The name "Jaymes" for a girl?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by mkcondrey, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. mkcondrey

    mkcondrey Well-Known Member

    Hi Everyone, I am only on here sporadically but I always love to read people's posts and opinions. I am 28 weeks pregnant with Baby#3 and we are having another girl. :) So, DH and I are trying to figure out a name and we like unusual names, but nothing too weird. It's more that we are looking for classic names that not every other girl in the class would have. With this girl, we like the name Jayme a lot (I know, not so unusual, but we have had a really hard time deciding on a name!) as it is kind of a combination of both my husband and my names. But, I kind of feel like it sounds like a nickname and know that if we name her that I would probably call her Jaymes, anyway, because I have always loved "boy" sounding names for girls. So, my suggestion is to formalize the name a little by actually naming her Jaymes and then nicknaming her "jayme".

    Any thoughts? Is this too much of a boy name for a girl? My DH is concerned she will be picked on b/c of it or that it will cause her too much stress down the road.
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I personally would not do it. I grew up with a "boy's name" (Alden) and it was the bane of my existence until I was an adult. (Now I like it, which maybe undermines my whole point...) Gender-ambiguous names are a lot more popular now, but I still think it's kind of a burden for a child to have a name that's almost exclusively identified with the opposite sex.

    If you like the name Jayme, I would just name her that. It's kind of unusual since that's not the common spelling. You would probably still get people pronouncing it "Jame" rather than "Jamie" (which I assume is how you're thinking of it?), so you'd need to be OK with that.

    You can still call her "Jaymes" as a nickname. One of my DDs is named Amy and she gets called "Ames" fairly often (at least by me!)
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    It's a cute name with a cute spelling, but everyone (yes, everyone) will assume your daughter is a boy until they meet her. That means that she'll have to endure the apologies from the teacher who decorates her kindergarten desk with boy stuff, the weird looks from every classmate's parents who hear about "James" and assume he's a boy, and questions every random nosy neighbor. People will ask her why she's named for a boy. Other people will tell her that her daddy must have wanted a son. And last but not least... if she's boyish looking she might get made fun of.

    I think you could just name her Jayme since that's the name you like, and call her Jaymes as a nickname. My favorite aunt is Jamie and half the family calls her Jay-bird, the other half Jay-ma-cina - they're both just goofy nicknames.
  4. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I have a friend named Jayme, and she's in her 30s, so I don't think it's too crazy. I'm sure she had to spell it a lot. I also really like Jaymes. Normally I like traditional names, but that one is really interesting to me.
  5. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I love the name Jaymes! I think it's beautiful!
  6. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    My oldest dd is named Jaymee and I often call her Jaymes. She is 24 yrs old now and LOVES her name ! She thanks me ALL the time for being creative and not naming her anything "traditional".

    I say go for it .. :)
  7. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I think either is fine but LOVE Jayme! I've always loved that name.
  8. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I would never name a girl Jaymes, James. No matter the spelling, to me it's a boys name. I agree with your dh. I do like Jamie though. I am not big on made up spellings of names. It will be a pain in the neck for your child's whole life. I had to correct people about my name (i used my middle name not my first name) and I HATED it.
  9. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I would not use it since I prefer more traditional names.

    If you do use it, and it is a cute spelling, be prepared for people thinking your child is a boy and/or she may choose not to go by that name at a later date or as a teenager.

    Having taught, it can be hard for a child that has a name that is gender-identified (vs gender neutral which usually can be identified by spelling).

    I have worked with two boys that spelled it Jaymes and Jaimes (instead of James).

    The girl names I have seen that are similar were : Jamison (went by Jamie), Janessa, Jamielee, Janae (Juh- nay), Jaylessa, Jaynee (janie), and Jordan (gender neutral).

    You could go with Jamie or use Jaymes as a middle name.
  10. mkcondrey

    mkcondrey Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the opinions and thoughts, everyone! Thankfully we have some more time to make the final decision.:)But, you've all given me a lot to think about. And, I think everyone understood what I was trying to say . . . Jayme would be pronounced "Jamie". My DH is Jason but is called "Jay" and my name is Meagan (pronounced Mee-gan with a long 'e' sound) which is why we wanted to spell it that way. Because my name was always considered unusual (the pronunciation of it, at least) and I grew up having to correct people and spell it for people all the time (and still do!), I guess I think it is great to have an unusual name. It was definitely a pain sometimes, but I think it made me a more assertive, outspoken person because of it. And, I always really appreciated having a unique name that made me stand out a little in the crowd. I do see the point about the potential hardship it can cause, though. So . . . I will share these posts with DH and we will keep thinking on it, for sure. Thank you all, again!
  11. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    If you like it, go for it!! My suggestion to you is to not tell anyone her name until you have already named her. People will have ALL KINDS of negative comments. We are having a hard time with our baby name right now, most IRL do not like it. My sweet twins have told everyone we meet his name and we get looked at like we are aliens. I am so sick of it.
  12. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Think about from a teachers perspective. If you haven't seen the kid you think boy. Jayme is lovely. My SO's name is James so we might use jayme if we end up never having a boy
  13. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    There's a supermodel named James. Honestly, if people want to mock your kid, they will. Some girls will be able to pull it off and seem stylish. Some won't. I don't normally like odd spellings, but I don't think Jayme is that odd. I've had to spell my name my entire life and it hasn't caused me any major heartache. Jayme is a pretty normal name and one of the normalish spellings of that name.
  14. mkcondrey

    mkcondrey Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Rachael. I appreciate the support. I think the only real concern for me is the one that was pointed out in a pp that people (or our daughter) might think we really wanted a boy so we named her a boy's name. SO NOT TRUE! I truly had no preference, nor did my DH. We are just so excited to be adding to our family. Our 1st DD is Josephine and we call her "Josie" (pure coincidence that we are thinking of another J name, btw). Our DS is Sawyer (which I have heard as both a girl and a boy name). My DH and I just have a hard time agreeing on names but we do agree that we want something a little different. Jayme is the one name we both liked but we both have concerns that it sounds too much like a nickname which is why I am pushing for Jaymes but having Jayme as her called name. Plus, I have ALWAYS loved the name James for both girls or boys. Also, for what it's worth, Jayme (or Jaymes)'s middle name is going to be Olivia (named after my great grandmother, Olive) which is obviously a very feminine name (and also gaining in popularity hence the reason I don't want it to be her 1st name). Anyway, thanks again for your thoughts. :)
  15. mkcondrey

    mkcondrey Well-Known Member

    Thanks! And, I totally know what you mean about not telling others because of all the looks and opinions you get - which is why I have only told you guys on this forum - ha! We didn't tell anybody the twins' names until after they were born and it worked out well for us. And, that's our plan with Baby Girl, too. But, I am glad to have Twinstuff to (somewhat) anonymously get some opinions and viewpoints w/o having to totally let out the secret. BTW, I think I read your post about the names you picked and I think both 1st and middle are great. (Easton Asher, right?) I like that they are different but not weird. In fact, it's a very distinguished sounding name, imo. :)
  16. Lougood

    Lougood Well-Known Member

    I say if you like it go for it. :good:
  17. SKTwinMom

    SKTwinMom Well-Known Member

    I was going to say this too and then I looked her up and it seems she changed her name back to Jamie ( My girls are named Kyle and Shawn so you can probably guess what my opinon is. I can say though there haven't really been any issues with the girls having boys names. They get asked about it occasionally but they don't mind. Once Kyle had a substitute teacher argue with her insisting she was lying, she thought the kids were trying to trick her.
  18. mkcondrey

    mkcondrey Well-Known Member

    Thanks for sharing this! It made me smile because Kyle was/is another name that I have always loved for a girl. I love the name Shawn, too - unfortunately our last name doesn't go well with Shawn mainly because it is too similar to a famous actor's last name whose 1st name is Sean. ;)
  19. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    Yep!! Easton Asher. Thanks!

    The more I thought about you using Jaymes for a girl, the more I thought I may have stolen your name had this baby been a girl LOL!!
    I love TS too, you guys are usually the first to know everything!!!!
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