Sleep question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by abrinka, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    So here is what I need help with:
    Twins get up around 7:30-8am.Then breakfast,snack.
    Lunch 11:30am
    Go for a nap from 12:15/12;30-1:45/2:00pm, on good days it's past 2 pm, so 2 hrs of nap.
    Snack 3pm,dinner at 5pm.
    Milk at 7pm then bath.
    At night I put them to bed before 8pm.They fall asleep close to 9pm.It is 7 hours after nap!
    What I am doing wrong here?
    Should I move their nap time? In the past when Iet them to sleep till 2:30pm., then it takes my DD to go to sleep past 9pm,DS close to 9pm.
    Please share your schedules with times for wake up,nap and night sleep.
  2. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    We are pretty close in is our winter schedule right now (in the summer, they are awake with the sun!):

    Awake around 7:00am (rarely 7:30am)
    Breakfast, snack
    Lunch around 11:30am
    Nap around 12:30pm
    *we have been having really weird nap durations for the last few months...sometimes it is over 2 hours, sometimes it is only 45 minutes <_< *
    Right now, awake around 2pm
    Snack between 2:30-3pm
    Dinner at 6pm
    Bedtime no later than 7:30pm

    I found that if we let them nap more than 2 hours, they had a harder time going to sleep. I do not know how long you have been having challenges with them going to sleep, but I think with patience and maybe a little tweaking of the nap duration, things will work themselves out. For us, the sleep disruptions seem to coincide with learning new things, just like when they were babies and learning how to sit-up, stand, walk, etc.

  3. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    Thanks Sarah for your response.Our twins are indeed only 1 week apart in age.
    yes this sleep issue at night it is new thing going on for about a month. I just let them chat in the evening and eventually they go to sleep. Talking more is a new thing that just started over last few month.That might contribute to falling asleep faster.
  4. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    We have kind of a different day schedule:
    wake: 8:00 ish
    Breakfast: 9:30 ish (they usually aren't hungry right away, just milk)
    lunch: 12:30 ish
    Play after lunch they play great with eachother and I try to do some stuff around the house
    nap: 2pm - 4 pm (sometimes 3:30, sometimes 4:30)
    bedtime: 7:30 - 8:00, they don't talk at all once we turn the light off.

    I know their nap is kind of late at 2pm, they were always the last put down for nap at day care, but their nap has never affected their bedtime so I just go with how they are acting.

    I am kind of sleep nazi, I have been done to go in and "yell" at them in a stern voice "no singing" (which sounds ridiculous b/c they sound so cute singing to themselves or eachother but I don't want it to become a habit to talk after lights out.) good luck!
  5. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    I think they're overtired. Nap time seems OK. I would never let mine sleep past 3 pm and they would be in bed at 7 pm (6 pm when they were little). If you put them to bed too late, they get a little over enthusiastic and it's harder for them to settle. I would put them down 7.00 pm at the latest if they nap until 2 pm.
  6. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    my schedule is similar to the OP, but ours were napping longer... until 3p or 4p, and then not getting down until well after 9p/9:30p... UGH! part of our issue was the whole potty thing since we are PTing... and we'd put them in their cribs only to hear "pooopy mommy"... or "pee pee"... anyway, we started waking them by 2:30p and the combination of that and them getting a better handle on the pottying bedtime has recently been much better, and is closer to 8p. For yours that they are getting up at 2p, I would say try to put them down at 7p and see what happens. They may be over tired...

    the only other thing, is that if they are sleeping until 8a... then they are getting an extra hour in there... and not sure if you want to wake earlier and get their day started.

    yours are getting 10.5 hrs at night and about 2 in the day, so they are getting good sleep... but I hear you wanting bedtime earlier. I have also found that it's a lot of ME that elongates the bedtime routine... I've really had to just keep everything on track and not extra playtimes. Or I set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes.

    Our bedtime routine just seems to keep going and going... potty, bath, PJs, last nursing (this takes up the most! 15-20min), brush teeth, feed cats (kinda a reward for brushing teeth!), 2 books, potty, pray, bed. everything seems to take at least 5 minutes... and it all adds up to over an hour or more! when it seems it should just take 20-30 min.

    anyway, hope you get some good ideas to get yours in be earlier.
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    what I meant to add was that in the middle of our bedtime routine they'll say they want to play or watch a dvd, that's where I have to set the 5-10min. timer. My dh loves to plop them down for a Signing Time dvd and then he goes and does something else... that's where the extra 20-30 min. really came in. I like it better when I can avoid any of the extra "fluff" and keep to the minimum.
  8. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    It does seem that 9pm bedtime is late if they wake up from their nap at 2pm. Mine go to bed at that time when they wake up at 3.30pm. When they wake up at 2pm they go to bed at 8pm tops, earlier if we can. I agree that they might be overtired.
  9. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    If they wake up at 2pm(which is most of the time) I always put them to bed 7:45pm,but it takes them sometimes good 45-60minutes to fall asleep.

    Thanks everyone for advice and suggestions.
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