For those of you who have your twins on a schedule...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lisagayle, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    For those of you who have your twins on a schedule, can you please post what a typical day looks like for you? I'm clueless as to how to space out their bottles and naps and food.

  2. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    This is roughly what we've been doing since 7.5 months...your LO's might not be ready for it yet since they are just 7 months and less adjusted but maybe it will give you some ideas!

    6:30 - bottle
    7:00 - solids
    8:30 - nap#1
    11:30 - bottle
    12:00 - solids
    1:00 - nap #2
    4:30 - bottle
    5:00 - solids
    6:00 - bath
    6:30 - bed

    My times are not set in stone, they vary but about 30 min depending on the day and what's going on. I will say that they weren't getting 3 solid meals a day until probably closer to 8.5 or 9 months, lunch was the last one I added, until that point it was just a bottle at noon. They are 11 months today (wow!) and we're still on the same schedule and it will stay this way until they go to 1 nap a day.
  3. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    That's roughly what our schedule was like too.. a bottle or BF before solids. We only did solids at lunch and dinner until they were about 9-10 months though, then we added breakfast. :)
  4. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    Ours is this:
    6:00 bottle with rice cereal mix (7oz)
    8:30-10:00 nap
    11:00 solids (1/2 jar)
    11:30 bottle (no rice cereal) (7oz)
    1:30-3:30 nap
    4:30 solid (1/2 jar)
    5:00 bottle (no rice cereal) (7oz)
    8:00 bottle with rice cereal mix (7oz)
    8:30 bedtime

    The doctor is still concerned about caloric intake, so he has us on an enfacare and rice cereal mix for breakfast and bedtime bottles still.
    We may have the sitter do a solids snack in the mornings soon. It seems like about time.

    We're pretty rigid with our schedule, it keeps life predictable. Plus, prevacid is supposed to be two hours after a feeding, so it's easier to know what time it is due every day instead of having to figure out the last meal and whether we're in the window for it.
  5. stephsoss

    stephsoss Well-Known Member

    6:30 nurse
    8:30 solids/6 oz bottle
    9:30 nap
    12:00 solids/6 oz bottle
    1:00 nap
    3:30 solids snack
    5:30 solids
    6:30 8 oz bottle

    The 8:30-3:30 times are approximate, but happen withing 15-30 minutes of those times.
  6. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    From 7 1/2 months:

    7:00 bottle #1
    8:30 solids
    9:30 nap
    11:00 bottle #2
    12:30 solids
    2:00 nap
    3:00 bottle #3
    4:30 solids
    7:00 bottle #4

    We've been in transition mode with our schedule for the past month so we don't quite follow this exactly right now. Bottle #4 is possibly on the way out.
  7. fannymercier

    fannymercier Member

    7 Bottle
    7h45 solids
    9h15 nap(45 min)

    11h bottle
    11h30 solids
    12h30 nap(2h)

    3h bottle
    one twin will have a 15min catnap at around 4.30

    5.30 solids
    6 bath

    6h45 bottle
    7 bed

    they are 6months. i started solids 3 weeks ago
  8. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    6- wake up
    6:45 - bottle
    7:30-8 - breakfast
    9- nap
    10:30 - bottle
    11:30 - lunch
    1 - nap
    2:30-3 - bottle
    4 - snack
    5 - dinner
    6 - bottle
    6:45 - bed

    On bath nights, bath is around 5:30 and bottle is a little after six. Sometimes they won't go down for a nap until after 10 so I'll give them their secone bottle at 10 which shifts lunch and the second nap later. We've been on this schedule for a couple of months, but I'm thinking about dropping the third bottle and adding a little milk at lunch time.
  9. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Sorry I have a side question? So how many oz of milk do you twins intake everyday from 8-10 months?I see you all posted like 4 bottles/day. But I don't know how many oz and do they finish all the bottles?my kids never drink 8oz at a feeding. They always drink like 4-6oz. So we still have 5 bottles now and I really want to go down 4 hmmm but don't know how.thanks
  10. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    This is what we have been doing since 7 months:

    7:00 - bottle
    7:30 - solids
    9:00 - nap#1 (Dropped this nap at around 10 months)
    11:00 - bottle
    12:30 - solids
    12:00 - nap #2
    3:00 - Snack, usually a yoguart and some water in a sippy
    4:45 - bottle
    5:00 - solids
    6:00 - bath
    6:45 - bed
  11. stephsoss

    stephsoss Well-Known Member

    Mine nurse first thing in the morning then take 6 oz for 3 bottles a day (sometimes 8 at the last bottle). With the nursing and bottles combines, they seem to take around 24-26 oz a day.
  12. fmcquinn

    fmcquinn Well-Known Member

    Mine have 6.5 oz at each bottle. I'll start decreasing the third bottle and replace it with whole milk in a zippy cup at lunch.
  13. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    Mine get three 6oz bottles and don't always finish them...they get on average about 14-16oz/day.
  14. Chrijodo

    Chrijodo Well-Known Member

    Our girls are almost 4 months old and this is what our schedule looks like :

    Ours goes something like this :

    7:30-8am-- Up, diaper change and feed.
    10a,-- Nap for about 2 hours
    12pm-- Up for another feed, diaper change
    2pm-- another 2 hour nap
    4pm-- Up for another feed and diaper change
    6pm-- Bedtime routine started. ( bath, massage, story, feed)
    Bed about 7:30pm- (Ember falls asleep here Kaeda usually will stay up until about 9pm and eat again before going to bed for the night)

    Both girls wake about 4 or 5 in the morning for a diaper change and food then go back to sleep until we wake up for the day.

    Now not all days go like this and all times are "flexible" but this is our general outline of how most days go.

    Each girl gets about 5 feeds a day and about 6 to 8 diapers changes depending on the times they poop etc.

    Some days we throw in an extra nap if they seem extra sleepy but that normal is a small cat nap of maybe 30 minutes.
  15. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I know I'm way past this age but I was a schedule nazi with all my babies so thought I'd chime in here. They were all doing about the same thing at the same times. For the twins at 7 mos:

    7 am: wake (or get them up at 7 if they woke up earlier)
    bottle followed immediately by solids
    9 ish: nap, up between 10:30 and 11
    11 am: bottle followed immediately by solids
    1 ish: nap, up by 2:30 or 3
    3 pm: bottle followed immediately by solids
    5 ish: 30 min catnap in the living room (swings or pnp)
    (if it was bath night, we'd start that about 6:30)
    7 pm: bottle, bed
  16. ncrawford

    ncrawford Active Member

    Hi! I'm a new mom to the forum. We have twin 6wk old girls and we need some help. My girls were born 6wks premature and we took them home after 2 wks in the NICU. The NICU had them on a schedule, but took them off before they came home. I know they might be too young for a schedule, but one of my girls hardly sleeps. We feed both of them at roughly the same time, but Kaylyn fusses for a long time after. For example: I fed her at 220pm, she stayed awake for an hour and acted as if she wanted to eat more...I tried to give her a little more and she didn't want it. She then began to fuss a lot, so I tried to do some infant massage to calm her...she ended up getting worse. I held her and she fell asleep, I put her in a car seat (this seems to help her) but she only slept for 15 minutes. Then began to scream again. I transferred her to a swing, she screamed harder. I then tried to change her diaper. (She hates being wet) But to no avail...she keeps screaming/crying.

    This scenario happens a lot. Sometimes she falls asleep right before we need to wake her for her next feeding (we are trying to get them on a schedule because both of us are going back to work and won't have each other to help out) or she screams/cries on and off for 3hrs. What to do??

    We give her a nuk to help calm her, but she spits it out after we stop holding it. She seems to be alright when held, but we also can't hold her all the time.
  17. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    Have you had them checked out for reflux? What about lactose intolerance? Our boys were a lot like that when they were very small - we started seeing major issues around 3 weeks old (they were not premature, though). It took awhile to get things sorted out, but it turned out that had severe reflux and MSPI (milk and soy protein intolerance). I would talk to your pediatrician about those two possibilities - they may need meds and/or a different formula (or if you are breastfeeding, you may need to change your diet). The good news is, none of these things last forever! Just don't be afraid to talk over your concerns with your doctor. Once you clear these medical concerns, then you can think about more of a schedule, and honestly, the first few months, there isn't much of a schedule anyway as much as we all would have loved it. The only thing we did as far as a schedule at that point was: when one is hungry, feed them both, and they should be sleepy 60-90 minutes after they wake up so watch for the sleepy signs and try to get them down. Good luck and welcome to the forums!

    ETA: you will probably get a lot more responses if you post your own new thread. There is a place at the top of this thread that says "start a new topic".
  18. ncrawford

    ncrawford Active Member

    thank you so much!
  19. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

  20. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I know this wasn't directed at me, but I thought I would share our schedule when we were on 3 bottles a day - it is a bit unconventional compared to what a lot of people do, but it worked for us (now we are transitioning to sippy cups - just dropped the middle bottle and spread it out as formula with each meal).

    6:30am bottle
    8:15am breakfast
    11am bottle
    12:30am lunch
    2:30pm snack (cut up fruit and a mum mum usually)
    5pm dinner
    6:45pm bottle

    I think what a lot of people do is have lunch around 11am and the middle bottle around 12:30 before afternoon nap. For a lot of reasons I won't get into, that didn't work for us, so we flipped them and did it like I listed above instead.

    Good luck finding a schedule that works for you - it is a real challenge sometimes!!
  21. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I favor having bottles/sippies before the meal, too. This helps a lot. :)
  22. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    I give the bottles before meals so at roughly 6:30am, 11:30am and 4:30pm. The times can be about 30 min later depending on what's going on but I try not to give them earlier.
  23. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    Here's a schedule for CATNAPPERS (and hope for moms who are banging their head against the wall trying everything to get their kiddos to nap longer).

    7:00 wake-up, milk
    7:30 get dressed
    8:00 solids
    8:30 - 9:00 play with tummy time
    9:00 nap - 30 minutes
    9:30 milk
    10:00 - 11:30 play
    11:30 milk
    noon: nap - 30 minutes
    12:30 solids
    1:00 - 2:30 play
    2:30 milk
    3:00 nap - 30 minutes
    3:30 - 4:30 play
    4:30 milk
    5:00 - 5:30 play
    5:30 walk
    6:00 winding down in room, massage time
    6:30 bottle with rice cereal
    7:00 bed

    I can't recall when it happened, but due to our catnaps, my kiddos took 4 naps per day for the longest time. So if you have catnappers, you may need to work in another nap.

    Also, about one month ago, we began putting the girls to sleep in different rooms. That has helped a lot with getting them down. For a while there, they would chat and keep each other up. It broke my heart to separate them, but they seem to prefer it.
  24. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    How old are your girls?
  25. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    I know how you feel - our boys are total catnappers, and they only take two naps a day. For some unknown reason Gabriel slept 1.5 hours this morning - I couldn't believe it! But most days it is two 30-45 minute naps, and they are earlier risers, too. For the last week, Michael has been up every morning around 5am again. Ugh!! They had been sleeping until 6:30 - I'm hoping it's just the cold they are recovering from, but I don't know for sure. I'm am SO jealous of people whose kids sleep 12 hours at night and take 1.5-2 hour naps twice a day! Some days I'm lucky if our boys sleep 12 hours total.

    Okay, sorry, I just needed to vent a bit. :aggressive: :laughing:
  26. DblStuffOreo

    DblStuffOreo Well-Known Member

    Our girls are 8 mos (6 1/2 adjusted).
  27. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    Wow, just replace Gabriel and Michael with Athan and Claire and I could have written this word for word!
  28. ALee710

    ALee710 Banned

    My twins are 5 1/2 months now.

    For the last 2 months this has been our schedule. I only do 1 baby food meal a day at this point. Its either breakfat at 10 am, lunch at noon or dinner at 7......really depends on the boys mood and how our day is going.

    7/7:30 am - they wake up, change, bottle (6 oz)
    Play time
    Between 8 and 9 am - go down for nap (usually 30 min to an hour)
    10:00/10:30 am - bottle or solids (2 jars or 6 oz)
    Play time
    12:00/12:30 am - bottle or solids (2 jars or 6 oz)
    1:00/2:00 pm - nap
    Play time
    3:00 pm - bottle (6 oz)
    Play time
    5:00/6-6:30ish - nap
    6/6:30 - bottle (6 oz)
    Bath time/Play time, they they go down for a "power nap" around 7:45/8
    We wake them at 8:45 pm for a 6 oz multi-grain cereal bottle and then its straight to their cribs by 9 pm.

    I am slowly trying to move bed time up.
    My twins have been sleeping through the night since they were 10 wks and have always put themselves to sleep.

    You really just have to try different things and find what works best for you and your babies.
    Good luck!!!!
  29. NaturallyBaby

    NaturallyBaby Well-Known Member

    Our schedule has looked like this for about 1.5 months now:

    6 am - wake up
    7 am - breakfast
    8 am nurse and nap#1
    10 am - nurse
    11:30 - lunch
    12:30 - nurse and nap #2
    3:30 - nurse
    4:00 - nap #3 (variable and very short - 20-30 mins)
    5:00 - supper
    6:40 - nurse and bed
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