I was spoiled with the twins!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Heathermomof5, Jan 5, 2011.

  1. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I had a dr appointment yesterday and just assumed that I would get an ultrasound WRONG! Oh I wanted to cry! I know I made myself look like a spoiled brat! With the twins I got an ultrasound at every visit! Then to top it off!! My first appointment with my reg ob/gyn is Jan 21when I scheduled that appointment they told me I would get an ultrasound at the appointment. I have been seeing the RE and yesterday was my Last appointment with them
    so yesterday I called my reg ob/gyn to see if they could see me a few days sooner than the 21st the receptionist said that since I have been to the RE that I did not need an ultrasound so they may be able to get me in sooner. I just told her thanks but I will keep what I have !!

    And my RE told me that he really thinks this baby is a boy and he would be very surprised if she is a girl! I don't know why he feels so strongly but he has been right in all of his predictions so far!
  2. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    yeah, I know most people get 1-2 u/s with a single pregnancy. I am sure this one will be different. Hope it goes well.
  3. Boni

    Boni Well-Known Member

    Ahhhh I can imagine how you feel. But well done on everything so far. Happy all is going well.

    And maybe your RE can be wrong sometimes. :)
    Either way good luck for the rest of the pg and your appointment on the 21st.
  4. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    My RE told us that statistically we would have a 70% chance of a boy (ICSI, slow growing embryos, based on our fertility issues,etc).....we we have two girls!

    Even an u/s at 14 weeks predicted Boy and ????? ....so we guessed at least one was a boy, nope at 16 weeks they were both all girl!!

    We painted the nursery green just in case.

    I hope which ever gender, you get an u/s soon to take a peek!!
  5. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    Yes, we definitely get spoiled with our twin pregnancies. With Becca I had 4 which was unusual. I had a "dating u/s" at 8 weeks and a "check in" at 12 weeks for my sanity. I had the anatomy scan at 17 weeks but when she wouldn't cooperate for seeing her gender the u/s tech told me I could come back in 4 weeks for a re-check...so I did!

    With Sam, I had 3 but typically would have only had 2. At my first midwife appt she pulled the u/s machine over to do a quick "head count" for me. We only saw one baby but she scheduled another u/s with the real u/s tech to confirm the next week. Then I had the anatomy scan at 18 weeks-ish.
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