Tummy question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by aprilmorgan3, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. aprilmorgan3

    aprilmorgan3 Member

    My DS has been complaining of an upset tummy for close to a month now. It isn't all the time, and he doesn't throw up, run fever, or have diahrea. I at first thought he was saying that to get out of doing something, but I haven't been making a big deal over it when he says it and I tell him he needs to go lay down then. I am pretty sure he isn't constipated, unless you can still get constipated even though he is going every day or every other day at the most. There are times that I honestly don't think he feels good. He is my very active child, constantly on the go, if he watches a movie he never lays down, he either sits on the couch for maybe a couple minutes or stands.. but is usually doing something else in the process of the movie being on. Well he has been just laying around lately, and I can just tell he doesn't feel good.

    Could there be something more going on that I am not thinking of?
  2. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    My daughter had the same problem in Aug. The Ped ending up sending her to a Peds GI and after a very extensive work up, determined she was just constipated. She goes at least once a day if not twice and was still "full of poop". I would consult your Ped.

    Best of luck!
  3. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Definitely consult with the ped. Our son has stomach issues (but also diarrhea). After numerous tests, he was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Likely, it's nothing or just constipation. But better to be safe than continuing to wonder.
  4. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Mine will usually complain that their tummies hurt if they need to poop. They are not constipated...they just simply need to go. Usually, if they tell me that I ask them if they need to go potty and most of the time (after a short moment) I get a 'why yes I do' kind of response. :rolleyes: I just chalk it up to the age..where even though they are potty trained they apparently still are unsure of that sensation. :unknw: I don't know, but usually after they poop they say their tummy no longer hurts.

    If you don't think it could be something along those lines, I would definately check with your ped.
  5. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    Could it also possibly be gas?
    Maybe try some gas drops and it could help!
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I would call your pedi. Tummy aches alone is not that concerning, but if he is laying around and not his normal active self I'd call. :hug:
  7. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    I agree 100% with Leighann!
  8. sghaley

    sghaley Well-Known Member

    I would call your ped. My DD complained alot of stomach aches/pains too. We actually took her to the ER one night because she was in so much pain. She would also go every day and fairly large amounts. They did an xray and said that she did have some stool in there, but since she was still going, she was not constipated. We eventually ended up at a pedi GI dr. he took one look at the ER xray and said she was severely and chronically constipated. She was also around 3. The treatment was fairly simple. Different combinations of miralax and ex lax. It's at least worth looking into. I find if they are complaining about something as a behavior, they usually stop when they stop getting the result they want. So if he's continuing to complain even though you're not giving it a ton of attention, you might want to at least talk to the ped about it. Good luck! I hope he feels better soon.
  9. aprilmorgan3

    aprilmorgan3 Member

    Update- Well we went to the dr. this morning, and he has put Ayren on Zantac twice a day for a month. We have to keep a journal of everytime he says his tummy hurts, when he poops, and when his tummy hurts how close to eating it is.. He said it sounds like acid reflux and if the Zantac doesn't work we have to take him back and they will refer us to a GI dr for testing. I really hope the zantac helps.

    Thanks everyone for your input.
  10. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update. It sounds like a good plan. :hug:
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the update. Sarah also complains that her tummy hurts fairly often. She was chronically constipated, but we finally got that mostly under control several months ago. I was hoping it would clear up the tummy issues, but she still complains. And it's usually after meals, so I guess maybe it could be reflux? It never seems to affect her behavior, though, so I haven't been highly motivated to pursue the whole ped GI route... :unsure: Anyway, it's helpful to read other people's takes on it.
  12. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    you might also log what he eats, he may have a mild food intolerance. We know that when B eats a lot of cow dairy, things get backed up.
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