PT-ing supplies

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SMax, Dec 16, 2010.

  1. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    In anticipation of lots of accidents with the 3-day method, what kind of cleaning products should I have on hand? I guess I have no idea how big accidents really are...a full bladder or little dribbles? And the pooh...oh my, that shall be fun. Any hints/tricks that worked for you? Our laundry room is downstairs, so I am thinking of keeping a bucket upstairs to soak all the wet/dirty underwear. (Please note that I am clearly PLANNING for my kids to struggle on that day...what a vote of confidence!) Will I need a lot of old towels? What else did you find helpful to have in abundance?

    We have varied flooring throughout the upstairs and will be doing our best to keep them on the hardwood/tiled floors. And OFF of the furniture! We will definitely have to get creative with kitchen/dining room activities since both areas where they mostly play (family room and playroom) are fully carpeted. Maybe we should hold off on baking cookies with the kiddos until AFTER Christmas and make it a potty-training activity :)
  2. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    It wasn't as bad as I envisioned, but it's good you're getting prepared in advance! I tried to keep them contained in the kitchen/hallway area between the bathroom and kitchen. I brought out some bigger toys that were stored away in the basement that they hadn't seen in awhile. I brought up their kitchen and put it in my kitchen, and that kept them busy a lot. And we did a lot of arts/crafts type things. I also brought a little potty into the kitchen/hallway area so I could get them on it faster. I didn't really let them play on the carpet in the beginning, but I also wasn't doing the 24-7 3 day method. I just concentrated on training from morning til nap, and took it from there based on their progress.

    As for cleaning supplies, I just wiped up the pee and then wiped it down with a clorox wipe. In the beginning I did naked training. But once we moved to underwear, I'd throw the pee underwear in the washing machine and soak the poop ones in a basin near the washing machine - some of the real gross poop accidents, I just threw the underwear away. After a few days when I was more confident with them, I let them sit on the couch with a mattress-type protector under them. Now I'm used to accidents daily with my daughter, and it's annoying, but not a big deal. I no longer go out of my way worrying about the carpet or couch. And a lot of times in training pants, it often doesn't soak all the way through their pants onto the carpet. Same with poop - I just dump it from the underwear into the toilet. If it does soak through, I clean it up and spray some Spray and wash Resolve carpet cleaner on it.

    Good luck! It's rough at first for everyone to get the hang of it!
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I have mostly wood & tile floors so clean up was easy! but mainly, yes, I had a extra towels and burp cloths on hand to wipe the messes up and a spray bottle of lysol.

    as for baking cookies... hmm... I'd say don't attempt that the first few days b/c you will need to catch the in the act of going to get them to understand that they need to get to the potty. so you won't want the distraction of having to clean up yourself from cookie dough or burning cookies!

    As for cleaning the underwear, I had been cloth diapering so it wasn't a huge deal to me. basically it all sat in a pile and got washed at the end of the day. poopy underwear got plopped off into the toilet and then washed with the rest of the load in hot water. if you know of any foods that make your kids have runny poops I'd avoid them for a while until they are actually going on the potty. that's not to say that you want constipated kids... but nasty runny poops in underwear is NO fun!

    have fun with it, hopefully it won't be as bad as you anticipate! I cannot imagine having to change diapers on our kids right now, so I'm very pleased with our results!
  4. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the helpful suggestions, ladies! (DH just shakes his head and tells me that I am an "over-planner," but I like to be prepared!)
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    me too! I bought the little potties and the Potette Potty Plus back when the kids were 17 months old I think! It took me until they were closer to 2 yrs old to attempt it all! good luck!
  6. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    We had
    -A lot of paper towel
    -Spray bottle of cleaner
    -Plastic bags for wet panties
    -Flushable wipes to make it fun to wipe after you pee!
    -Foaming hand soap as a reward for peeing in the potty
    -Tons of extra panties and pants

    We have only hardwood and lino on the main floor and we kept them off the furniture. We did lots of coloring and play-doh and puzzles etc. The pooping wasn't as bad as I thought, you could always put a pantyliner in their undies if you really want to save them but I just bought some really cheap undies and if it was really bad I just threw them out.
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    yes, if the poops are nice solid ones its no biggie! it basically just plops off...

    as for buying cheap undies... I haven't found any... it took my boy over 3 months to finally poop in the potty and at $1-2 a pair... UGH! anyway, as I said before washing poop in the washer on hot gets it all clean.

    But seriously, if you know of any trigger foods for soft/runny poops stay away from those foods! that means for us bananas, dairy, soy, pears etc... but worth it if you can just plop the poops in the toilet. Oh and if they do go in their undies... make sure to make a big deal of "plopping" it into the toilet to show them where it goes and that they can "plop" if they sit on the toilet...
  8. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    My husband is going to love this part...he is 35 going on 13 :) And we will be avoiding sweet potatoes for awhile!
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