Help with naps and getting through this whiny stage

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by smiley7, Mar 25, 2011.

  1. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    Hi ladies,

    I haven't posted in a while b/c things have been crazy busy but honestly, my DS is growing and getting molars and is WHINING ALL THE FRIGGIN time. My head hurts thinking about it. He is more difficult about everything.

    DD is teething like a champ, she is more cheery and quiet and laughs a lot :) thank god, if I had TWO whiny babies I would crawl up in my bed and NOT come out!!

    Any tips on getting through this? I think they are bored and so am I to be honest. We are swimming and starting play gym in a few weeks and will start our play dates soon! But man, this winter is LONG.

    The other question and really the main one is pertains to naps. We have finally bit the bullet and transitioned to one nap. We started on monday. SO far it's ok. They are dying in the late morning and so I feed them lunch at like 10:50 and put them to sleep at 11:25-11:30pm. They have been sleeping an hour and a half. The afternoon ends up being SO long and they are short about 30-45 min sleep as compared to before. We are putting them to bed a bit earlier but tell me they stop being cranks and get used to this soon. I ALMOST want to give up ang go back to two naps but they are going to sleep SO easily now that I can't imagine working for 30-40 min to get an hour nap anymore!! Any advice??

  2. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    The nap thing will get better for sure. We had several days of the boys falling asleep in their lunch and being VERY cranky in the evenings. I would say it got better in about two weeks or so. I seriously thought about going back to two naps, too, but stick with it and it will get better. :grouphug:

    As far as the whining and cutting molars, I can't help you there because that is BOTH of mine right now. :woah: :help: :eek: Honestly, when it gets really bad, I resort to Barney or Elmo. I hate to use TV that way, but sometimes it saves my sanity, and thank goodness I get out of the house two days a week to go to classes.
  3. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    Oh eagleswings!!! I TOTALLY know how you feel. I really, I mean REALLY, enjoy going to work two days a week. In fact, I think of it as my break.

    I am so glad to hear that the naps will get better. Noah is on molar #2. They look HUGE!! poor little fella. His whining though is out of control. Baby einstein is SAVING us. I used to let them watch it a couple of times a week, now like 2-3 times/day. It's the only thing that "resets" them and gives me a break.

    Sophie had us worried for a while. Up until last week she only had two teeth. I honestly was thinking she was missing her teeth but luckily in the last few days she's cut three teeth with NO symptoms (thank goodness).

    Hope classes are going well and thanks for understanding :)
  4. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Mike and Gabe are up to three molars each, so we are getting there. The one that isn't through for both of them is very swollen on the gums, so I'm sure it hurts them. They were VERY fussy last night - had several crying spells. I was hoping we were nearing a break in the teething, but I noticed today I can see one of Mike's incisors through the gums, so I guess those are coming soon, too. Great! :aggressive: lol

    Anyway, classes are going well and I'm managing well thanks to having good help that gives me time to study, too. I'll be sad when classes end in a little over a month. I love being a mom, but it's nice to be in the adult world, too, at least part of the time.

    Hang in there - things should get better soon for both of us! :hug:
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Molars were tough for my DS too! It does take time for the one nap to get longer. It took my two about 2-3 weeks to go from 45 minutes to almost 3 hours for their one nap. Hang in there!
  6. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Naps do get easier, I promise. We transitioned to 1 nap EARLY, they were like 10 months. I wanted to cry as mhy oldest was 18 months before he dropped his morning nap, and he would sleep 1.5 hrs in the morning, 2 hrs in the afternoon and be in bed at 7pm and sleep till 6. When the twins dropped theirs at 10 months, I wanted to cry!

    As for the molars, these are babies #2 and 3 for me and I have YET to find something to help the whinning clingy teething stage. I am DREADING Eye teeth, the molars just about did me in.

    GOod luck!
  7. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Teething SUCKS! At least after this round you get a long break from it, and be thankful you have one happy teether. My boys were miserable during teething. Definitely get them out and about and get their minds off it, and give them the occasional popsicle treat for their gums. Not much you can really do but ride it out.
  8. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Patience and lots of Motrin is what got me through that stage. DS got 4 molars and 4 canines all at once. He was already my high maintenance one so we definitely had the whining and tantrums, but it didn't last long and once he got through it he was the happiest kid alive. Hang in there!
  9. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I miss motrin! Can't buy it anymoe in Canada since the mass recall when the twins were little. I used it all the time with my oldest.
  10. RJ2006

    RJ2006 Well-Known Member

    Smiley -

    We transitioned down to one nap and it took about 3-4 weeks until they were back to normal, and yes, we were teething the whole time as well. It was hard.

    This is what I did....I would take them out in the car every day at 930, I would give them their paci's and let them get about 15 mins of sleep. I would go shopping or to the mall. That little 10-15 min nap helped them get through lunch without melting down and then they would sleep at 1230. Ours will sleep for 90 mins to 2 hours. We've had 2x 3 hour naps since we started, but the norm is 2 hours.

    Now, we don't need that little sleep any more. I do still put them in the crib for some quiet time while I get ready and get them ready. We go out every day at 10, even if its just to the mall to walk around.

    My girls whine constantly as well. Its very frustrating. When it starts getting bad, I take them in to a room that they are normally not allowed to go in to. That helps. Or, I will give them a drink or snack or let them watch TV. I think its from bordom, but not sure. I can't wait from them to start talking!!!

    Good luck with the nap situation!
  11. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    thank you!!! I feel as though DS is going to kill me. HIs whining and wanting HIS way or no way is making me see red!!!! He was so calm and well behaved and now we're having these tantrums when he wants something. He throws himself on the ground and fights us. He used to LOVE bath and now he screams bloody murder. He still falls asleep well and so I think he's tired but he is getting at least 14 hours of sleep a day. Maybe he needs more!

    I just don't know anymore, maybe it's behavioural or his teeth or ....???? I just can't give him baby advil all the time.

    I want this phase to go away and my smiley, sweetie pie back. Poor fella, he must be going through something wicked.
  12. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    Mine were around the same age when we transitioned to one nap. I would say it took about a month to really kick in. We are at 18 months now and the clinginess, whiny behaviour and teething is about to drive me nuts some days! I have been putting them in the car and driving around, getting a coffee in the drive thru a lot lately! I sure hope it passes soon.
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