Do you feel both babies?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by liliana, Dec 22, 2010.

  1. liliana

    liliana Well-Known Member

    The baby A is been always head down, when I do the U/S, we can listen teh heart beat, but she doesn't move so much. The baby B is always moving around! They say the baby A is in my left side, and baby B in my right side. I just feel my right side, or right under my belly!!!!
    Even if i lay down on my left side, I don't feel nothing but if I lay down to my right side I can feel baby kicking!

    Isn't it strange?
  2. SaraSatin

    SaraSatin Well-Known Member

    It could also depend on which way they are facing at the time too. I only feel baby B when I am laying on my side and it bothers her, otherwise just baby A who is head down.
  3. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    It will change as they get bigger too.
  4. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I could only feel B a little bit at first. We used to think A would be our active baby; B our sloth. Boy were we wrong! B is such a physical kid it's taken months to do pictures b/c he always had a bump or bruise. I bet there is a placenta blocking some of the movements or the baby is facing your organs and is beating the heck out of your spleen. ;)
  5. liliana

    liliana Well-Known Member

    I remember my daughter (my first pregnancy), she just moved at night, and I didn't feel too much movement, too, just the last month I felt a lot, and it was very uncomfortable! Now she doesn't stop, she just quiet when she's sick!
    This pregnancy, the baby A is so quite, on the U/S they can measure everything with her, but the baby B I stay there forever because she doesn't stop!!!!
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I could not feel both babies move. The placenta was in front of baby B and I could not feel him because of that.
  7. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    I always felt one move more than the other.
  8. irrelevancy

    irrelevancy Well-Known Member

    I've always felt more movement from Baby B. Even now, when I can definitely feel movements from both, Baby B is just more active. I also have an anterior placenta.
  9. MistyP

    MistyP Well-Known Member

    I feel much more movement on the left side, (our baby boy) than I do on the right, (baby girl). When we had our ultrasound on Monday, he wouldn't stop moving!! My placenta is also on the right which cushions some of the movement. The ultrasound tech said the boy was covering the girl a bit too. I still feel some kicks on the right but not as much.
  10. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My placenta kept me from feeling a lot of movements, and Austin was sort of in behind Miles so I rarely felt him move at all. I was always reassured when I had an U/S though because i could see how much they were moving around in there and I couldn't feel it at all. But, if you're ever worried about anything give your dr. a call!
  11. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    this is how mine were too.

    I rarely felt Twin A move at all. not strange at all. Just the way it can be with twins.
  12. liliana

    liliana Well-Known Member

    I went to do a U/S, and they are both head down. and they really move a lot. She said that i have anterior placenta, and it's normal i fell more one side than the other!
  13. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That's great! That's exactly how my pregnancy was at about 24 weeks (although one was bum down) and like I said before I could only ever reliably feel one twin kicking me in the ribs :lol: Glad everything is a-ok! Isn't it reassuring to see all that movement and know that you're not feeling it all?
  14. MrsBirch

    MrsBirch Well-Known Member

    I was exactly the same, I could never feel Baby B...but now he won't stop moving for anything!!!
  15. momof6

    momof6 Well-Known Member

    I felt both babies distinctly but not until well past where you are. Early on I had no idea who I felt but later when their positions were in such a way and if they moved in such a way I knew. Your babies still have lots of room to move and flip flop so movements and the intensity of movements will change! Enjoy your pregnancy and feeling them move, I am sometimes sad that my tummy feels so empty!
  16. lizzbeech

    lizzbeech Guest

    I feel both babies now that I am pretty far along. But even at times, I think it's baby A kicking and when I've gone for u/s, found out it's baby B's legs or something lol

    Plus, baby A has an anterior placenta so at first I didn't really feel her move b.c the placenta absorbed the kicks!
  17. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Almost never felt jessy(baby b) move. She was above my belly button and tiny for her age
  18. j08w

    j08w Well-Known Member

    I always felt B. He was in a different place at every ultra-sound. The funny thing is that he is the more active of the two.
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