not 'here' officially...yet...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Specky, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. Specky

    Specky Well-Known Member

    Hi! So I'm thrilled my husband and I have decided to start trying for our third! Woo hoo! I will be getting my IUD out on 2/25. I was thinking of using the ovulator kits...(these weren't available when we was trying for our boys).
    Anyone have any experien e with these? Any other new tricks of the trade?

    Thanks guys!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :yahoo: we're TTC baby #3 right now too. i haven't been using an ovulator kit but i did start tracking my basal body temp every day & charting. i have a friend who teaches natural family planning, so she gave me a quick run down of what the different signs mean & why. i like it because i can see what months i ovulate & when & the odd month i don't ovulate - it's all pretty straight forward & i only had to buy a basal body thermometer which cost about $20. let me know if you'd like to know more.
  3. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Yeah!!! We will be there in July!! Have fun :)

    No advice on the ovulation tests as we didn't use them but sending you baby dust!!!
  4. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    I used them to an obsession! I ovulated but my eggs were crap but didn't know that til I had used them for 2 years. I think if I remember right I used the Answer brand. Man I wish the digital ones had been around then. LOL. I used 3 digital tests to convince myself that I really was pregnant with the twins.
  5. marikaclare

    marikaclare Well-Known Member

    I'm also hoping to be in this forum in the next year or so:) I used ovulation kits when I got pregnant with the boys and I thought they were helpful as we were successful in 2 months! It also helps so that you start to notice the changes yourself when you ovulate. I bought the ovulation kits on ebay as they were cheap and not yet expired. Good luck!
  6. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I am so excited for you!!!! The one piece of advice I can give you is try not to stress. I hope and pray that it happens very quickly for you but keep the attitude that if it doesn't happen this month, that egg just wasn't meant to be your sweet baby #3. Don't get stressed that it won't happen, just realize that you are waiting on that perfect moment when that perfect baby will be made. Also, I have used ovulations kits in the past and obsessed over them, I found that the time it actually happened for us was the one time I was not obsessed about my fertile time. Just remain calm, and enjoy TTC!!! I am sending tons of baby dust to you!!~~~****~~~~~~******~~~~~
  7. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    I used the clear blue easy monitor, which I got for cheap on ebay. I had tried some of the other ovulation test kits but I kept missing the window...with the CBE you can track when your hormones start shifting and you're nearing that time. I liked that it told me when I was ovulating and nearing ovulation so I came to know my cycles and when we needed to DTD. What I didn't like was that I became obsessed with that time of the month and it kind of took all the fun out of it. We used it for 16 months. We got pregnant with the boys on my first month not using it. We'd decided to kind of take a break/take it easy with TTC because I'd just found out I was changing jobs and that we should get settled with that first. Ha...I got to start my new job on the same day I had my first beta. Haha. All that to say...I like the CBE for what it was supposed to do...I did not like it because I became obsessed with it. KWIM. But that's probably alot of my own personality kicking in there. Good luck!
  8. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    I just saw this! I really need to get on TS more! LOL I'm SO excited for you guys! You are in my thoughts, prayers, fingers crossed, baby dust like crazy!! LOL I don't have much experience with the ovulator kits because I knew I would need help when we started trying and the DR tested my levels said my eggs sucked and sent me straight to the fertility specialist. LOL We went straight to IUI's then IVF. With Ryder - well as you know he was one heck of a shocker!!! LOL I'm so excited you guys are trying again!! Keep me updated!

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