white noise machines

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by smiley7, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    Our kids have seperate rooms (out of necessity) but I am finding my daughter, who used to wake and play quietly, is now a SCREAMER. She often wakes her brother up. I was thinking of getting a white noise machine for her room.

    For any of you that have one, can you give me some feedback on the models you like or don't and why?

  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did not use a white noise machine but for some reason running little fans in their rooms helped. I also got My Tot clocks when they turned two and those will play music and white noise during nap time and bed time. Good luck!
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i have a pretty standard white noise machine with a bunch of different sound options, although we only use the water one. i like that mine has an AC option & a battery option, as well as an optional timed shut off, so those would be features i would look for.

    as Nancy said fans work the same way, as do humidifiers. you could also try a radio set to static or a white noise CD.

    i've found white noise to be invaluable in keeping the hustle & bustle from the rest of the house from disturbing the girls sleep. GL!
  4. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    We have this one:

    Works great - you can put it on a timer for 15 min, 30 min., etc., or leave it on all the time.
  5. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I have this same one and am a HUGE fan of white noise machines. I can have a party outside of their room and they would never know the difference! I can also hear it through the monitor and I sleep better too!
  6. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I consider myself a connoisseur of white noise machines :) I've been using a white noise machine for about 20 years. I've used all kinds from fans to air purifiers to official white noise machines. I gave up on buying fans because inevitably they all seem to get a "rattle" that will drive me bonkers. We bought the Homedics Lullaby sound machine for the nursery when the boys were infants, and it was great because not only would it play various sounds but if they were really fussy then we would run the projector thingy which would display on the ceiling. But we haven't used that feature in many many months, however, our nighttime routine always involved turning on the "cradle" lullaby and we would set the timer for 45 or 60 minutes. However, like a lot of Homedics brand white noise machines, it crapped out just last week and no longer plays music (my brother has the one linked to above and it would often times skip or act wonky). But the white noise machines I like best are just the plain ole "whoosh" of air, and our air purifiers do a great job of that, with the bonus of also removing dust and stuff from the air. We have air purifiers in our bedroom and nursery. And last but not least I bought this Marpac white noise machine about a year ago and it is WONDERFUL for traveling as well as when we take the boys to stay the night at my parents. It is small and compact but has enough sound to mask other house sounds.

    DH never did use white noise machines until he met me. But now he is hooked. If he goes on a business trip he can't sleep without white noise, so he takes the small Marpac noise machine.
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    ours is the alarm clock I'd gotten for my dh... we finally just moved it into the kids room. you just clock the front button and whatever sound you'd picked from the prior time comes one. we put it on for all night most nights...

    the thing with alarm clocks is that you HAVE to make sure that the alarms are NOT set... we've had some issues with people pushing the wrong buttons on our other alarm clock/cd player... and at midnight the noise would go off, or an alarm would go off! UGH!
  8. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We have fans in all our rooms, going to switch out the kids fans for small air purifiers soon though. We also use lullaby's for the kids, it not only helps settle them down (which is really nice when we go on vaca), but it blocks out any inadvertent noises we might make after they go to bed.
  9. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We use an old ipod and some speakers.
  10. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    We have the Homedics one linked above, but I really like using a humidifier in the winter and a fan in the summer. They seem to provide a "fuller" white noise (if that even makes any sense) and really deaden the sounds of the house. We have literally had parties with the boys upstairs in bed and they've slept right through it!
  11. learnest

    learnest Member

    I have always had a nosie maker ever since my kids were a couple weeks old, and couldnt live without it lol! My other kids are so loud slamming doors makeing noise while comeing upstairs it very needed around here. I have always got ours at Kohls by the alarm clocks they have one thats for kids and than it has some light on top that rotates with diffrent discs you can put in with diff images for kids, we are on our second one now but they are so worth it!

    Must be the Homedics brand everyone else is saying!
  12. shelbaz

    shelbaz Well-Known Member

    I have the Graco one, it looks like a little UFO spaceship. It is a nightlight/white noise machine. I use the static setting, more when they were smaller. It's loudest setting wasn't loud enough for me, but it does travel well and works in a pinch if you have nothing else to block out noise.

    Now, I run humidifiers in their rooms, which does double duty as white noise and humidify our dry winter air. If I need more noise than that, I run a small table fan facing the wall, just for noise.

    I don't even think they could sleep in total silence, I have them so attuned to white noise!
  13. SC

    SC Well-Known Member

    I, too, am a white noise fan (addict). I don't know how people sleep w/o it. DH got me hooked on sleeping w/ a fan when we were dating and now I cannot sleep w/o one. When the boys were in the NICU they advised us to get some sort of white noise machine because the boys were used to constant activity while sleeping. Since the day we brought them home we have used this: http://www.target.com/Graco-Sound-Machine-Plug-Nightlight/dp/B001GQ2P78. I have mentioned before on these boards that it is one of the best investments we've made; it has paid for itself 100x over. During cold-weather months we run a humidifier and during warm-weather months we run a fan (in addition to the white noise). I highly doubt if the boys could sleep w/o it. We always use the same setting and I think the combo of a dark room (we use the blue light on the white noise machine), the white noise, and the humidifier (fan) tells the boys it's time for sleep. I assume we'll indefinitely use some sort of noise in their bedroom. Hopefully by the time they're old enough to go on sleepovers they won't need it anymore, or I could just send it along :ibiggrin:.
    So, obviously, I highly recommend them and like pp's have said, you won't have to tip toe around or worry about other noises (within reason--I am sure a loudly screaming child might sometimes trump the white noise) waking your LO. Give it a shot.

    ** The links I'm inserting don't seem to be working. Not sure if it's just me. The name of the machine is the Graco Sweet Slumber Sound Machine.
  14. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We just use clean air machines, we have one in every bedroom...none of us can sleep with out it! Works great!!
  15. beanmachine

    beanmachine Active Member

    Like one of the previous posters, we use an old iPod with speakers. If you go on iTunes there are a bunch of white noise albums that you can buy and then just put it on repeat. That's worked wonders for us since the girls were born.
  16. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    We use them for both boys set to rain. It does help with keeping each other's noise out, but it helps them sleep better and it allows us to talk outside their rooms with less worry of waking them up. One night, the power went out. The sound machines weren't working (I didn't have the battery back-ups in :fool:.) They still slept ok, but we didn't cause we no longer heard the sound of the rain coming from their monitors. We needed the sound more than they did!
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