How do you (if you do) bath your young toddlers alone?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marleigh, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    Looking for suggestions on how to safely handle this. I have the tub safety seats, But I'm more worried about taking 1 out (drying and dress) and what to do with the other one (keep in tub safety seat? Take out wet? Do you use a pack and play (and keep it in the bathroom) to watch one? Any ideas?

    My twins are 15 months.
  2. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    I wash both in the tub together without seats and we've been doing this since they were about 11 months old. I dry their hair with a washcloth as much as possible, then brush it. I drain the tub. Once the water is gone, I take one baby out and wrap them in a towel and then I take the other baby out. We then walk to their bedroom together. :)
  3. swilhite25

    swilhite25 Well-Known Member

    I used to bring the towel, two diapers, wipes and desitin into the bathroom with me. I'd bathe them and then take one out and dry and dress him/her right on the rug in front of the tub (in just a diaper.) Then I'd repeat and we'd all walk to their bedroom together to put on sleepers. Worked pretty well - the trick is working quickly and having everything you need with you before you start the bath. :)
  4. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I bath my kids by myself all the time, single mom here. THis is what I do. I get all their bedtime stuff together, sleepers, diapers, undershirts, creams, towel, and lay them out in the bathroom doorway. I bring one baby up, close him in the bathroom, he cant get into anything, toilets have locks on them, etc. I go and get his brother, bring him up, and I also bring my three yr old up as well. I start running the bath, strip them down, plop them in. I wash them all one after the other. I feel like an assembly line at this point. I take out the first baby, dry him off, dress him, I pull the plug in the bath a few mins before the first baby is dressed. By the time Nathaniel is dressed, the tub is empty. I take Nathaniel downstairs, put him in the gated area, go back upstairs, take out William. Etc.
  5. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    I have always bathed mine by myself. I put them in the bath with no seat by that age as well. I think I stopped using any sort of support in the tub by around 1. I use my bathroom to give them baths in now, because it's a much larger tub and bathroom than the one in their room. I bring all of their stuff to the bathroom before bath (diaper, pj's, lotions, towels, etc.). Give them a bath, let them play, then take the plug from the tub (leaving some water, but draining, while I dress the other). Take one out and dress that one right by the tub on the rug, so I can still see the one in the tub with no problems. Let the first kid just run around while I get the other one out and get them dressed.
  6. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I bathe one at a time. The second baby waits in the exersaucer. First baby then goes in crib or PNP with a diaper on(I turn the heat up to 72) and some toys. Second baby gets bath and then goes in crib or PNP with diaper. Then everyone gets dressed. Then clean the bathroom. Then collapse from sheer exhaustion.
  7. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    I plop them in the tub together at the same time. I wash them one after another. I take out one baby, dry, diaper, and put in pjs. I do this from their bedroom, but it's literally 3-4 ft from the tub because they have a jack-n-jill bathrooom. Then let the dressed baby play around their room while I grab, dry, and dress the other one. I leave the water in the tub (low amount anyways) for the 2nd one while I'm getting the 1st one ready so that he doesn't get cold. Then they go to bed together
  8. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    This is exactly my routine! :)
  9. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    This is basically what I did at that age too. Only I used to brush teeth before going to the bedroom to get pyjamas on. I was also not using any kind of bath seat by that age and I used to leave the water in for the second baby so they didn't get cold and because they would sit better then. If I drained the water they would be stood up trying to climb out. I figured I was sitting right on the bath mat so if they did slip or anything I could grab them in a second.

    Good luck, once you get a system figured out and get used to it it's not so hard!
  10. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    I put both in the tub then take one out dry the first off as much as possible, then get the other out and dry them off as much as possible. Then they run naked to their room to get diapers and jammies on (the bath is in my bedroom). They like being naked so I let them run around upstairs like that. Our house is usually pretty warm too. I feel silly, but they love being "naked baby"!
  11. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I also take the diapers into the bathroom with me (or send one of my older kids if I've forgotten lol), let them play for a bit, then wash them both, take out Liam first (he always gets cold first), dry and diaper him, then let him run while I dry and diaper Rylee. If I remember jammies I'll get them dressed too, but if I didn't, we'll all go running into their room to get their jammies on :)
  12. Lynn76

    Lynn76 Well-Known Member

    I bath them together. I gather all I need, plop them in the tub, let them play, wash them up and one at a time, get them out, dry them off and get them dressed. If its in the winter, I put a small heater in there to warm up the room to keep them warm after being in the tub. They know not to touch the heater cause it's "Hah" Jons word for hot!!!
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