4mos well check today

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by christinam, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    The twins had their check up. Allie (baby A) is 12lbs 8oz and 23" long. Maddie (baby B) is 13lbs and 25" long. The doctor said they're doing great.
  2. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Congrats! They are healthy babies. You're doing great job mama!!
  3. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Thanks! The doctor we see has students so I always volunteer to be one of the test subjects. The doctor double checks everything so no biggie. Anyway, today I had to laugh at myself. When I had my first kid I came in overprepared with a huge diaper bag overflowing, a list as long as Santa's of questions, and all flustered. Today I just sat there and drank coffee. It was nice and quiet since I just had the twins with me. They laid in their seats playing with their blankets, the doctor set up all the papers, etc for the student and they asked if I had any questions and I just sat there with my coffee and said nope! Not saying anything about anyone with questions. I am just saying it was funny how much you change after five children! lol
  4. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Lol that's a big change. I remember when the kids were 4 months, ine time my husband was about to take them in. I gave him a 2 page list of questions. Then he called me and said 'how about we reschedule it? I know you wanna talk to the doc directly.' I said ok. But later on, my sis told me he said he didn't want go because he's afraid hed miss some questions and I'd be upset lol. The twins are our first.and they were born premature.so I was so super nervous. Now they are 2 months old and healthy. I'm a bit relax lol. Oh I used to call the nurse at the office to ask milloion questions. I bet I'm famous at the pedi office lol.

    And I so admire you. How could you handle 5 kids and run the house??? I just have the twins, a full time job, and a messy house. And I'm super exhausted lol
  5. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    Having questions is a good thing really. I'm don't want to make anyone feel bad. I'm just proud of myself for being more relaxed this go around. I'm the type A person that has to plan every small detail. I have really relaxed. I guess I put myself in survival mode the first couple months or really until like a couple weeks ago when I started to notice we were getting on a schedule. I let go of a lot of the stress. I think that's why I am enjoying things more this time. Not that I didn't enjoy the other three. I did but I always just stressed myself out so much. Especially with my son. I remember making a list of all the words DS could say and gave it to the pedi at his 9 mos well check. She was more concerned in knowing he could say something. She didn't need a list. But I felt it was SO necessary. lol

    I'm a SAHM so I feel lucky I can have a say in our schedule. Not the twins of course but as far as running around. I have to take DS to preschool on MWF but other than that it's all up to me and what we feel like doing. Sometimes we're go go go and sometimes we stay home a lot. I'm in a stay home phase because it's so cold! We're supposed to meet a friend tomorrow at a playarea and I just want to stay home so bad. I function a lot of mornings because of coffee. The house is a disaster but I have accepted that I do what I can do and not stress myself out. Holidays or whenever we have company the house will be completely clean for about an hour. lol
  6. zanetaya

    zanetaya Well-Known Member

    We had our girls 4 month on wednesday also. They were 13lbs and 13lb 2oz. They were born at 36 weeks 2 days. Their Dr. says they are developmentally more like 3 month olds in a lot of ways. They are just starting to grab their toys and aren't even close to noticing their feet. Do your babies notice or grab their toes yet? She said this is normal for babies born a little early, but I've never had a child "behind" yet. It's fun to see what other babies their same age are doing.
  7. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I just replied to your other post but will add something here too. They aren't really grabbing at their feet. Just this afternoon Allie seemed to notice her sock when my MIL was holding her. That was a first. Allie is ahead of Maddie. The pedi wasn't really concerned though. She said just to push the tummy time a bit more because Maddie isn't really rolling either. She isn't fond of tummy time. Allie on the other hand likes it and sleeps on her tummy. They didn't label Maddie behind. Or if they did they didn't tell me.
  8. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    dont worry about 'playing with toes'. at all the check up, my kids were never behind. but my girl started playing with her fingers since 3.5 months. even now she doesnt play with her toes that much.and she used to put evrything in her mouth lol. pedi never concerned she said'its normal.' my son doesnt play with fingers, but toes. he always plays with his socks and tries to pull them off. and he doesnt put things in his mouth. again pedi didnt concern. kids are different.oh and you really dont want them play with toes. they will pull their legs up high and squeeze their stomach and next thing you know is...all the food/milk on the floor or themselves lol. so dont stress!
  9. christinam

    christinam Well-Known Member

    I totally agree!!!!
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