I wanted to update you all on Baby Ryan

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by bellawillawyatt, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    They still don't know why his liver has failed. They looked at the biopsy results and apparently there just aren't many liver cells. One side of his liver is also really small. He doesn't have an infection or anything, so it appears this was just a fluke that happened while he was developing. It's not getting better though and they expect it to get worse, so they are listing him for a transplant as soon as possible.

    His condition is considered to be acute, so he will be at the top of the transplant list. Unlike someone who has a chronic condition that has more time, he could start declining anytime and it could be really quick. Because he is such a young baby, they need a really small liver or piece of liver, because of this they cannot take a portion from family. We are all too big and our livers are too big for such a small baby. So, unfortunately, this does mean someone's child will have to pass away in order for baby Ryan to get the liver he needs. He will be listed hopefully as soon as tomorrow morning and the doctor hopes that he will have a transplant no longer than two weeks from now.

    The surgery is quite intensive and will take 8-12 hours. Afterwards, they expect that recovery will be pretty quick, if all goes well. He'll have to be on anti-rejection drugs for the rest of his life, but the liver is pretty adaptable and the dosage can be pretty low after the first few months. He will also have to be monitored with blood tests to make sure he doesn't develop infections.

    If you are praying for Baby Ryan thank you so much. He can use all the prayers and good thoughts he can get.
  2. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update. This is heartbreaking.

    My very dear friend lost her son (six months old) a few weeks ago and it's just stayed with me. Hearing stories like that and like this one makes me want to go crawl into bed with my babes.

    I'll keep Ryan and his and your family in my heart. Keep the updates coming.
  3. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    Oh this just breaks my heart, but I'm glad he'll be at the top of the list.

    We lost my nephew at 7 months (in 2005) to SIDS and my sister donated every single organ and part possible (including his eyeballs), it's hard to think about, but amazing to think at the same time that her/his actions have helped others. And many other cases like yours!
  4. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    What an amazing gift to come out of such a terrible loss.
  5. mandywellman

    mandywellman Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry to hear this, I will pray for Baby ryan! That he gets the transplant and has a god sugery and quick healthy recovery! Sending love your way! :hug:
  6. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    Little Ryan has been in our prayers. I also passed his name and situation on at choir practice at the church last night. So he has a lot of people praying for him. God will take care of this little baby.
  7. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    This made me cry. Thank you so much. God is so much bigger than all of us but it is so Awesome to know how many people will get on their knees and pray for a baby they will never know. Thank you ALL!
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