Sleeping and swaddling-- fears

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twinnersmoms, Feb 16, 2011.

  1. twinnersmoms

    twinnersmoms Member

    So I am a bundle of nerves-- to put it lightly. In the hospital they swaddled the boys in receiving blankets while they slept in a t shirt. I don't like the blankets cause I don't seem to get them tight enough. I have a couple swaddles that are actually sold as swaddles and I really prefer them. In our classes we took they said to only have them in sleep and plays and that's it while sleeping. But they are 4.5 lbs and 5.4 pounds after losing the 4 day weight. They always have cold little noses so I am not sure the sleep and plays are enough. They also said to not have them wear hats inside to prevent overheating, but again they are small. I am terrified of SIDs. I am trying to balance my fear of overheating with underheating and all the other risks. We sleep only in shifts cause I can't have both of us sleeping while they are. I am a mess -- I know this is normal for me to be worried but I need some help. What hve you all done to make yourself comfortable while they are sleeping? I know about the movement sensor but with twins it is tricky. Can I still use one? Thanks in advance. Eeryone keeps saying my anxiety about this is normal but I am just feeling bad that I am more worried than excited. I guess I just feel like I have more to lose now than ever in my life. And although it's wonderful, it is so scary. Hope you all don't think I am crazy. Just a new mom. :)
  2. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    I always swaddled after I brought them home and my babies were small too. They wore lightweight sleepers or gowns and were swaddled every night with either a blanket or a SwaddleMe velcro swaddler. One of my boys didn't like the SwaddleMe, but the other one did. At the hospital they told us to dress the boys similar to what we would want to wear in order to be comfortable temp wise. I didn't think a sleeper only would be warm enough. Plus, they slept so much better when swaddled. They barely moved.
  3. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Your post is EXACTLY how I felt in the early days. I was so anxious and terrified of SIDS! We did use Angel Care monitors and they did ease my mind somewhat. As for swaddling, it's very safe and you will get the hang of wrapping them tightly. Dress them comfortably... in the summer we did onesies and swaddled them with two light recieving blankets and put a fan on them. In the winter we put them in footie jammies and swaddled them in a heavier recieving blanket. If you're not comfortable with swaddling, try a fleece sleep sack instead.

    To prevent SIDS, make sure they're sleeping on their back, no smoking in the home, nothing extra in their cribs and put a fan on in their room. Those are the best things you can do to reduce the risk.

    As for your anxiety, keep in mind that some anxiety is normal in the early days as you are a mess of hormones and sleep deprivation. However, anxiety is a symptom of post partum depression as well, so if you're feeling worried all the time and you're losing sleep over it, please let your doctor know. I let my anxiety get out of control in those early days and I couldn't relax and enjoy my babies. Get treatment if you need to :hug:
  4. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I agree. My girls were the same weight as your little ones. When they came come (early June) in the summer and in California, I still had them in swaddles w/velcro. On the warmer nights I put them in t-shirts and swaddles, and cooler nights I put them in light weight sleepers and a swaddle. Remember little hands, feet and noses are always cold. Feel their backs (between their shoulder blades) to get a better read on their tempature. Also a fan in the room will help circulate the air and a little white noise never hurt either!
  5. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    Mine came home at 4'9 and 4 lbs even. They slept in gowns, swaddled with hats in a pack in play at the end of our bed. We kept a ceiling fan on so thats why we did hats. Then just like in the nicu we put them side by side

    In the NICU [​IMG]

    we did this until they started fighting the swaddling. I think we made it home from the hospital with like 10 or 15 swaddling blankets. Our NICU kept sending the ones from the night before home for me to wear around my neck while I pumped to try and get more milk.(the smell of the babies)
  6. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I dressed them in sleepers, hats, swaddled. They liked it that way. Mine were a bit over 4 lbs when they got home.
    I think it depends on babies. My boys temp is always lower then his siss temp. Even now I still dress jim a bit more.
    We did use 2 angle monitors under their mattresses. I did use them in pnps too. I loved those.we only used them for 2 months. u can't use 1 u have to have 2 for 2 cribs/pnp. I know it's scary. But don't worry too much. They will be fine.

    I remember I used to take their temps when I changed them. That way I knew if I over dressed them or not. Are yours premiers? Mine always had hats on when they were in Nicu and they still worn them after 2 months.

    If you worry too much and not sure if you do it right, call Nicu nurses. They will tell you
  7. MrsBirch

    MrsBirch Well-Known Member

    Mine came home from the hospital in May so we had them in short sleeved onsies and swaddled them. Sometimes we put the blanket they had in the NICU over them if they seemed cold.
  8. Angelfish

    Angelfish Active Member

    We also always swaddled ours - they slept so much better when wrapped up snuggly! Depending on the temperature they either wore PJs underneath or just diapers. Even now I still swaddle them loosely for their naps, although now it's less about keeping them cozy than preventing them (at least for a short time) from standing up and playing :)
  9. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys were swaddled-tightly-for four months at bedtime. They were swaddled at naptime until they were six months old. I never did hats on the kids. I just don't like hats on me, and I never really put them on them. Nor did I really think to. :shrug:

    I put them in regular pjs and the swaddle.
  10. sheras2

    sheras2 Well-Known Member

    I never really used hats either. They have some and they're cute, but my boys always seemed warm enough inside without them. I do almost always keep their feet covered though, just with socks or their sleepers.
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