when were your kids first dentist appoinments?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I thought the first appt would is after they turn 1. But I have read some sites recommend that its between 6-12 months after they have their baby teeth.if so, I should make their appoinments now. When did you take them in? Or what have you been told?TIA.
  2. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    We take ours to a pedi dentist and we absolutely love them! With DD1, we didn't really think to take her early on. But, they suggested at her 3 yr. check up that she should get into the Dentist. When I called to make the appt. they asked if I had other kids and the twins were just 6 months old. They said they recommended seeing them around the time they got their first tooth or two and by a year old. We took them in when they were 1. The first visit was very laid back. They sat on our laps and they kind of leaned them back and got them used to letting someone look in their mouth. They did a quick count, gave us a lot of info. By their 3rd time, they were going back on their own with no problem.
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    our dentist said to take them once they had all of their teeth, or around 3 years old, or unless we had any concerns. we did end up taking them just after their 2nd birthday because Riley had a spot on her tooth & i freaked out. anyway, they both completely melted down at first which sucked. i held Riley while the dentist took a quick look at her tooth (which was fine). once the business part was done, the hygienist & dentist just spent some time showing the girls around the office, chatting with them, & "flying" them in the chair. by the end of the visit the girls were having a blast & usually ask me once a week when we're going to the dentist again. we probably won't go now until they get their 2nd set of molars in, which may not be for a while as my girls were very late teethers.

    i would check with your ped or dentist & see what their preference is.
  4. Chrijodo

    Chrijodo Well-Known Member

    Our dentist doesn't see kids before 3 unless special circumstances call for it.
  5. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Our pedi dentist recommends at 12 months. Our boys went at 12 months, then again at 2.5, and most recently at 3. They will go every 6 months now.
  6. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    Our oldest went right after her 1st birthday. I keep meaning to call the dentist to see about when to bring the twins in. Thanks for the reminder I will call this morning :)
  7. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    Our family dentist recommended 2.5--they have all their teeth and will *probably* cooperate.
  8. Juj

    Juj Well-Known Member

    I think we took them at 3 years.

    Be sure to check out your dental insurance also.
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I took mine when they were 3 too. :good:
  10. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we took my son at 12 mo. b/c he'd chipped a tooth... the pediatric dentist was awesome! under 3 they do the "lap" visit and just look in the mouth while mom/dad helps to hold them with their heads in the dentist's lap. it's very laid back and the dr just tries to make sure that they are comfortable and not scared.

    we didn't go back for him until this week when he'd falled a couple of weeks ago and his tooth is now gray... anyway, another lap visit and he did great.

    we still haven't take my daughter... I kinda figured that we do the same dental care... and am just trying to save some money... I was hoping to wait until 3 yrs to then get the teeth cleaned and do the xrays and flouride treatment etc through our dental insurance... now my ds's visit this week will probably count as one of his well visits for the year.

    anyway, the other thing I was going to say is that our "lap visit" was $61, I think another place in town is $75... not cheap... but not too bad either...

    not every dentist is a "pediatric" dentist so choose wisely.
  11. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I take the kids to our dentist. They're great with kids. For us it depends on the kid. The dentist will see the kids 12mos+. DS has seen them twice. He went to the Children's Hospital dentist once before that (at 2) and it was a nightmare. For being a pedi dentist she had no bedside manner. Never again. DS lets them clean his teeth without problem. We only see the dental hygenist (sp) unless there is a problem. They have cute names for all the equipment. DD has been twice now and she turns 4 in less than a month. They counted teeth the first time and the second cleaned them. DD2 hasn't been seen. I had her with me the last time the kids went and they tried to talk to her and she freaked. I am planning on having her seen the next time the kids go which is in about four months. Hopefully she's matured a bit and will let them touch her.
  12. bellawillawyatt

    bellawillawyatt Well-Known Member

    Ok talked to our dentist and they start seeing them between 2 and 3. So I have some time :)
  13. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    We took the boys at around a year for a quick check up. I was glad we did, because Brooks fell down the steps just two days later and hit his mouth. I was able to call the dentist after hours and talk to him since B was officially a patient already. So, if for nothing else, it got them into the system for any future problems we have.
  14. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Mine were 4 for their first appointment.
  15. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone! we have the children hospital close by. it has pedi dentist office too. So I will call tomorrow to ask. I also will call our pedi to ask as well. We used to dream feed them alot all day/night long. I kindda worry they might have cavities. So if the dentist would like to see them, i would love to bring them in. Michelle loves to chew on things (internet cable, can opener i caught her.., all hard things) i think 1 of her upper front teeth got chipped but im not sure. By the way, her upper front teeth are giant. they are as big as adult teeth. i dont know why.....i really worry they get cavities. i dont know what to do if they do. We brush their teeth everyday, but still i worry and would like them to be checked out. Thanks ladies!
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