shirts with name

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by christinam, Jan 15, 2011.

  1. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have shirts with the baby's name written on the front? I was sitting her playing farmville thinking about the girls upcoming pedi wellcheck apppointment. While it's great to see the girl's progress it's a big pain. The nurses and doctor are constantly trying to keep track of who's who and my girls don't even look that much alike. So I'm thinking of getting some 6-9mos tshirts since they'll be able to wear them for a while and writing their name on the front with fabric markers. I was thinking I could also use them when we go places where people don't know them all that well like my Grandma's house. She's 88 and has a hard time remembering my name let alone remembering which twin is which.

    Has anyone else done this?
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't(but my boys look NOTHING alike!). I know of a twin mom who I follow on her blog, who I used to follow on Babycenter. Anyways...her and her sister I believe started a business with personalized shirts, etc. Some really cute stuff. She has a blog for that business... I'll pass it along to you! :) She has them for various seasons, etc.

    Pixie Stitch Boutique
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    haha for fun you could just get a set of "my name is" stickers! I'm kidding...

    I did the fabric paint on infant hats for our twins at the hospital - that's how we told their names... it was fun and the hats washed well.

    you could do a fun "valentine" theme with a red heart or a hand print of theirs and their name... have fun with it. i did some fabric paint shirts for my dh for father's day and it washes up nice too. great idea!
  4. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I haven't done it with our boys, but when DH's sisters were in high school, they had shirts sort of like that

    I'm ____, she's ______

    Very funny. They looked exactly alike back then - I can tell them apart as adults, but pictures of them in high school or younger, it is very hard.
  5. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    That would be funny. My twins don't look alike at all. I don't think so anyway but it would still be funny. I was thinking of making up shirts that read "yes I'm a twin!"

    It really love the idea of the handprint shirts! I just need to go buy some fabric paint now.
  6. Silly_Putty

    Silly_Putty Well-Known Member

    I saw some online that have, for example, E is for Emma- Cafe Press I think somewhere. They are customizable and I thought cute so I was going to buy them even though I have B/G twins (they have bibs like that too), but then I was thinking about older babies (kids) with names on shirts and how it's a bad idea because kidnappers then know the kids name and it makes it easier for them. So no names on shirts for me.
  7. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Yeah I won't take them out into public with shirts with their name printed on them. Just to the pedi, to family's house, and then around our house. Of course as much as I'm yelling at the big kids to stay with me everyone in the entire suppermarket, mall, play area, whatever knows their name. lol
  8. 3timesblessed

    3timesblessed Well-Known Member

    I have twin girls just a little older than yours. They look absolutley nothing alike, but we do have little onesies that my sister in law made for us. They are a 6-9 month onesie. Since now the girls spend the majority of their time on their bellies playing, she put their intials on the back instead of the front. She did put on the front with just some iron on numbers "1 of 2" and "2 of 2". Since my girls names both start with "M" she put an "M" for Mady and a "K" for Mackenzie, we call her Kenzie anyway. It is such a cute thing to do, I had a blast doing a mini photo shoot at home because I loved the shirts so much. Here is a picture of my girls in their onesies.My onesies
  9. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Your picture is so adorable!!!! I love it!!!
  10. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    There's a great Etsy shop called Olive and Maude. I've bought two shirts and two onesies from her, and I'm thinking about getting birthday shirts as well. Instead of full names, I just got first initials for my girls.

    One month shirts.
    Four month onesies.
  11. pawliepaws

    pawliepaws Active Member

    I iron on transfers with their initials on a lot of my girls' outfits. They are identical so most everyone has a hard time telling who is who. It even helps my husband and I! It is especially helpful when I go to upload & label photos.
  12. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    LOL. That's so me. :) I am constantly yelling at them by first and middle names, don't touch that, sit down, let go of your brother, etc., etc., etc. Everyone in the vacinity knows their names.
  13. beemer

    beemer Well-Known Member

    As to the original question - I LOVE monogrammed shirts or shirts with their names on them. As my kiddos get older, and now recognize their names, they get so excited to see them.

    I have made several shirts with their names or initials on them using white shirts from Walmart and printable Iron on Transfers. I think I got both shirts, and a box of 10 transfers for about $10 the first time. I have also had some printed at Cafe Press for special occassions. The only down side to the transfers is that they fade over time (10 or so washings before I decided they looked too bad to wear again) whereas the Cafe Press Shirts held up much better (20 + washings before we outgrew them).

    I have to say my favorities at the moment though are Thing1/Thing2 from Unviersal Orlando. I am sure they are avaialble online.
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