More kids after twins?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Cjoy, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. Cjoy

    Cjoy Well-Known Member

    I know it is too early to decide if and when we will try to have more kids (our boys are 6 months old). However, I am just curious when others felt comfortable 'trying' again.

    Those of you that had twins on your first pregnancy- Did you stop after twins? If not, how many kids did you have after and how long did you wait?

    (There is a huge consignment sale coming up in my area and I hesitate to get rid of anything because I think I want to keep growing our family... but I am not sure how long I want to hold on to 'stuff' either.)
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had the same train of thought exactly when the kids were about 6 months old, because I wanted to start getting rid of stuff. My solution was to get rid of one of everything that we had two of and to get rid of the stuff that we didn't use that much.

    As for more kids.. at 6 months I said no way.. by 9 months I was neutral on the subject.. at a year I was back to no more.. now we're definitely up for a 3rd! It's cyclical for me, but I think overall we want to have a bigger family, so we'll see how it goes.
  3. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    We definitely want more kids, 1 more! But we agree on waiting until the twins turns 3. we want to give them the best of evrything before we add new member into the family.and if we have twins again next time, thatd be awesome lol

    I am going to get rid of everything but clothes.we will just buy new stuff next time.
  4. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    TOTALLY! I am pregnant now and waited til the boys were a little over 3 to even think about it. I figure they've already shared me SOO much, i didn't want to take anything else from them yet.. Now I'm 5 weeks pregnant and feeling guilty anyway.. Ugh.

    They will turn 4 the same month the baby gets here so I think that's fair.

    GL! Oh and I also went thru the "cyclical thing" that Rollergiraffe mentioned.
  5. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wanted to start trying when the kids were just a few months. I waited until after my sister got married in Sept 2005 (we actually started trying in Dec 2005) and discovered I was pregnant in May of 2006. I have 23 months between the twins and my singleton. I love it because they are all very close.
  6. Katheros

    Katheros Well-Known Member

    My twins were my first and will be 6 in May. I didn't start thinking about having more until around their 5th birthday, and even then it was just a thought. Since about the time school started I've really wanted to have another baby. I never wanted to have a huge age gap between kids, though, and to me 6+ years is a huge gap. But oh well, can't really do anything about that now!

    My husband, however, still is scared of having more twins and is not on board with having another baby.
  7. KeriU

    KeriU Well-Known Member

    Our twins are only three months, but we know we want at least one more. We don't discuss it too much as to when we are wanting another one. For us it took so long to get pregnant and ended up using clomid to actually conceive. Our big debate right now is to use birth control or not. He is more okay with not using any, but I figure my luck I would get pregnant the first time we have sex while not using some sort of birth control. I want another one, but am not ready quite yet.
  8. Janclamat

    Janclamat Well-Known Member

    We waited for about a year. Our singleton is 21 months younger. I would rather have them spaced close together than 3 or 4 years apart. I go back and forth on whether I want 1 more or not. Some days I miss the infant stage, but at the same time now that everything is getting so much easier, we can do more things with all three of them. I haven't gotten rid of anything yet, but Iam ready to start getting rid of clothes and the baby stuff.
  9. horizon250

    horizon250 Well-Known Member

    I wanted to have another baby when the twins were only 4 months old. But that's just hormones. we wanted 3-4 but obviously I wasn't ready that soon. When I got "surprise" pregnant when the girls were 14 months old because I had stopped nursing them I was thrilled. I love that the 3 of them are only 22 months apart. I wouldn't have planned pregnancies that close together but it's what I wanted.
  10. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    When my twins were under a year I said NO WAY NO HOW! When they were 2 I convinced DH and it took us 2+ years to conceive sooooo there are 5+ years separating the twins and the baby... so far I love it.
  11. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was ready for another when my twins turned me crazy but yes I wanted them spaced closely and did I mention the crazy part?!;) Anyways...we started trying when the boys were 9 months old and I found out I was pregnant when they were 10 months old!!! They are 18 months apart and its still rough right now but I know from experience that as Hannah gets closer to 1 that their schedules will be so similar that it will get easier in some sense:)

    Good luck with whatever you chose!:)
  12. twinmom2dana

    twinmom2dana Well-Known Member

    I was "done" after the boys were born, they were our 3rd/4th. However I didn't do anything other than stay on the pill after they were born. The urge returned after an unexpected pregnancy(twin set #2) ended with a miscarriage. Even then, I was still content with our 4 and continued with the pill. We had #5 :shok: (which was another set of twins, lost baby B) in October. We are DONE this time, I swear
  13. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    We are totally done. We only ever wanted two kids. And adding more to our family would be very expensive for us - either IVF or another adoption, neither of which we can afford. So yeah, we are done, and we are totally satisfied with that. Honestly, I've never been an infant person, and I'm not sure I could survive another infant phase! I'm ready for my life to move forward, if that makes sense.
  14. Chrijodo

    Chrijodo Well-Known Member

    The twins were my 4th and 5th (my first baby passed away after birth) so they are my 3rd and 4th surviving babies. And I am done. I got my tubes tied. I feel blessed for the 4 beautiful children I have and content to move on from this stage.
  15. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    As soon as they were born! :laughing: Seriously!

    I had told dh, when we were pregnant with the boys, that I wanted to start trying again around their first birthday(October). We dealt with infertility and were going to do FET's and didn't know how long it would take, etc. We met with the RE in August, going in thinking of a October/November transfer date. Well...she shocked us...said there was only one test that needed to be done...could be done right there and now...we did it...And that pushed our date up to October 1. Transfer date. October 9th I got the BFP. October 18th, my boys turned one. June 10th, Annabella was born. :wub:

    They are 19 months apart and I wouldn't change it for the world!
  16. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    I really want to have a third child, but not now... Maybe when the girls are three. I couldn't handle more chaos right now (what if it'd be a second set of twins) and I am not sure if I'd want it for the right reasons (not making up for what I feel I missed out on).
  17. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Two words: Heck no!

    I didn't want children but decided to "allow my husband to have one". One pregnancy was two babies and that's all she wrote. I got my tubes tied during the c-section. No need for a repeat. If we really want another child we will adopt.
  18. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    We always wanted 3 or 4, but it's another IVF cycle for us. I think we will probably go for it in 2012 around when the twins turn 4.

    As far as stuff, I've been getting rid of stuff. It doesn't make sense to me to store it. We will get new stuff if necessary, and others can enjoy our stuff now.
  19. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Well the twins made number 4 and 5 for us so I'm done. Their pregnancy by far was the hardest. Of course being a twin pregnancy it's hard but also being my fourth in five years. My body is just done. I don't want my tubes tied because I don't want to go through out patient surgery. I wish my husband would get the big V but I doubt it. I'm thinking I'll talk to the doctor about the Essure or whatever next time I go. I'm just nervous to have it done. Usually around this time (5-6mos) I start getting that hankering for another. My first two are 16mos apart, second and third are 18mos, and the third and twins are 23mos apart. Before I could start thinking about being pregnant and having a baby and get excited. Now it makes me more tired thinking about it and I can't even picture myself delivering again. I can't picture myself with a newborn. When I do think about it I don't see myself happy. I really hate the idea of permanent birth control. I'd rather do natural family planning but I'm worried I'll get pregnant while learning how to do it or if I mess up the schedule somehow. One of the reasons I'm having a hard time thinking permanent is because it's accepting that I won't have anymore kids and I'm just getting older. Getting older stinks!
  20. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    I am completely done. We wanted one and ended up with two, so we are quite happy with our family of four. Heck, it took us nearly 8 yrs of marriage to decide to have any children at all. :D
  21. babyhopes09

    babyhopes09 Well-Known Member

    We always knew we wanted 4-5 kids and we went through miscarriages and fertility treatments before we were blessed with our twins.. I only have one tube (lost the other in an ectopic) and my doctor swears I have polycystic ovaries (I disagree since I don't have any of the normal PCOS symptoms.. We figured it would be awhile before we would be able to conceive on our own (our doc agreed)... well... we weren't being as "careful" as we should have been... seeing how we wanted the girls to be at least 2 before #3 was on the way... well... SURPRISE! BFP in November... my girls are 9 months and I'm 10 weeks pregnant.. They will be close.. only 16 months apart... even though it's extremely daunting to think of having another little one on the way so soon, we are very thankful!
  22. amymarie3

    amymarie3 Well-Known Member

    For me it depends on the day. We decided to wait until the boys are 2 to make the decision. But I think that we are done with our two. That was how many we wanted to start with anyway.
  23. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    We definitely want more. It took clomid to have my twins and I'm not getting any younger since I waited to start a career before I had them, so we decided to try pretty early. I stopped taking the minipill when they were 8 months and we decided to restart clomid when they were 14 months old. Now they are 19 months and its proving to be a little more difficult the second time around. We are working with an RE and actively trying. I've always wanted a big family so I'm hoping for multiples this time too!

    I always knew I wanted another one so I really haven't gotten rid of anything. Our twins are B/G so I have saved all the clothes. If I have just 1 this time I'll get rid of the clothes I don't need. Some of the bigger items (jumparoo, bouncy seat) were borrowed the first time around so I would have to re-borrow or buy some of those things

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