The twins just turned 3 at the end of August, and the switch seemed to flip at the precise moment they turned three. It's always, no don't do, stay out of, get down off of that. OR it's....why did you hit your brother...why did you throw that at your brother. GGGRRRRRR. :catfight: I'm at my wits end, they don't take to "time outs". They don't listen AT ALL. Is anyone else at this point and what in the world do I do before I ship them off to their grandma in Germany??? :wacko:
All of my kids have went through the TERRIBLE 3's. Two's were a breeze, but three is just terrible...and fours, ugh the fighting. Anyway, totally understand, it does get better...I know, I know, the "it gets better" phrase...but it does. It's totally exhausting, but totally normal! Positive reinforcement worked for us. Constantly praising them for the good things they are doing seemed to make them want to do more good things.
Same with us, about an hour after they turned three, the attitude and just general naughtiness showed up. Thankfully at least one of mine understands TO is a punishment and the other one, I just put him in his room.
2 was easy, 3 - :gah: mine probably think NO is the only word I can say!! to prove it - Addison just cut her own hair - :gah: !!!!!!!!!! she had such beautiful hair!
Mine are already starting to get more difficult, but so far we are dealing okay. I'm expecting worse to come.
My guys are so incredibly awful right now, that if they get any worse at 3, I think I'll end up find my nanny hog-tied behind the couch. :unsure: Stop scaring me!
Three's were worse than two's, but I see great improvements as we draw closer to them turning 4. Time-outs don't work for my son. He loves stuffed animals and sleeps with probably no less than 10 a night. When he isn't listening, we tell him he gets one more chance to make a good choice and then we will take away one of his stuffed animnals for the night. It works for him. We have made a big point of telling them they get a choice and more often lately they have been choosing the correct option and correcting the behavior at that moment.
I found 3 to be challenging - in part because I knew they knew better in some cases, so I found their behavior more objectionable (does that make sense). This has also been the year of "I do it myself," particularly with my daughter. I'm thrilled she is so independent, but sometimes having her do something isn't the fastest way to do it!
oh boy... I found my two were out of control at 2 yrs... and we've made some great progess in the past couple of months... I am terrified of the threes! I'm hoping that if I can establish listening to mommy skills now... maybe three won't be so bad? probably a naive mommy, huh?