Armitis an waking each other up (long)

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Eribour, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. Eribour

    Eribour Well-Known Member

    I'm hoping with as many moms on here and as many babies we are together raising someone can help me here.

    First-- in the last month I have had a never ending cycle at
    night of up and down. It starts at midnight with one baby waking for a paci. I go in replace it and go back to bed. Within thirty minutes the other wants the same thing. This goes on every 30/45 minutes until about 2:30 when I feed them. They then go to sleep for a solid 1 1/2 and we start the cycle again. Any ideas on how to stop this. I'm scared to let them cry because they do wake each other up. Then that's another problem.

    Second- this goes for days and nights. DD has what i call armitis. She will fall asleep, we put her in the be and she starts screaming. We have to make sure that she is sleeping hard before putting her down (and even then she sometimes wakes up). With her twin brother and older sister this is causing problems. I don't always have time to rock that long. I've put her down and let her cry, going in to give paci and pat her back but she just vrylies until I pick
    her back up. I am tempted to try CIO but I feel like she is
    to young (4months). I had to let her cry for a while once b/c my older one had gotten sick and I had to bathe her, clean the mess, and comfort her. She screamed for the full hour!!! I did go in and pat her, give paci, ect but it had to be quick considering the other situation. What can I do? She needs to learn to sleep without us having to rock for so long. Any suggestions. I'm tired, and need help.
  2. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    My newest DD is 8 weeks and I started using the baby whisperer method with her for this exact reason. You put the baby down awake, and tightly swaddled and if she cries you roll her to her side, pat her back firmly and make a loud shushing noise next to her ear (not in her ear). You also try to get her to fall asleep without the paci so you don't need to replace it all night...
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I didn't have the problems of finding the paci in the middle of the night. Have you tried putting a few pacifiers in there, so that they can find them on their own? Do you swaddle for bed? And do you have a sound machine of sorts for their room?

    At six months is when I stopped the rocking to sleep. But, it didn't usually take too long to get them to sleep. And if I noticed they weren't asleep as I put them in their crib, I would put my hand on their back/chest for a few minutes, so they knew I was still there. That usually did the trick! And I waited to do CIO until six months.

    Good luck! I hope you can get some sleep soon!
  4. Eribour

    Eribour Well-Known Member

    I've tried a few times with the several pacis but she can't put it in her mouth yet (when did yours start that). We have a sound machine in their room and it does help some but they still wake each other. I am cautious about them waking the other up. Maybe I just need to allow them to cry a bit more so they get used to it. No I don't swaddle at all. They have never liked being swaddled. They just scream and squirm until they are free.
  5. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have no idea when they could put the pacifiers in...I know at 7 months they were. So yeah, probably not four months! My boys have always shared a room. And they have learned to sleep through each others cries. From the beginning. You may want to try that-get them used to it. Some kids can adjust, some can't. But I would certainly try!

    My husband was the master swaddler! LOL! He tucked them in realllllll tight, there was no moving out of them!
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