My baby girls are 1 today!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by E's 3, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    So, we made it!!! I can't believe it but Amélie and Audrée and 1 today!!!!

    This last year has been quite an adventure and we've come a LONG way. I keep thinking back to where I was this time last year...dazed and confused and already exhausted with 2 newborns and a toddler, wondering how the h*ll we were going to manage. Well, we have and will continue to. Every day bring new challenges but also new joys :).

    Amélie was first out at 9:48am (on the bathroom floor no less, caught by a quick acting nurse...such a great birth story and I know I will never get bored telling it :)). She is my little social butterfly...first to play peek-a-boo, wave, blow kisses and give hugs. She is also a little comedian...she laughs easily and thinks everything is funny, most of all herself.

    Audrée is my baby, the youngest of the 3 and the last! She was born at 10:04am, sunny side up, wrapped in her cord, but head first! She is the stronger physically of the two...first to hold her head up, roll, sit, stand...and yesterday the first to take her first steps! She is my cuddle bug and my little shadow, everywhere I go she isn't far behind.

    I am loving watching their personalities develop and their relationship with each other and the rest of the family grow. I am looking forward to the SY and all the new 'firsts' it will bring. Thank you to all of you to your support over this crazy first year...I look forward to many more years with all of you!

    Here are a few pics from their party yesterday.
    The Birthday Girls!
    Eating cake.
    Do you have any left?
  2. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Happy birthday Amélie and Audrée! :birthday:
    They are so cute! Hope you girls will have a super fun ride in SY! And Good job mama. You have done great with a toddler and twins. We have only twins here, but so exhausted already hehe.
  3. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    Happy birthday pretty girls!! Hard to believe they are 1, isn't it?
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Happy Birthday to your girls! And congratulations to you Momma, for surviving the first year!
  5. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member


    Welcome to the second year!!
  6. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    :birthday: :birthday: to you.....!!!!!!! Woot Woot!!

    Congratulations to the girls and their Mamma! You rock, I could not even imagine a toddler in the mix. The girls are cutie pies :)

    BTW, what kind of cake did you give them? I am trying to decide...

    See in in the SYF in a few days!
  7. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone!

    It's store bought...full of chocolate, sugar and god knows what else ;). I made my sons for his first BDay since he hadn't had wheat, sugar, eggs, well pretty much anything by the time he was one (I was slightly neurotic the first time around :laughing:). This time I didn't have the time or energy so I ordered one, also there's pretty much nothing they haven't had in terms of food so I'm a h*ll of a lot more relaxed this time :).
  8. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    Yah, I'm starting to re-think the baking route... We'll see, I'm more of a cookie baker than cake baker : ) .. I am starting to let my control go.... Slowly ;)
  9. monica77

    monica77 Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday Amelie and Audree!!! They are so adorable! They look so funny with the cake all over their faces. Congratulations to you also, yeah, as a person that only has twins, I really can't imagine having a toddler also! The birth story sounds really impressive also :).
  10. pawliepaws

    pawliepaws Active Member

    Happy birthday girls! :) They are so cute!! Good job on making it through the first year. I hope that I can!! lol

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