How do you train your dh to be careful?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Seriously, how do you teach your SO to be careful and not leave dangerous things in reach?

    I'm at a loss. I've told him probably 10 times to close the bathroom door in the morning (after I found the kids playing with the toothbrushes on their bed, or with the water running on HOT for I don't know how long). It was open again this morning. I've told him 10 times to put away the cleaning stuff... he left the 409 bottle on the kitchen counter this morning, without even putting the sprayer on off.

    What can I do??? I keep a pretty good eye on the kids but they always get into everything. We're so lucky we haven't had an ER trip yet. I put all the cleaning stuff out of the bathroom the day I found them spraying bleach powder all over the carpet, but there's nothing I can do when he gets cleaning stuff out and doesn't put it back in... I was MAD this morning.

    Any advice... please? I don't want to be the wife yelling at her husband all the time but MAN. I'm glad he cleaned (something... not sure what), but if it sends our kids to the ER with toxic chemicals in their eyes, it's not worth it.
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    How can you train your dh to do anything? Seriously?!

    Is there any way to kid proof the stuff? My kids have had open access to everything in the house from day one and they really don't touch anything. Our house has not really been kid proofed.

    Our chemicals are in a closet though that they cannot reach. If my hubby were to clean, it might be a different story. Good luck.
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  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    so hard! I agree, not sure you can train them!

    as for the hot water, my dh did something to their faucet in their bathroom and the hot water on the sink barely comes out... not sure how he did it, but the tub gets hot enough.

    anyway, I try to put the cleaning supplies up out of the way or in a locked cabinet, but like you said, if someone else doesn't put it back... UGH!
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member


    Dont nag. (it doesnt help and just stews resentment).

    A few things that other wives (or husbands have done) to help the same thing.

    1. post notes (place a post it note on the mirror in the bathroom--PICK UP COUNTER) or on the door CLOSE ME. It seems silly, but it does help

    2. weight the doors so they close behind you (put small weight on top of door or on one side of the handle)

    3. Try to use more non-toxic cleaners for everyday use (keep the heavy duty stuff locked up). 7th Generation has a great line of kitchen & household cleaners that are 'less' toxic. I dont worry so much my two will lick the counters/glass/etc. after cleaning.

    4. Start training your kids now to leave certain things alone. At 2-5, yes they will need supervision. BUT overtime it does make a big difference. My two know what is and is not safe now and we dont have locks on our bathroom cabinets (medicines are up high though) or kitchen cabinets (where cleaning supplies are). We also talk all the time about what medicine is for and why we take it (or dont). I would never trust 2-5 yr olds to take or be alone with medication/cleaner/etc, but gradually the emphasis on safety helps and pays off when they are older.

    5. Gate rooms that are off limits. We gated our kitchen & a spare room downstairs. We even gated one of the bathroom doors so I could use the bathroom, they could not get in, and I could still 'hear'. They never were climbers, so that was not a problem- but even when they were older, it helped (they COULD have climbed the gates, but really it was not worth it). If you are PT anytime soon--- you are better off putting tot locks on the cabinets and/or going over bathroom rules. Even though they may get into stuff, at least they may tattle on each other so you can get in there before too much damage.

    Be thankful your DH cleans!! Even if I had to pick up after him, I would love DH to clean the counters!
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  5. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I have given up. You can't teach an old dog new tricks lol! If there was a crime committed in this house involving cleaning supplies, dh's fingerprints would be no where in the area.
  6. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    I don't think you can. My husband leaves his bathroom open and his razor on the counter all the time, and I just make it a habit now of putting his razor everymorning up high and closing his bathroom door. The girls for the most part know not to go into his bathroom, but they wander...Nagging doesn't work, and only causes fights.... holding it in does too...
  7. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Okay so I'm not that nice to just pick up after my dh :tomato: If telling him over 5 times didn't work (and yes I count and tell him what number I'm at) then I find something that drives him nuts and do it. My dh hates cleaning and I have often heard "you're so much better at it" <_< So I stopped doing his laundry because I was too busy cleaning. He now cleans the toilets and the sinks and I'm back to doing his laundry.
    I think marriage is a huge compromise and you have to find something that will get his attention.
    I've been married for almost 11 years... good luck :hug:
  8. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    I have tried that before too. I just get tired... For example, putting his toe nail clippings that he leaves on the couch in his sandwich... But he didn't notice that, so I don't expect him to notice much. But my husband refuses to wear his glasses all the time, and I really think that is a big part of the problem. He actually just does not see it.
  9. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OMG you did that? :rotflmbo:
  10. Lynn76

    Lynn76 Well-Known Member

    Get rid of the cleaners. If you need to get some commercial cleaners, put them up high or in a locked cabinet. For us, my cleaner is water, vinegar and tea tree oil. Completely safe and works! Its a natural disinfectant. I don't have to worry if my ds, Jon, slides a chair to the counter to see whats up there and grabs the spray bottle and starts spraying it. I know it won't hurt him. He won't like the taste if he happens to get some on his mouth, but it won't hurt him. He loves my spray bottles!

    I do have some cleaners like dishwasher soap and toilet cleaner but those are in places where the kids cant get them.

    As for your dh, look him straight in the eye and tell him if the kids get those cleaners he leaves out they could seriously be hurt. I don't think any daddy would want their kids to be hurt. Be serious about it.

    As for the bathroom door being shut, teach your kids to stay out. It may take you a few days of removing them and telling them the bathroom isn't a place to play and then redirect them but they will get it. You can teach kids to leave things alone. We don't have gates in the house because I have taught them what they need to know.
  11. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    not one of my finest moments... but I was soo beyond grossed out by it. To think the girls may pick it up and eat it...
  12. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member


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