still defferent sleeping patterns!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 2xjoy, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    My twinnies are 11 months and still have different sleeping patterns. T1 seems to sleep for longer during the day, but T2 often has just 1-1/2 hours, sometimes less. At night T2 sometimnes sleeps almost through while T1 wakes at least once for a feed.
    I have always woken one when the first wakes so that they have some sort of schedule and I can get things done. I just have this feeling that maybe if T1 was allowed to sleep as long as she wanted to through the day, then maybe she would be a better sleeper through the night. (Sleep begets sleep).
    I just scared to try this as It essentailly means that I would probably always have at least one baby awake and never have that 'free' time to get things done. Also if it didn't work, it would be very hard to get them back to the sameish pattern. T1, the day sleeper, has been wakingtwice a night lately and I'm over it! AM I expecting too much to be able to get more than 2-3 hours of sleep in one go now that they're nearly 1?!
    I just don't know what to do!!
  2. southernmommy

    southernmommy Well-Known Member

    I would give them a chance to make their own schedules. They may surprise you and still sleep at the same time.

    For me, I never woke one when the other woke up. I felt like they are 2 different people with 2 different schedules. 1 would cat nap during the day and slept through the night at 3 months, the other would take nice long naps and didn't sleep through the night until later.

    Now at almost 10 months they have gotten into their own schedules that are only about 30 minutes off from each other. I like the one on one time with each of them.
  3. traciwinkler

    traciwinkler Well-Known Member

    My babies are younger than yours so I don't know if I can dare comment, but, I've switched up things with the nap schedule at my house and it seems to be working. When you mentioned "sleep begets sleep", are you referring to the book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins"? I've been using the guidelines in this book and they are working for me.

    I had been letting my babies nap in the swing, but my DS would not sleep nearly as long as DD. He was happy during the day (and even at night) but at night he would sleep for 4 hours and then be up every 1-2 hours until I just decided to get the day started. Once I started following the suggestions in the book, things completely changed around here. DS and DD go down for scheduled naps during the day and at night DS now sleeps for 6-7 hours straight. To me, this is amazing! I didn't follow the book strictly, but I did incorporate the suggestions into our routine.

    I agree with PP that my babies are somehow only off 30 minutes in their nap schedules if they are off at all. It is good 1 on 1 quality time with the babe who is awake. I so hope you find something that works for you!
  4. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    My twins sort of do that. Yesterday was a pretty typical day. We had to run to my inlaws so they didn't get their morning nap. They fell asleep on the way home. Got home at noon put them in their cribs. Wyatt (the bigger one) slept til 2:30. Willa Grace slept til 4. They played had dinner had a bath and bottle at 7:30 in bed sleeping by 8. Wyatt got up at 11:30 for a bottle but he didn't finish his bottle before fall asleep at 8. He was back in bed before midnight and they both got up at 7:30 this morning. Most nights Wyatt is the one that wakes once but most times its before 12. Now that they are older and on food I don't wake them both to eat at the same time anymore. I let them find their own style so to speak. Willa Grace also just sleeps more. They have been up for an hour and she is already screaming and ready for a morning nap. She will nap for most likely about 30 to 45 minutes and then be ready to play. She also weighs 2 lbs less than her brother and maybe needs more sleep because they grow the most when the are sleeping.
  5. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

    I never attempted to get my girls on the same schedule--until they started preschool and HAD to have the same schedule. When just one baby was awake, I really tried to focus on rare one-on-one time. I really felt like they didn't get enough one-on-one time in their first two years.

    I never attempted to get my girls on the same schedule--until they started preschool and HAD to have the same schedule. When just one baby was awake, I really tried to focus on rare one-on-one time. I really felt like they didn't get enough one-on-one time in their first two years.
  6. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    Good point about the weight difference! T1 (the one who wakes more at night) is around 2 lbs less than her sister.
    I have to ask, do you get much time when they are both asleep, so you can have time to do housework or have 5 mins for a coffee?
  7. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah. They go down for their naps at the same time. I don't wait for them to fall asleep. Noon they go in their cribs. Most of the time they don't fight it but sometimes they fuss for a few minutes. I usually get 2 hours out of Wyatt and then sometimes more out of Willa Grace. Most often I end up having to wake her up unless I have someone to watch them or someone else to pick my oldest up from school at 2:40. I would say yours are plenty old enough for what I call, "momma doesn't play that game" schedule. It took about 2 weeks to get good and on it but I try very hard not to go off now. Today was a nightmare because we had to meet my inlaws for lunch at 12:30 so they did most of their napping in the car. BOO. So tomorrow we will be sticking with the plan. You need (my opinion for what its worth) to take a look at your day, watch your babies cues for when they are tired and make your schedule. honestly their main nap and bedtime are the only schedule things I am strict about but for my own sanity I have to me. Its not like when I just had a singleton and she would sleep when she slept if I don't make them both go to bed at the same time I will never have a moments peace. In the mornings they both take a little 45 minute or so cat nap and that one if they take it at the same time bonus but if not no biggy but like I said noon they both go into their beds.
  8. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    We have a schedule of sorts. School mornings we get home and they go to sleep between 9-9.30 for 1-2hrs. This is usually their main sleep of the day. Then I put them down again no later than 2.30 so that they get at least 1/2 hr before the eldest 2 get home from school.

    I am thinking that maybe next week I'll experiement with letting t1 sleep for as long as she wants, but I'm the same as pp. If I don't get at leasst some time sans baby then I feel very hard done by and I think I need that for my own sanity.

    Our house runs on routine. But this can be open to change. EG: this morning I went out for coffee and took twinnies. They were soooo good, esp. as 1 had been up since 5am!!! They are asleep now but because I delayed that 1st sleep, they will prob only have the one sleep and we'll have to stretch them out till bedtime.
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