I think its time to put away my jumeperoo and excaursaucer...I use them both in the mornings so that I can jump in the shower and I know that they are safe. Or so I thought until this morning...I walked back in the room to find that my fearless baby had climbed out of the jumperoo...I switched them around to see if she would get out of the excersaucer adn she did.... So when do you find the time to shower ??
You don't. I never took a shower until my husband got home. And even then it was about every two days. I tried waking up early to do it before they got up, but I hated doing that cause I needed my sleep. If you have pretty consistent nap time(s) you could do it then. I did that for a lil while, unitl they of course changed their schedules on me. Good Luck.
As long as they took 2 naps the morning nap was my shower. I also really liked right after they went to bed (my hair looks ok not freshly shampooed) Once they dropped the 1st nap and I went to work at night, I wake up and shower quickly before I go in to get them as they usually babble for a few minutes before they start crying out to get up.
Mine are usually willing to play in their cribs for a while in the AM. I usually shower then. If yours are too hungry and won't do that, then maybe you could put them back in their cribs with some toys and books after breakfast. I never trusted the exersaucer past about 9 months.
I gave up mine at around 14 months, and was pretty sad to see them go. Then shortly after, we lost the AM nap, so I was sad to see that go too, as that was usually my showering time. BUT, I have found that now they are on one nap, I can pop in a DVD around 9:00 and still get in a quick 5 minute shower while they are engrossed in the beginning of the movie. Thank goodness for that, since showers are usually what wake me up in the morning! I did find, however, that after we lost the jumperoo and exersaucer, my one daughter was definitely still searching for some way to get that jumping in. So...she started jumping on the couch Thinking about getting her a little trampoline or something...
I had a nice sized bathroom when the boys were that age with a glass door on the shower. I usually showered after breakfast and brought them into the bathroom with me. I kept toys in there that they didn't play with any other time so they were more interested in them. After a while, I joined the YMCA. I'd shower before picking up the kids from the daycare! I've never had such a relaxing shower in a public place before! :laughing:
I usually shower (very quickly) in the morning when we all get up. The LOs are in the bathroom with me, either having their morning milk to tide them over until breakfast or playing with clothes' pins, hairbrushes, bath toys - anything safe and interesting which they only get in the bathroom, and they know that the bathroom cabinets are off-limits (I have jumped out of the shower to enforce that rule, but only a few times). I really need my shower to get going in the morning, especially on office days.
We have always done the morning bottles laying down, so now my girls take their bottles and then play in their cribs for thirty minutes or so. It gives us enough time to shower and start getting ready before the whining starts.
I get up before they do so I can jump in the shower very quickly. If that's not an option, I second Baby Einstein, or I just bring their high chair by the bathroom and have them have breakfast while I'm showering.
I get up at 5:30am to shower before DH has to leave for work. No fun but if they sleep until 6am (which happens rarely) I can also get a cup of coffee in while it's still quiet .
I brought mine into the bathroom with me. For the longest time they had no interest in the toilet or the garbage, I have a seperate shower from my bathtub, so they loved to climb into the tub and play with the bathtoys. That would occupy them long enough for me to take a quick shower. I won't even tell you how long I'd have to go between shaving my legs though, because there just wasn't quite enough time to do that before they'd start fighting, or something would fall getting out of the tub or something :lol: Now, I go shower while they are watching tv in the morning, but I leave the gate to the bathroom open so they can find me if they need me
:rotflmbo: So true!! When they were older (2.5maybe) I would let them take a bath (with an inch of water) because I could see them from my shower. That would give me an extra few to shave...in the summer anyway!
I usually get up about 20 min before they do in the morning and have a quick shower. Upstairs I have a landing where I can close all the doors and put up the baby gate and I throw a few toys in there and they are ok for a super quick shower. Since they are right outside the bathroom door I can peak my head out and hear them too. You could always pop them into their cribs with some toys. Yes...they might scream and cry for a bit too, but at least you know they are safe. Or stick a pack and play right in your bathroom if you have a large one, or blocking the door so you anc see them and throw some toys in there for a quick shower. ***Sigh*** I do miss the days of long hot showers where I get to shave my legs everyday
We don't usually go anywhere in the morning so I just wait until the boys go down for their nap. They take one nap from 11-2 everyday.
We had to give up our exersaucer and jumperoo many months ago - the boys would just start screaming when we put them in there. For a bit I could put them in the playpen and get dressed, etc., but since they were in there together, I didn't want to not be able to hear them (and after awhile they stopped tolerating that, too). So after we got rid of the jumperoo and exersaucer, I started showering at night when DH is home and they are asleep. I hate eating up my free time in the evenings, but it's the best time for me so I'm not worrying about what they are doing while I'm out of earshot.
On weekdays I get up before the boys and shower/dress/make breakfast before they get up. On weekends, DH and I usually have to take shifts. Or I'll shower after they go to bed, but I don't wash my hair every day, just blow it out in the morning. If you have room in your bathroom, you could stick a PnP in there and confine your LOs with some toys while you shower.