On Saturday, my son woke up with dried blood in his ear. We took him to the pediatrician and his eardrum had ruptured. He hadn't been feeling well all week, but just thought he was fighting off the bug that was going around daycare. He still has a lot of drainage out of his ear. For anyone that has experienced this, how long could I expect the drainage to continue? The Dr. gave us drops to put in his ear which we are doing, but wasn't sure if I should be concerned that the ear is still draining. Thanks!
Owen had a ruptured eardrum from an infection once. It was a long time ago, but I don't remember the drainage continuing for more than a couple of days after starting the meds, but they did put him on an oral antibiotic so that may have made a difference. ardon: I hope he feels better soon! :hug:
I have a hole in my eardrum from a couple of ruptures and tubes when I was younger. I've gotten a couple of ear infections in the last couple of years and once it's draining and I start using the drops, it usually stops draining by 7 days and feels almost all the way better by 10 days.
David's ear drum ruptured once. It only took a couple of days to stop oozing. The infection took less time to go away and he felt better very quickly after the rupture. He's had no issues with hearing.
Ditto Except I had a hole (for a very long time) and had it surgically repaired. But I totally agree with the days.
Off topic, but did your surgery work? I had mine repaired about 4 years ago and it didn't take. They said it was probably b/c of too much scar tissue.
It did! It was funny because I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I had an ear infection and every time I put the drops in my ear I could feel it go down my throat. My general doctor (who I hated and never went to again) said I was crazy but would send me back to the ENT just to tell me the same thing I had the surgery like a week later. They did a skin graft thing, they took some skin from behind my ear to cover the hole. I do still have a lot of scar tissue but it's sooo much better!