PTing day 1

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by jec34e, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. jec34e

    jec34e Well-Known Member

    LIke the 3 day method, we went straight to underpants and reminded them to tell us all day. Put on the potty every 20-30 and it did not go well. They had at least 8-10 accidents each and 2 poop accidents each. They didn't seem to care about being wet or going in their underpants. It just didn't seem like they were getting it at all by the end of the day.
    Is this normal? Do I try again tomorrow or are they not ready and just go back to diapers or pull-ups for a while until they are ready?

    Today was about as exhausting as having newborn twins...
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I did the 3 day potty training with great results. Maybe the stars were aligned right during that time, they were just ready, or what not. My boys were two months older than yours when we did it. I picked a weekend and had dh on board. They woke up, threw away their diapers, and I put underwear on them. August 5th was the last time they wore diapers!

    And yes-it IS exhausting! The first day...the boys BOTH had ten accidents each. Pooping wasn't an issue yet because they were afraid to go(although the first day, Nicholas went CONSTANTLY...but that was it).

    So I had 20 pairs of underwear that needed washing. Day 2 arrived(we also trained at night time during this period). On this day... Anthony had FIVE accidents, and Nicholas had ZERO. Mind you, I SWORE Nicholas would be the hardest kid to potty train. He showed NO interest whatsoever. And by day three, neither one of them had accidents.

    I couldn't believe it myself! Pooping took some work for them to get over their fears. But within two weeks, they were both day/nap/night time trained-and poop as well! :)

    Good luck! If after the three days(or two if you choose), you don't seem to be making any headway, you could always stop and try again in a few months when they are older. Good luck!
  3. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    I could not have said it better myself! We trained with the 3-day method over the holiday break, a few days after Christmas. It wiped us both out every night for the first 3-4 days. It is exhausting, but in our case, well worth it.

    My kiddos seemed to catch on quickly to the wet underpants, but I know the author said that one of her sons did not seem to get it until the third day.

    Can I clarify your comment about "put them on the potty every 20-30." Does that mean that you were taking them at those intervals or were they telling you that they needed to go?
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    You sound like us the first time we tried. It was so exhausting!!! We decided to wait a month an try again, this time went soooo much better! We are on day 15 and having very very few accidents.
    Good luck!
  5. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I think if you wait until they are ready, it's easy.

    Mine were 2 years and five months and were COMPLETELY ready we never sweated a bit. I think the trouble comes in when they are not ready??

    anyway, good luck!! We started showing them potties at about 2, but NEVER pushed them a bit. I prepped them for about a month before so they knew that the upcoming weekend we were done w/ diapers. It went GREAT!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    The first day is usually a lot of accidents. When I did the 3 day program with my DS, I would wait until he was showing signs that he had to go...sometimes that was catching him in the beginning of an accident. I noticed that as each day that went by he would have less accidents and day #4 was the day that he was completely dry while he was awake (staying dry during nap and night time came later).
    It is tiring for sure!

    I agree with what Meaghan said, if you notice by the end of day three that there is still a lot accidents, then I would shelve it and try again later. Good luck!
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I think the point of the 3 day program is that it takes more than 1 day... otherwise it'd be the 1 day program. though like other posters have mentioned in other threads, the 3-day ebook program does not have you putting them on the potty ever... you keep asking if they are clean & dry remind them to tell you when they need to go... it's not a timed thing.

    good luck, I'm sure you will see at the end of the 3 days if you're ready to keep going.

    we tried it haphazardly for several months before I packed up diapers on Aug 21!! we've never looked back. ours were 27.5 mo old and they did remarkedly well. we have seldom accidents during the day, and the night accidents are getting fewer. for us it was the right time.
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