potty training underwear.....not pull ups

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by sistersbeall, Feb 26, 2011.

  1. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    I am on the verge of thinking about starting to potty train the twins. I know I don't want to use pull-ups, but I also don't want them in regular underwear at the beginning. I am looking for good training underwear or the waterproof covers that go over regular underwear. I am, however, having a hard time finding what I am looking for. The ones I have found look great, but cost more than I was really wanting to spend (since I assume I am gonna need a decent amount of them until they get the hang of the potty).

    What have you used? Where did you get them? How many did you purchase? What are the upsides and downsides of using these for potty training?

  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    For my oldest I used the padded waffe underware. I bought them at Walmart
  3. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    We used Gerber training pants. I found them at Target. I didn't buy the plastic covered ones or separate plastic covers, but they had those as well.
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  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I used these too and they were a big hit for my DD :good:
  5. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. I have looked at Wal Mart and can't find anything, and we don't have a target. SO it looks like I will be going to amazon.
  6. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I like the Gerber ones too, but really wish I had something a bit more absorbent. I think that is more because they were boys though and the pee would literally shoot through anything! :rotflmbo: I found the plastic covers at Walmart but hate them. First they are too big. Second, my boys hated the sound they made so refused to have them on. Third, they made the kids sweat! The poor things would wake up drenched in sweat not pee. I still had to wash the sheets so it wasn't worth it for us. Good luck in the training! It took us over a year but we are there now...at least during the day!
  7. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    I found some Gerber training pants at my Walmart on clearance a few months ago. A friend recommened them for her kids, and when they were $4 for 3 pairs, I bought all they had. I think I have like 21 pairs. I'm too, thinking about starting with the girls. I'm kinda scared!
  8. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    I am terrified, but i no it has to happen eventually.

    I looked at wal mart again today and they don't have them. I am just gonna have to order online. I wish I could find 3 for $4
  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    are you looking in the right part? I believe that the training pants are with the baby stuff... the underwear is in a bit of a different part of the store. the training pants are near the baby onesies or PJs or something... I think I've seen the training pants in both Target and Walmart.

    we just used underwear since I felt I needed 20 pairs... and they were closer to $1/ea... good luck! we're finally about trained and I am so glad that we're done before 3, day & night. lots of saved money and washing for me since we were cloth diapering!
  10. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    Are you handy with a sewing machine? I made the training undies for the twins. I bought an inexpensive pattern and some specific cloth diaper material. They were too tiny at the time of training to use any of the Gerber undies, or anything else specifically for training. In fact, they were too tiny for the smallest pull up. For night time, I bought 8 all-in-one cloth diapers than I could stuff with an extra liner for absorbancy. Turns out I only needed about 1/2 of the night time, as Joshua night trained along with day training. Jesse was a little longer with night time.

    BTW, if you are having a hard time finding what you want in the store, order online. You may even get better deals. Many cloth diaper makers sell trainers also. Some are more waterproof and some are just absorbent.
  11. sistersbeall

    sistersbeall Well-Known Member

    I am looking in the baby section. Everytime I go in I look again hoping that they will just magically appear, but nope. I think everybody around here just uses pull ups so my Wal Mart doesn't carry anything else. Plus I have no target.

    Handy with a sewing machine? sadly no. even if I were I am not sure when I would have time to sit down and make anything.

    I am not thinking I may just go with regular underwear and get the water proof liners. Less expensive, but I am still probably gonna have to order the liners.
  12. vyckie72

    vyckie72 Well-Known Member

    I don't know if you found them yet or not, but go to Walmart's website. They usually always have what you are looking for on there and sometimes you can do site to store to save on shipping and pick it up from your local store. I need to get some for by boys too. Good luck.
  13. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    here too. I never used pull-ups and no plastic covers either. I also trained them in the summer so I let them run around in just their underwear outside. I think the urine running down their leg was a HUGE motivating factor for them to go on the potty and not in their underwear.

    Your girls are still young, I would wait until it is nice out and do it outside. It's much easier on everyone.
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