Still swaddle at 6mos?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Cjoy, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. Cjoy

    Cjoy Well-Known Member

    My guys are 6months old... I still swaddle them for naps, and put them in sleep sacks for nighttime. Lately they have been rocking their bodies until they flip over and then they scream. One DS has been doing it during the night over and over again for more than an hour at a time (we keep going in to rescue him and flip him back over). They do it during play too. They flip, and once they get tired of being on their bellies, they cry.

    Is this a sign we should stop swaddling?
  2. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    My twins are 8.5 months and they started doing this exact same thing around 7 months. At which point we decided it was safer to not swaddle them anymore. It was a nightmare trying to break them off of it. They were so used to it. But now they are used to not being swaddled and sleep much better.
  3. Cjoy

    Cjoy Well-Known Member

    Ok, so I removed the swaddles today for nap time... and NOONE wants to nap!! I think I am going to have to move bedtime way up today. They finally settle when it is time to get up. I did put them in sleep sacks for the 2nd nap, and it helped one DS, but not the other.
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I definitely wouldn't swaddle or I would at least leave their arms free. It might take a few days to get used to, but they'll settle down after a while :)
  5. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I agree. Like I said we stopped around 7 months. It did take about 2 weeks for them to completely get used to not being swaddled, but now both babies can roll around in their beds as they like and both eventually wind up on their tummies and sleep wonderfully. :)
  6. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we stopped around 6 mo. when they started flipping too.

    a friend bought some special sack from New Zealand? the Pekemoe or something. anyway, basically you could do the same thing with a sleep sack and just keep their arms gives their arms a little more freedom, but still feels like swaddled. I didn't know about that type of sack at the time we switched, but we did switch to sleep sacks and have used those for at least 2 yrs. if you don't have sleep sacks and have to buy them, I'd go for an 18mo size... they will be longer and will still fit, but will end up fitting forever.

    good luck. yes, I remember those couple of weeks/month being a pistol to get them to sleep... I also think we had a growth spurt at the same time which meant I used up about all of my frozen breast milk in about a 2 wk period...
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