melt your heart moments...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by fuchsiagroan, May 18, 2011.

  1. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Totally made my day (or maybe week): as Ivy snuggled in next to me to read, she said, "Mommy, you're my BEST FRIEND!" :wub:

    (Since this is a parenting board, insert preemptive disclaimer that I am not out to be my kids' "friend," that I know my job is to be the parent, that I practice consistent, patient-but-firm discipline, yada yada yada. :lol: )

    Also, this sounds like nothing, but Andrew is talking to me a lot more lately. He is a very quiet boy, no language issues, just keeps his thoughts to himself (polar opposite of his sister). Lately, though, he's always chatting me up, even if it's goofy little things like, "Mommy, guess what? We used to have two blue plates!" or "Mommy, one time at Grandma's house I closed the garage!" It is so nice to hear more from him.

    What sweet moments are getting you through the tough times?
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  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Aw holly! Very sweet.

    Last week I brought the girls to the park and I was so proud of how they go up to other kids, introduce themselves, ask to play, and share their sand toys. They also make sure to invite and include kids into the fun. As a former shy child, I'm happy they don't seem to have that issue to deal with(right now).
  3. Lindala25

    Lindala25 Well-Known Member

    I love when my two year old comes and grabs my hand and asks me to dance anytime he hears music. However, the best is always when he spontaneously says "ruv you mommy."
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I'm sharing mine...even though my girls are technically not in this forum anymore. Sarah and Allison told an older gentleman this week that school was boring sometimes because mommy wasn't there...God Bless them!
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  5. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Ava and Addison were very disappointed that I came home from the hospital with a big belly and no baby to kiss. I told them that he is still too little to come out they informed me that it is ok for babies to be little because babies are all little! They love him so much already!!
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  6. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    We are in the process of moving across the country, and I told them today that I would take them to home depot to get spackle and a light. Later in the evening Eli fell in the bathtub today, and had to go to urgent care. He was cut pretty bad on his chin and tongue. He woke from his sleep because he was in pain, so I gave him medicine and sent him to his bed. Then about 20 minutes later he comes back to my room, and says, "Mommy you gotfor (AKA forgot) spackle."

    I can't believe at 2 he even remembered the word spackle, and the little guy was worried about Mommy forgetting his the spackle and not his wound on his chin.
  7. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I posted on my FB last night about their dinner conversation. . .

    Alice was eating a bean burrito, Royce was eating some cheese roll up thing (Taco Bell, I was lazy last night!) and Alice ate most of her burrito, but apparently Royce was concerned:

    R: You don't like your bean burrito Alish?
    A: No, I don't like my burrito. Can I have a bite of your burrito?
    R: Yes. (And shoves it in her mouth. So sweetly and gently. I was sitting in the recliner laughing silently.)

    Then Alice bit off the end, Royce ate another bite and put it down on his plate. Alice grabbed it off of his plate and shoved it HARD in his mouth. They both started laughing, then found the flashlights and blinded each other.
  8. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    My best friend's grandmother died Monday. She's been sick and it's been very expected (she was 95 on top of being sick) but obviously she was still upset.

    When I got off the phone with her the kids asked what was wrong with Aunt Koko. I told them that she was sad. So they wanted to talk to her and each told them that they loved her.
    The next morning when they woke up the first thing R said was, "Mommy, is Koko still sad?" I told her yes. So she asked to call her again. The conversation was simple and mostly consisted of the twins telling Kourtney that they loved her and missed her then them trying to show/share they stuffies with her. (Maybe we Skype too much?! They always try to show stuff with the phone! LOL)

    I was amazed by their level of compassion and understanding.
  9. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Spackle is a fun word!
  10. travellingmum

    travellingmum Well-Known Member

    One of my 2 year old boys has started calling me "Sweetie" and telling me that I'm a Sweetheart. And he calls daddy "My best Daddy". He'll come up to me during the day and say "My best daddy will love me forever".
  11. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :wub: These are so cute!

    When one of the babies are crying, the other one will find a paci, or bring their paci over and give it to the crying one. So sweet! Or they will help each find their stuffies before bed. Amongst all the fighting, the screaming, the crying, the yelling...those sweet moments are what get me through the day and what I hope to treasure forever!
  12. birdsong00

    birdsong00 Well-Known Member

    My Abby put a pair of my shoes on and her back pack. She walked to the door and said bye bye momma. I wanted to CRY!! and hold on to her tight. They grow up so fast
  13. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    The other day my girls were playing and then they went to give each other a hug and Jordyn said 'You are such a good sister'.

    Aww..... I always wanted a sister growing up so I just love seeing them care so much about each other.
  14. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Today, Hannah was practicing her walking (she is just starting this due to CP). As she went in circles around the kitchen/living room area, Hailey cheered her on saying "Go Hannah, go Hannah!" Then Hailey walked in the same path while Hannah cheered "Go Hailey, go Hailey!"

    Absolutely melted my heart to see Hailey cheer for her sister. Then for them to switch so that Hailey could be cheered for. :wub:
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  15. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Zoe out of the blue said, "Daddy, you're my best fend" the other night. The next morning DH was stirring his coffee with a little grin on his face. I asked him what he was smiling about. He looked at me smugly and said, "I'm her best friend."

    They both like to play a game that one is a Jude monster or Zoe monster. I am on my computer nonchalantly listening to Zoe get scared because evidently Jude does a great monster impression (and Zoe is now afraid of everything.) So Zoe is crying and Jude puts her arm around her and says, "It's okay Zo Beh (that stands for Zoe Bear, which is what Jude has picked up from us), I here. Jude here, it's okay." Zoe says, "okay Jude. tanks. I not scared. I fine. Jude not scary. I fine."

    Oh, and lastly...Oswald disappeared from netflix (for those who know this charming little octopus cartoon) and it was their favorite. So I am waiting for a DVD to come from amazon that I ordered in a panic, meanwhile they ask me 10 times a day..."where's oswalt? is oswalt okay? I miss oswalt. Weenie (that is Oswald's dog), are you? Henry (that is the penguin), are you? Oswalt lost."
  16. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Today Charlotte said to her baby sister, "I love you, Lila".
  17. ckreh

    ckreh Well-Known Member

    Awww...that is precious.

    I couple days ago while watching Sesame Street Max very exaggeratedly jumped off the couch where he was sitting, crossed the room to me, leaned in for a hug and said "Mom, I love you". The unsolicited hugs like that are the best.

    Last night when Lily went to hug and kiss me before DH read to them she grabbed face between both hands to plant a big kiss on me. I guess she wanted my full attention even though she already had it.

    It is moments like those that make the bad or stressful days worth it.
  18. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    Today we played at the beach and had it mostly to ourselves. The best part: when we all held hands and danced and pretended to fly like tinkerbell. Oh and on the way home singing, "Twinkle Twinkle" at the top of their lungs in the car.
  19. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Christopher had the stomach bug after Ryan and he was laying on the couch just miserable, when Ryan goes over to him and says: "sorry you sad Keefer, Mommy give you her magic kisses and you be better after you sleep". Then gives him the sweetest hug and rubs his back, just like I would was really sweet!
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