What are you doing Spring Break?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by rissakaye, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. rissakaye

    rissakaye Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We're just hanging around the house this week with spring break. Today we went and looked at some stables. Sarah's starting horseback riding lessons this week and it was nice to take the time this week to go watch a lesson and walk around leisurely and not have to rush about because of school. Timothy has soccer practice one night for his soccer team. He wanted to do that this year and it's our first time with a league. We also took care of going to the dentist today.

    Tomorrow or wed. we're going to a really fun miniature golf place. It's something we've not done much.

    We're also working on toy clean-out. We've all agreed they have too much. Some of the stuff is going into the storage for playing with occasionally. Some of the stuff they are deciding which little cousin or littler friend to pass it on down too. I'm pretty proud of them. We're just doing a little bit at a time and they are making good choices. Not to say that there's still not a few things that will disappear when they go back to school.

    Thursday they're going to play with the little neighbor girl. She's only 2, but her mom is 38 weeks pregnant. I've been taking her one day a week so her mom can go to the dr. and run errands or take naps in peace and quiet. All of their cousins are littler so they do very well younger kids.

    And then we'll have a sleepover for the kids at grandma and grandpa's house while mom and dad go out for a quiet, kid-free dinner.

    So, what are your plans?

  2. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    We finished spring break last week. I had to work, so DH and the boys hung out. They did swim lessons at the Y (only$5 for the whole week!). Then just filled in the days with playdates and such.

    Next year, I'm definitely taking the week off.
  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Ours isn't until after Easter so we aren't sure yet of what we are going to do. My dh will be working so if it's nice my girls will probably play outside and ride their bikes. We will probably walk to the two parks near us. We are going to go out to dinner one night with the gift cards that I got from Christmas (we don't have time during the school week since the restaurant is over a half hour away). I would love to take them miniature golfing that sounds like a fun thing to do and have been wanting to take them. I can't wait to see what others are doing so I can get some ideas.

    My kids really just want to play outside right now but unfortunately it snowed yet again yesterday and we still have snow today. I heard we might be getting more on Wednesday but not sure anymore.
  4. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Our Spring Break isn't until the first week of April. I work 3 days a week, so the twins will go to the daycare that they go to for afterschool care those 3 days. Isabel, my oldest will go to a Drama Camp they are having that week in the same building as the daycare. Friday and Saturday night we are going to an indoor waterpark/hotel.
  5. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    Our spring break is easter week--the girls actually have two weeks, and I just get the week between palm Sunday and Easter.

    I'm not sure yet if my husband's brother and his family will be coming to town. If they do than that's what we'll be doing. They have daughters a year older and a year younger than G and B and they always have fun together.
    It's the hottest time of the year here, so we'll probably put up our baby pool and maybe go out to one of the big pools one day too.
  6. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My girls spring break is not till April 18th. I'm not sure what we are doing. I will probably have to work most of the week so MIL will watch the girls. I might see if she wants to take them to the zoo, or maybe I will take them myself one after noon. I will also check to see if the library has any programs my girls will like.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our Spring Break is the week before Easter. We aren't doing anything, I have a few appts. lined up, that's about it. :good: My oldest DD is a play through her dance studio that is Easter Weekend, it's an Easter tradition here and they have done it now for 17 years and she was invited to be in it this year. So every evening she'll be at the theater from 5-9pm for dress rehearsal. I guess that is what she is doing for spring break. :lol: We never go anywhere though.
  8. jenn-

    jenn- Well-Known Member

    We had "Spring Break" last week. I say "Spring Break" because my kids did a full day's worth of school work (only takes the morning most days) M-Th. They all spent 3 hours in the afternoons those days at the gymnastics center's open gym periods. They only do those open gyms for the local schools' Spring Break week so it was fun for them. Then Fri-Sun we took them camping for the first time. I survived and they had fun, so I guess it was successful.
  9. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Our Spring Break is week after next and I will be spending it in our yard. I have so much mulching and stuff that has to be done!! I can't wait though and I hope it's beautiful weather!!
  10. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Our spring break is the same week as Lisa's April 18th. We'll probably go to the Boston Museum of Science since we have a membership there .. other than that .. not much.
    We're going to Disney in May so all my money is tied up with that so we'll be looking for cheap/free things to do !
  11. Kendra

    Kendra Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We had ours last week. I slept it away (and did my volunteer stuff and went to Toronto to a garden show to see my favourite singer)

    I asked the kids at day care what they did and the boys told me all about the video games they played and how they did and on and on then after one told me all that he said "and I went to Calgary to a Flames game". Like that comes behind playing Playstation.
  12. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We don't get a spring break anymore. We get the Friday before Easter off and the Monday after Easter off. I don't know why...we just don't get one anymore!
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Jen, that is exactly how our spring break here usually is (well the kids get Wed-Mon usually), but for some reason this year we get a whole week. Next school year, it's back to just the long Easter weekend.
  14. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Its weird...they never explained where it went...just dwindled down each year and now its this. Which is fine with me I guess...I prefer days off here and there throughout the year!
  15. Chrissy Nelson

    Chrissy Nelson Well-Known Member

    We do not do anything for Spring Break. We went away one year and it was way too busy. Devon takes the week off and hangs out with the girls.
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