peddle too - quite helpful! Those are on Amazon.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have this one, and it's okay for an average size child. My oldest dd was a giant and she quickly outgrew it, her knees would hit the handles! :lol: But my twin dd is average size and she's trying to learn to ride it already! We need to buy a second one for our twin ds so they quit fighting over the pink one :lol:
  5. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    We have a bigger but similar radio flyer with a parent push bar on back. We got them at Target and they were more like $60. I don't have time to find a link but they are working great for my three year olds.
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    We had these and loved them! But, as with PP, my girls grew out of them by 3 1/2 because they are so tall.

    I wished we had had something like this for early on when they couldn't figure it out and later on when we'd get around the block and they would get tired. :lol:
  7. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    Well, we tried them out at the store today, I had my bigger twin on it, it seemed like the size would be good for this year, but by next year, it would be too big, she also toppled over a couple of times while just trying it out, so we decided against it for now. SO now back to the drawing board

    now I am leaning toward this one:

    I would probably not even use the push handle cause it seems too complicated with two, but the price is less than the one without the handle
  8. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We got two different Kettler trikes as hand-me-downs -- one with push handle and one without. The push handle is (IMO) pretty crucial! That said, we never took them biking without both parents -- I can see how having two push handles wouldn't necessarily help since you can't push them both at the same time. But we seemed to have a loooong stage when they enjoying "riding," but didn't have the strength or coordination to make it more than half a block on their own. And pushing a trike without a handle is hell on your back.

    FWIW (not related to the push handle), I think more upright trikes are easier to pedal but harder to balance.

    Another option is to skip the trike and go straight to balance bikes. They are pretty small and are supposedly useable by toddlers, though 2.5 might be more realistic than just 2. There's a mom of twins around the corner from us who started her kids on the balance bikes really young. She would push an empty jog stroller so she had someplace to put the kids when they got tired or if they didn't follow her safety rules. (And you can lay the bikes on top of the canopy! I've done that.)
  9. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    We had a hand-me-down trike for DS and made the switch to balance bikes a few months ago (so, closer to 2.5 years). If it was me, I would look into used trikes (craigslist, etc.) and save your money for balance bikes. We have Kettler balance bike for DD and a metal Skuut balance bike for DS. It is AMAZING how quickly they learned how to maneuver them. I had to run to keep up with them yesterday on our walk!
  10. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We have these: Radio Flyer. At nearly 4, they can still ride them, but prefer their Strider Balance Bikes.
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    the trike you showed probably is sized right for a 2yr old... meaning their feet would probably touch the pedals. I have the cute Radio Flyer trikes that look like molded mopeds... and their feet didn't come near to touching correctly until closer to 3yr old. I wanted the balance bikes, but they are pricey... so I tried to make some from 12" bikes... but their feet didn't touch the ground at 2.5 yrs old...

    anyway, I got a sale on the Kettler balance bikes and got them, they fit perfectly at 2 yrs 8 mo. I think they'd have fit before that too. I TOTALLY LOVE the balance bikes!!! it didn't take but a month for them to really start getting it, and now within a couple of months they are FAST on them! They even lift their feet up and balance, they are only 3 yrs old and totally get the whole biking thing!

    look at this bike... weeride it's only $30. not sure why it's so cheap... maybe there's a reason... anyway, it's wheels are 10" and my Kettler one is 12" tires, so I think that it would be a perfect size for 2 yr olds...

    good luck!!
  12. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We had the Kettler trikes when the boys were little. They used them from 2-4. The Kettler trikes are adjustable, so they go from pretty small to fairly large. My friends all liked my trikes better than some of the other brands because they didn't tip over. We passed them on, and I still see one of the neighbor kids riding it.
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