My boys are wild heathens!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by shannon713, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. shannon713

    shannon713 Active Member

    So we just got back from a so called child friendly Christmas party. My DH was for leaving the boys at home with a babysitter and I, the naive one, thought it would be a great idea to take our boys to the party especially since there would be other children there. Boy was I wrong, it was the longest 2 hours of our lives and so very stressful. Our boys were everywhere and going in separate directions, climbing on all the furniture, getting into cabinets and draws, bedrooms, bathrooms, pulling things off tables, escaping through the front door, the list goes on and on.... :) My head was literally spinning when we left! It was nuts and neither one of us could have a half way normal conversation with anybody!

    Is this normal??? I feel like my children are so out of control, every other child seemed so well behaved and very content just being held. And granted the other kids are only children, but really can they be that different from mine? Is this a twin thing?? I have no clue, when will this horrible phase pass.

    Anyways I just feel like putting on some really warm and fuzzy pjs and putting my family in lockdown mode at the house until the holiday season is over (lol) because I dont think anybody, not even my worst enemy, should have to go through an evening like tonight! :) Yikes!
  2. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Sounds like it could be normal, if they arent used to going out often. Our kids used to act like that when we tried to go to restaurants. It was miserable. I explained to my husband that unless we started "practicing" the behavior we expected and trying it out every now and then they were never going to act how we wanted them too.
    So at home we started making them sit at the table patiently, while everyone finished eating- not just getting down and going off to play. We made them talk with inside voices etc. We tried to practice our table behavior just like we were at a restaurant.
    At your boys age you can start talking about good behavior and what you expect. You could also reserve a few toys that are "special" and used for occasions like tonight.

    Two babies are definitely different than one baby! I remember the single child envy, believe me. Think about what you can do now, at home, to practice the behavior you want, and every now and again try an outing and see how it goes :)
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with this :good: They are at the age where anything new is exciting and fun and they want to test their boundaries. We kept the same behavior expectations that we had at home for when we went out and with practice, they behaved better and better.
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    What you describe is what we had a week of our first vacation together. It. Was. Ridiculous. Practice has improved things, but our boys are also just very high energy and curious and they hate being held. So when we have to be in a busy crowded social situation I bring a couple of toys, or improvise with plastic cups or napkins or whatever. We also each take one kid (I couldn't, and wouldn't go anywhere alone with them right now) and trade off every so often so they don't get bored.

    Now that they're a bit older we are really working on "no touch", but it's a challenge. Every opportunity they get at home even they're trying to get into dangerous things. I know part of that is because I have a separate gated area for them which has very few limitations so we have to work extra hard to train them. But it's tough.. they're little maniacs :lol:
  5. ilovemonkeys

    ilovemonkeys Well-Known Member

    I have wondered the same thing about my kids, seeming out of control while other kids are just sitting there quietly.
  6. efmolly

    efmolly Well-Known Member

    Are you sure you didn't have my boys with you that night? :laughing: You just described my life! Aren't you scared for the "terrible twos"? I've just learned that if I want to enjoy myself, I've got to drop the kids off at my inlaws.
  7. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Honestly, your boys sound a lot like my guys, so if your LOs aren't "normal" then neither are mine!! My boys are good kids, but they are very high-energy, curious, independent (at inconvenient times :rolleyes:), and strong-willed. Any time I take them anywhere I expect to do nothing but run after them, making sure they don't break something or kill themselves! This was true when they were your boys' age, and it's still true now. I'm not really a "helicopter parent", but I hate to see them break anything that I don't personally own, so I do a lot of hovering and running.

    My sister recently moved back into the state, and she's been after me to let the boys stay the night in her house (she lives with her boyfriend). We took the boys to visit a few weeks ago, and after several hours of running around keeping them from overturning plants and climbing on the taxidermy (don't ask), she hasn't brought it up again! :lol:
  8. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys love being out, but yes, they are a couple of handfuls. They love weird things like cords to vaccums. & electronics. :gah:
  9. Reeny691

    Reeny691 Well-Known Member

    Yours sound alot like mine. It does drive me nuts but I have lost about 7 pounds from chasing these maniacs. Christmas should be fun at the nonbaby safe houses
  10. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    Sometimes it's just a rough day. I know with my older child there were so many times when people would go on and on about how "good" he was, and then other times when he was just impossible. It may have just been a good day for the other kids at the party!
  11. raysNkids

    raysNkids Active Member

    Forget going out...that's what my life is like right here in my own house! :gah: It seems like one day they just woke up and decided to climb on and get into everything!! I spent last week baby-proofing (more than it already was) my living room, dining room, and kitchen. Now if I can only figure out a way to get them to stop climbing on the couches! I wouldn't mind it so much but they are CRAZY when they get up there. I can just see one of them pushing the other right off it!
  12. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    I hate going to family get togethers in homes that are not toddler friendly/proofed. It is so chaotic and you never get to visit with anyone because your chasing the crazies all day. At any rate, I empathize. Hugs. You are not alone, my boys are the same.
  13. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

    Ours too! Anywhere they go they will find every single cord in the house, ever single light switch, electrical outlet, etc. Right now one of my boy's favorite things to play with is an old alarm clock. :unknw:
  14. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sebastian would turn the channel on the cable box all day if I let him. Both love the iPod touch and my cellphone. They've started calling my bff without me knowing it.
  15. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    That's so funny about the weird "toys" our LOs like to play with! My guys are obsessed with the vacuum (partially fear-related), and they insist on playing with the attachments and hoses. :pardon: My sister was watching them one afternoon and she texted me to ask what the heck "PC Bagum" meant; I had to tell her that they were asking for a "piece of vacuum"!! :rotflmbo: They also love calculators, alarm clocks, and old remotes. :rolleyes:
    1 person likes this.
  16. MeredithMM

    MeredithMM Well-Known Member

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