Sucking lovies

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fran27, Feb 17, 2011.

  1. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    So the kids are almost 3 and they still suck on their lovies for comfort. Well, it's sleep sacks, they don't sleep in them anymore but they suck on them. The time she couldn't find hers though she had a huge meltdown at bedtime, so I'm not too sure how to deal with it.

    If we close their bedroom door during the day they complain that the door is closed and they can't get it... It's even a worse habit than pacifiers because of the grossness factor.

    Any advice?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Maybe treat it like it was a pacifier? Decide if you want to completely wean them from it or if you want to do it in stages (only in the bed at night vs. all the time vs. just naps and bedtime.)

    What we did to get rid of the pacifiers was tell them that my friend was having a baby (yeah, I lied, it was just a coworker not a friend) and over two weeks built up the fact that my friend was having a baby and the baby needs binkies (or blankies or whatever you call it.) I let them have plenty of time, then started a countdown about 5 days ahead of time. Each night I said, Okay, in 5 days, I'm going to take your binky and put it in a box and give it to the new baby," "In 4 days..." "3 days..." then on D-Day I took them all and put them in a box. I let them help me wrap it up in wrapping paper/bows, then I put it in my car that night. (The next morning, I put it in the dumpster.)

    When they asked for it that night, I told them that we gave it to the baby, and the baby will be very happy. They didn't ask for it again after that.
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    maybe you could tell them that the sacks are not for chewing ... my dd has a very cute "bear" blanket. she totally likes to bite/suck its nose... its a sewn on nose area, and finally she actually bit through and the stuffing was coming out. well, I sew... so I found a good fabric in my stash and hand sewed on a large 2" "snout" area with a black zig zag 'nose' on it... I told her that it was a new nose for her bear bear and she couldn't bite it. If she did I'd have to take it away. of course she still bites it a bit, but she hasn't ruined it again, and if I see her doing it I tell her to stop.

    good luck!!!

    and yes, the sucking is nasty, that bear smells!! I have to soak it and wash it quite often.
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    When they get up in the morning, put it up high then pull it down for nap or bedtime. Although truthfully I'd probably be washing it every day! I'm grateful my boys that have attachments to blankets (the 6 and 10 yr olds) don't chew on them so when we're home I let them wander with them if they want to. My now 10 year old stopped carrying it everywhere I want to say around 7 and now only uses it outside of bedtime when he's sick or really tired.
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Sarah still sucks on her lovey, and Amy just started doing it at age 4! I was a little distressed about that, but I just make sure to wash them at least once a week.

    Sarah will complain, "Mommy, my bunny's ears smell yucky!" I say, "If you didn't chew on them, they wouldn't," and she replies, "But Mommy, I LIKE chewing on them!" :ibiggrin: She only does it at bedtime (and Amy really only does it when she's watching a scary movie), so I don't think it's a hazard to their teeth or anything. It's just gross, but that's not enough of a reason (for me) to fight that battle.
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, I wash them twice a week. But I'm not kidding, I gave them clean ones this morning and DS was saying 'no want it, yucky'. It's always a pain to get them to accept the clean ones, but I don't bulge... still hoping one day they'll realize it's yucky altogether and stop, but yes, after next week we'll start putting them out of reach during the day...
  7. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    My two sniff on their blankies, but they still with pacis. I worry that ones pacis are gone they will start sucking on their blankies or maybe not. I love the idea on getting rid of pacis. Will try that.
  8. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    My kids would not get the 'giving to babies' thing. Maybe in a few months but the concept would be totally lost on them for now.
  9. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    I just revisited this to see if their were any updates. My lil ones are lovey suckers too... and they will be 4 in June. B decided last night that she's a "big girl" and wants to take a different snuggly toy with her to sleep with at preschool (like her friends) rather than her "bear bear". So, she threw it in the garbage can! whoa... and now she's screaming upstairs in their room at naptime. :( And, so is her sister out of sympathy I guess.. because she has her "bear bear" in her mouth between sobs! I hope this is over quickly! The other twin, K, says she's ready for the "bear bear fairy" (a fictional character I created after reading someone's post on here) to come take her bear bear away, give it to another baby that needs one and replace it with a "soft and cuddly My Little Pony"!! HA!! so, looks like I need to do some shopping and start counting down the days until the "bear bear fairy" arrives! Wish me luck!!!
  10. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    This is weird-I just opened to read this tread and here I see someone used my name to post?????
    How is that possible?
    If were to post my answer will be totally diferent as my guys do not have pacis at almost 4 and never did they suck on blankies.
    This is very weird.
  11. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    Sorry I Lost my mind for a moment. So embarrassed.I thought today is 2011?
    yes that was my post a year ago:)
    1 person likes this.
  12. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think losing our minds is pretty common, especially with multiples! But thank you for the *giggle* :lol:
  13. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah, they're still sucking it LOL. But only at night at least. Yeah... one day we'll get rid of them... one day...
  14. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    Good luck Fran! B is still having a hard time sleeping without her beloved bear bear but it is getting easier. K is still not ready but starting to talk about it a little more each day ... During our last trip to the dentist we were told the bear bears have to go :( Easier said than done!
  15. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    hahahahaha!! I lose my mind quite often too. glad to know i'm not the only one:)
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