Will it get better?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lillysmom, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    I am posting here b/c I am hoping for some insight from Moms of older ones. My boys are 19 months and I am finding this age to be Challenging! They are whiny, clingy and into everything! It's exhausting. They are the sweetest boys don't get me wrong, but it's just draining me. Will it get better at age 2? I have a DD who is 4, but I can't remember this age too much :) They also go to daycare twice a week and well that's not going so well either. They don't nap well and it seems to exhaust them.
  2. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    YES. I have 2-20 month olds and it recently, in the last 2 weeks got better. They can communicate more, they can do more, and their teeth are not bugging them as much. I'm not saying it is sunshine and roses but yes, it is not constant whining/crying and fussing anymore.
  3. AmyD

    AmyD Well-Known Member

    For us the magic number was 2 yrs. It was still tiring to have kids and have to get up early, fix food, etc., but it was no longer the "twin factor" making it so difficult. And then as my DH jokes to people, it became so easy, we decided to have another! It really will continue to get easier, and as they get older, they will begin to play together more, and you will actually get to sit down and relax!
  4. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I thought 18-24 months was VERY challenging with all of the tantrums and clingyness, plus the inability to communicate well verbally. So far I would say that 2 has been easier for us. Their ability to communicate in sentences has really helped. And there are even a few moments where they will play together for a bit.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I found 15-19 months to be so difficult with my twins. Once their communication improved, I felt like the amount of tantrums went down, along with being clingy. I will say at age 3, though, my two do still have moments of feeling clingy to me and DH.
  6. ohtwinmom

    ohtwinmom Well-Known Member

    YES! That age was tough! Then they turned 2 and it was such a change for the better! 3 got rough again for one of mine and now 4 is heaven, as I'm sure you know! Hang in there!
  7. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    Yeah! It sounds like there is light at the end of the tunnel! DD, who is 4 1/2, is such a joy! So, I know it just has to get better. One thing I am finding to with the boys is that they are fine with DH, but the minute I walk into the room they start running for me and crying. They are lagging in speech too so I am sure communication has got to be tough for them. We are having them evaluated by a speech pathologist in the next few weeks. Thanks for the replies!
  8. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I totally agree with the pp! It does get easier and with help with their speech things will go up from there! I can say that mine are still in to everything but at least now I KNOW they understand what I am saying and know they will be put in time out.
    Good luck!
  9. twointheoven

    twointheoven Well-Known Member

    My boys are better with DH too. They wine ALOT with me and not with him. My boys are having speach problems as well (one more than the other) and they are being evaluated next Tuesday. My doc. wanted me to wait until they turned 2 before we worried, so we are just now getting started with the process. It is good you are starting early. I think communication is one of the BIGGEST issues for us right now.

    I second the PP's and 18-24 months was the most difficult age. I think the biggest problem then for us was listening, and that is finally getting better. I felt like they were testing me every moment they could. It does get better, but there are still challenges. Hang in there! :)
  10. brookbranplus2

    brookbranplus2 Well-Known Member

    I found they started getting easier around 21 months. Hang in there.
  11. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    Oh my... I probably shouldn't have come here "to read ahead". Mine are now 16 months and I feel like things have improved big time since, well, ever. Oh well, I handled their extreme difficult baby stage, so I'll manage.


  12. Shohenadel

    Shohenadel Well-Known Member

    We went to a birthday party at my cousin's house on Saturday and my twins (27 months) were running around pigging out on candy and goodies, going up and down stairs with relative ease and were happy to be playing with all the toys, etc. It was busy...but I remember stopping for a split second and thinking...wait a minute, I think this is actually "easier?" You know, the elusive "EASIER" that everyone is always talking about? Everyone always asks me if it's getting easier and I usually say NO, but when I stopped and thought about it, I think this actually was easier than the last birthday party we went to there, when my girls were about 19-20 months (the stage you are talking about.) In the past, my twins would get very overwhelmed at parties. They would cry and freak out if anyone talked to them or looked at them and they were so hands-on that I was completely exhausted and frustrated by the end of every party. It was not fun. But this past weekend, my husband and I sort of took turns overseeing them and monitoring the food binge and we actually had a good time relatively speaking!!! So I'm seeing the light at the end of then tunnel...well, the light still seems far off, but it is there!!! It is there! WE will get there!! :hug:

  13. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Two years old was a great age for us. The girls played well with each other, began playing for literally hours with each other, and life was relatively easy. For us, three was really tough and fours were just full of bickering. Now that they are five, life is good again...except apparently now they have boyfriends :D

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