Did you day/night train at the same time?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ssb2e, May 4, 2011.

  1. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I am going to start potty training soon and wondering how many people tried day/night training at the same time. I assumed I would just start with day, but the ebook I read by Lora Jenson (a 3 day method) says to do both at the same time. That sounds great, but not sure how realistic it is!

  2. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    I was wondering the same thing! I read her ebook as well, and the thought of sleeping on the floor in their room makes my body hurt! I was going to start on Friday, so hopefully someone has experience.
  3. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't do both at the same time. My girls still wear a pull up at night. A lot of mornings the pull up is dry, but I just haven't wanted to deal with bed wetting yet. I figured 2 pull ups a day is no big deal.
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I didn't intend to, but Ana trained night and day on her own. Meara took a couple of weeks and then we took her to the potty before DH and I went to bed for a couple of months.
  5. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    We did day training since the kids were about 2.5yrs old, but for naps and bedtime we are still in pull-ups, alot of times at naps they are dry (but I know my DD if she didn't have a pull-up on she would use going potty as an excuse to get out bed like 100X). So, we will work on it over the next year or so, but I am not in a big hurry to train them during sleep, also we live in a very hot climate, so I dont want to restrict fluid intake at all.
  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    We potty trained a month before they turned 3 and did both at the same time. My dd was perfect and had absolutely no night time accidents. My ds on the other hand was a night pooper and that was awful! We used pull-ups for a week and then he stopped and hasn't had an accident since.
    My suggestion is to try it, if it's too messy after a couple days then just focus on day time but I think it's worth a shot to try both.
    Good luck!
  7. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We used pullups at night, still do for Roycie. He's just not able to hold it overnight and is a big drinker, and much like Isis, I don't want to restrict fluids. Alice was out of the nighttime pullups within a few weeks, she never really peed overnight once she was day trained.
  8. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I did day training, and just waited for the night thing to fall into place. My boys were a little young, so that affected my perspective. Eli has recently stopped peeing to bed--11 months after being day trained. Mark was day trained about 9 months ago, and he still is wearing a diaper/pull up at night.
  9. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Nope - not even close! My girls were day trained by about 28 months, but neither is night trained yet (and they just turned 4). One of them is real close, the other wakes up soaking wet every morning.
  10. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    My oldest was day trained first, he was 2.5, as well as not wearing a diaper for naps. 2 months before his 3rd birthday I stopped putting a pull up on his at night and would get him up to pee around 11pm. I stopped doing that about a month ago. He hasnt had an accident yet, and does wake up at night if he has to pee. For the twins I plan to start training them around 20 months, so I now night training will be unrealistic at that age. Good luck!
  11. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we did the 3 day potty training at 27/28 months. and didn't put diapers back on...

    now we've had some wet nights, but somehow there for a while washing sheets seemed better than washing diapers... then a couple of months ago I converted some of the cloth diapers to cloth pull-ups for my dd, but my ds kinda laughed and said "sister wear diaper"!! gotta love that!

    anyway, I had had about enough and was willing to do the pull ups but then she wouldn't put it on the next week. so we've pushed through. Mostly they wake dry now at 8 mo past training... But I will say that we still go in and take them to pee 1 or 2 hours after they go to bed. My ds doesn't really need it, and for a while we quit, but for us to do that is fairly easy...

    good luck in the decision you make. I just didn't want to buy diapers/pullups or wash them, so that's what we did. it was a little stressful now that I think back on it... but now we'er over it for the most part.
  12. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    We followed Lora Jenson's program and we did do the day/night training at the same time. I was skeptical at first but figured I'd try it. I did cheat the first 2 days/nights and put rubber pants over their regular underwear for naps and night time. It helped contain the mess a little but they still felt it. Turned out by the 3rd day they didn't even need the rubber pants. They had it pretty much down and I haven't had to change a wet bed since the 2nd day of training!! :) They still sleep 11 hours straight too. Sometimes they wake up 30 minutes or so after we put them to bed (if they ever went to sleep in the first place :rolleyes: ) and they do wake up a little earlier some mornings to go potty. If it's more than 15-20 minutes before their normal wake up I put them back to bed after pottying. Her program amazingly works and pretty painlessly. I did it pretty much on my own with a 12 month old on top of that. LOL DS was very much wanting to potty train, DD could care less but they both did great! They've been diaper free like 12 days now! Good luck and I definitely recommend her book to anyone!
  13. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    Joshua did both at the same time. Jesse day trained first. David (ODS) day/night trained at the same time. Ben (ODS) had some constipation issues that made for night issues for a quite some time. It really is just up to them and how mature their bodies are. They all pooped trained before pee training. IMO, it is so much easier to master that first, especially with constipation issues.
  14. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    First of all you cannot "night train". You cannot train an unconscience brain, which is what you have at night. Some kids are simply ready to be dry at night earlier than others. For Jonathan, the day he successfully pooped in the toilet was the last day he wore a diaper, because he stayed dry at night. Marcus took almost 1 1/2 years before he could stay dry at night, and he trained during the day 6 months before his brother, at just over 3.
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  15. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Neither one of my kids day and night trained at the same time. My DD eventually started to stay dry at night after 3-4 months of PT-ing and my DS I did the 3 day method with him and we (me or DH) still get up with him once a night for him to go to the bathroom. He's the one that I would still keep in pull ups if I did not have to worry about him holding his pee and poo for the pull up because that was the reason why we did the 3 day training with him.
  16. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all of your help. We have a road trip in a couple of weeks - 12 hours each way, so plan to start when we get back from that.
  17. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Nope, definitely not both at the same time. We PTed around age 3, and it was a breeze. They're still in diapers at night, though. Neither of them EVER wakes up dry, and DD is a very heavy wetter. When they start waking up dry, I'll think about it.
  18. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Once they started wearing undies during the day, I put them in undies at night. Addison has done great but I have had to put Ava back in a pull up at night lately. I don't know what is going with her we are going to see a urologist next week. She goes maybe once a day and she pees the ocean all night.
  19. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    That's what I was going to say I don't believe you can night train. It will happen when they are ready. It was about 6 months after for one of the girls and at least 18 months after daytime training for the other. We stopped using pullups when they had been dry for seven days in a row
  20. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    One of my boys was waking up dry months before he trained. I call him my Incredible Bladder Boy ;)
    When he first trained he was scared to death of underwear so he ended up wearing pull ups night and day even tough they remained dry (not poop free mind you). His twin is not trained yet and when he does train I will give him a pull up for night. Even when I limit liquids he pees at night. The other night I forgot to put a pull up on him for bedtime and he wet himself during the night. It didn't wake him up at all and when he first woke up in the morning - he didn't even seem uncomfortable or mention that he was soaked.
  21. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    I thought we would work on day first, and then night would come eventually. But when Ryan decided he wanted big boy underwear there was no going back. He refused to wear anything but big boy underwear and he kept them dry from day 1 even at night despite my pleading to get him in pull ups or diapers. Though we did have a pretty strict no drinking after dinner time rule (dinner ends at 7 or 7:30 and they are in bed or at least headed there by 8 so it wasn't like there was a long time there, but they always ask for a drink at bedtime and we only give them a sip after they brush their teeth. The other one is poop trained, but has some metal block on pee that we have no idea what to do with... sigh...

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