when to rid bottles?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mandywellman, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    Alrighty, here we go, i feel like turning one is a big mile stone as the girls turned one yesterday!

    what is your bottle schedule at this age? my girls get one bottle in the morning when they wake up and one at night both 8oz. I have been giving them two sippy cups of milk during the day b ut just recently a couple days ago, i just put the sippy cup of milk with lunch(but i think they rather have water with food, as that is what they have been getting for so long)

    i am also trying to add whole milk?

    so i guess my questions are,,,

    how did you add whole milk?
    when did you switch milk from bottle to siippy cup for mornin and night bottle?
    how mcuh milk should they be getting?
    when do i drop the morning and night time milk/bottle? weather its in bottle or cup?
    how long did you heat milk?

    thanks thanks thanks! i ffeel so foreign to this!!!!
  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    We started switching from bottles to sippy around 11 months. Our boys had their last bottle the night of their first birthday. At that point, they got a sippy of milk in the morning, at each meal, and at night. Several weeks later, I stopped giving them milk as soon as they woke up and just gave them a few cheerios and water to hold them over until breakfast. Now they get milk with each meal and at bedtime. I haven't dropped the bedtime milk because they seem to really want it and drink about 1/4th of their total milk intake at that time. I'm not sure when we will drop that. I'm worried they will wake up too early if I do because they tend to wake up early anyway.

    As far as switching to whole milk, I went very, very slowly since our boys were previously milk intolerant. Our pedi said they should be getting around 16 oz., so I took that amount, and the first day, I replaced 1/2 oz with milk. Two days later I replaced another 1/2 oz, and so on until they were on all milk. If your LO's don't have problems with dairy, I think you could start at 1/4th milk, wait a few days and go to 1/2, then 3/4, then all milk.

    For heating milk, I slowly made their formula colder and colder starting around 9 months. By 10 months, they were getting formula straight from the fridge, and have been getting cold milk since we started milk.

    Hope this helps!
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    My oldest was on a cup full time by 10 months, he just got formula in it and when I switched to milk I did it gradually, mixing the two and slowly taking about the formula. FOr him we dropped his night time bottle at 4 months.

    For the twins, Nathaniel was 11 months and off the bottle and on a cup full time. He I did the same switch to milk for him as I did wiht my oldest Donevan. For his night time bottle it was dropped at 7 months. William was 13 months when I was FINALLY able to get him off the bottle. Same again with switching him to whole milk. William got rid of his night time bottle at 8 months.
  4. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    We dropped all bottles at 11 months. Before transitioning, I think it's very important to find a zippy that your babies will drink well from. We used munchkin straw cups and they got milk faster from that than their bottle and my chubby girls were all about that :) at 10 months I dropped all daytime bottles and went to one morning and one night and then at 10.5 I dropped the morning bottle as well. I transitioned to whole milk at 11.5 months because we were given the go ahead my their pedi and cleaning formula out of sippy cups was gross. We had to transition very slowly from formula to milk becAuse the girls didnt take to te taste of milk at first. Now at 20 months they still get their whole milk warmed... Maybe I should break that habit... Haha :) I personally think it's better to switch earlier because they aren't too aware when you take it away from them.
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    1. I started with a half milk/half formula and kept reducing the amount of formula (until we were out) and the bottles were just straight milk
    2. I did not drop bottles until 15 months. I dropped a bottle a week. I started with the afternoon bottle, then the morning one and then the evening one.
    3. 16 to 24 oz. Don't worry if at first they don't take a lot of milk...you can supplement with other forms of dairy (yogurt, pudding, cottage cheese, etc.)
    4. See #2
    5. I did not heat milk

    Our schedule at 12 months was
    Morning-8oz bottle of formula/milk
    sippy cup of water throughout the day
    Afternoon (around 1:30) 8oz bottle of formula/milk
    sippy of water throughout the afternoon
    Evening (before bed, around 6:30 ish) 8 oz of formula/milk

    When we dropped bottles our schedule was:
    7:30 sippy of milk with breakfast (about 8 oz-9oz)
    sippy of water throughout the rest of the day
    6:00 sippy of milk after dinner (about 8 -9oz)
  6. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Oh and I stopped heating their milk at 11.5 months.
  7. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    We introduced milk a week or two before switching over whole-hog to milk... I'd give them a sippy cup of milk once a day or so. When they turned 1, that week we went cold-turkey to milk.

    We had also slowly been using sippy-cups (different ones to find which ones worked best) for about a month. Found some that worked great (the disposable "take & toss" ones that we do not dispose of).

    We start with about 5 oz. for breakfast and lunch and if they finish and want more (which happens more often at dinner) - we give them more. As much as they want. They get a few oz for snack time and lunch too. We don't really measure how much over the day. (This is a HUGE switch for me, I was crazy about keeping track of formula oz's).

    As soon as they can drink pretty good from the sippy cup, I'd stop using bottles. It took another month or so for the girls to really get good at the sippys - but I stopped the bottles. I figured it was the only way to really learn. And I'm not sure what you mean by the night time milk? We don't give them anything after dinner.

    We never heated the milk. Cold milk from the fridge. They love it.

  8. bbyboo1323

    bbyboo1323 Well-Known Member

    how did you add whole milk? - started doing 1/4 milk, 3/4 formula for 3 to 4 days then 1/2 and 1/2 then 1/4 formula 3/4 milk..took about a week and a half
    when did you switch milk from bottle to siippy cup for mornin and night bottle? 11 months

    how mcuh milk should they be getting? i think after a year its only like 8-12ish..mainly because their main nutrition is coming from solids

    when do i drop the morning and night time milk/bottle? weather its in bottle or cup?
    how long did you heat milk? i dropped everything around the year. i never heated milk..wow i sound kinda tough dont i :( mine adapted VERY well! no issues and we were bottle free at one year 4 days!
  9. shelbaz

    shelbaz Well-Known Member

    how did you add whole milk? I did it cold turkey... both did fine. My son had constipation issues from it, so he is on 2% milk and doing much better.

    when did you switch milk from bottle to siippy cup for mornin and night bottle? At 17 months, switched my DD to sippies, she did fine. My son has some developmental delays we are working on, so he still gets his morning and night milk in a bottle.

    how mcuh milk should they be getting? I heard 16 ounces a day is a good amount... you can include dairy they eat during the day in this total.

    when do i drop the morning and night time milk/bottle? weather its in bottle or cup? ? Don't think you ever have to drop milk in a cup, most people I know do it still, a cup of milk when they wake up, then a cup at bedtime, or with dinner.

    how long did you heat milk? I still do :)

    18 month old b/g twins.
  10. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    Starting at a year, I started offering sippies with milk at each meal time. I dropped one bottle per week with the goal of being bottle free by 13-14 months. I never bothered putting milk in the bottle since I knew I was dropping them anyway - just continued with formula. Only one of my three kids have had a hard time, and that was only with the first AM bottle - he cried really hard the first day. I felt so bad! But really the rest of the bottles went without notice.
  11. mintpint

    mintpint Active Member

    I don't know if my question fits here But here it goes. My twins can drink milk from the sippy cup but only if I hold and tilt the cup for them or if I lay them down on a boppy pillow. I have been giving them milk in sippy for like more than two months and I still cannot teach them the idea of it. Please give me some suggestions as how can I teach them.
    I appreciate your help.
  12. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    Have you tried straw sippy cups? Lillie had trouble with tipping the cup at first and she liked the straw. Now both of them can go back and forth between straw and regular.

    As far as the OP question, I started giving my girls half milk and half formula around 10 months. Then we went to all milk when we ran out of formula (I think a little after their first birthday.) We dropped the morning bottle around 13 months, but they still get a night bottle. I give them around 5 oz at breakfast, 4 oz at lunch and 6-7 at bedtime. We still heat the night bottle because it seems to be calming, but they get the rest straight from the fridge.
  13. mintpint

    mintpint Active Member

  14. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Our boys didn't get tipping up the regular sippy cups for a long time. Finally right around 15 months, they just suddenly caught on when I offered it to them again (it had been about a month or a little more since the last time we had tried). We used the straw cups exclusively from 6 months until now. I still use the straw cups some since I have them in the house, and they do fine going back and forth and knowing which ones to tip up and which to not tip up.
  15. mintpint

    mintpint Active Member

    Thanks, for the hope. I guess I'll be patient and keep trying and offer them both the types of cups.
  16. carrie-

    carrie- Well-Known Member

    We just put the sippy cups in front of them, on their high-chair trays, and let them play with them, etc. We would only assist them once or twice to show them what to do, then let them do it. It didn't take long, a week or two, but we had to try different (easier?) sippy cups that they didn't have to suck too hard on. The take'&'toss ones from the grocery store (Ziplock makes them, maybe?) seemed easiest. Other ones we have they STILL have a hard time with. It could be a matter of finding the right cup...?
  17. mintpint

    mintpint Active Member

    I will try the take and toss cup. It may be the cup issue so I'll give it a try. Thanks
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